His technical terms are not for Xiaobao, but for explaining the situation to Gu Xiling.

The latter smiled slightly and stroked the little guy's head, "Mr. Chu, this is my godson. A medical genius."

"Okay, you sign according to the procedure."

Elder Chu looked at the little guy next to him in relief, then turned and walked in.

Gu Xiling was still in a state of embarrassment.

Both he and Li Ze'an had just rushed back from Fengcheng, and they knew something had happened before they had time to rest.

At this moment, the two looked at each other, and could only lean on the chair in the corridor and smile wryly.

"If I had known this way, I wouldn't go there, and I didn't help much, and I was delayed here..."

Li Ze'an gave him a cold look, "It's as if you can help if you stay here."

Fighting is no good, let alone doing anything else.

With only his medical skills, in the chaotic scene of Fengcheng, if there is an emergency, he may be able to save people.

Gu Xiling chose to remain silent.

Only a little tired leaning against the wall, looking up at the sky.

"I can't even explain the situation to Tongtong. If she knows that my sister-in-law has been taken away alone, she will have to fight with me."

"Sister-in-law's own choice, she is not an ordinary girl, she is a little confident."

The two did not speak for a while.

The little guy next to Dudu was exceptionally silent.

In his phone is a message from Tu Yi.

After an hour or so, the specific location has been found.

It's just that the defense is tight, and those of them can't break in without knowing the sentry post.

But Bai Xiran's window remained open.

Tu Yi crouched on a high place with a telescope, and after staring at it for 10 minutes without moving, he finally saw a figure walking by the window.

His eyes lit up.

"Find the target and confirm the safety of the hostages."

A chuckle came from the walkie-talkie, "Hostage? You talk about your little aunt like that, and see how she teaches you."

This news finally made everyone's hearts fall to the ground.

All confidence is not as reassuring as what you see in front of you.

In fact, they had never done anything like risk a pregnant woman.

Xu Yan's face darkened again, and he spat out the unlit cigarette in his mouth, and said coldly, "After all, it's Mo Junzhe's problem. I can't protect my women and children. waste!"

Tu Yi and the others looked at each other, how dare they talk to each other.

The boss has been holding back his anger for the past few days. Since he received the contact from Bai Xiran until now, his face has not been better for a day.

This day is getting more and more sad.

Tu Yi lay motionless on the ground, watching the situation in the telescope.

"Captain, don't get too excited. I think she's quite comfortable inside."

Isn't this just sitting there and playing stand-alone games?

Except that the belly looks bigger and it is not convenient to move, what is the difference with vacation?
"Wait, what is she doing?"

Bai Xiran sprayed the perfume all over the place with one hand in his hand, while sticking out the window with one hand, the movement arc was extraordinarily wide.

"Hey, isn't this a little dangerous?"

A few people could only watch from a distance, each looking more nervous than the other.

And suddenly, Bai Xiran let out an "ah", and fell forward...

"Nest X!"

A foul word popped out of Tu Yi's mouth.

"She fell out!"

Eight-month-old belly, turn the window!
He was shocked.

But Bai Xiran propped his hands on the window railing, and his whole body was staggering, but he didn't directly fall to the ground...

Instead, he was surprised by the two people standing guard below.

"Something went wrong, hurry up!"

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