The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 1460 I Always Feel You Will Betray Me

Lin Fengyu's expression remained unchanged, and there was a gleam in his lowered eyes, "So, what does Miss Nuan think about marrying someone like me?"

She tilted her head with a smile on her small face, and her slender fingers landed on the man's chest.

Lightly poked a few times.

"If you want to talk about your thoughts, it's probably a kind of intuition." Warm smiled cleanly, "I have a hunch that you have hidden a lot of things from me, and maybe one day... you will betray me."

"Just like you did to that sister from the Feng family."

The voice fell.

The man's eyes flickered behind the lens, and the hands that fell on her waist were slightly retracted, "Even so, you still want to marry someone who raped you like me?"

Nuan Nuan pushed him away, "Everyone is forced to do nothing, I want to keep the things at home. As for what you want... If it is me, I will give it to you."

She is very chic.

Lin Feng and his complexion were slightly serious.

"Okay, let's go back." Nuan Nuan pushed him, waved to him, and there was no extra attachment between words.

She knew early on that this was not a man she could easily control.

What's more, the more he contacts now, the more frightened he becomes when he realizes that the entire Lin family is almost under his control.

Sister Bai specifically mentioned that her eldest brother is an extremely dangerous person.

And so far I haven't figured out why he targeted the Mo family, why he favored Feng Yinyin, and then suddenly abandoned him.

Lin Fengyu did not leave immediately.

He only stretched out his hand and directly pulled the girl into his arms.

Lips drop.

Kiss hard for a few seconds.

"Don't test me easily, eh?"

Her face changed slightly.

His lips were bitten, and he could vaguely taste a faint smell of blood.

Lin Fengyu took off his glasses, put the tip of his nose against hers, and every word that fell into her ear was cool.

"Be my wife and be good."

Wen Nuan's body trembled slightly.

Even though he was mentally prepared, his spine still felt chills when facing this man.

And the man left after speaking, as if giving her that kiss, just to warn her.

It wasn't until the car disappeared from sight that Wen Nuan withdrew his thoughts and went upstairs slowly.

"came back?"

"How did he say."

Old Mrs. Gref was standing by the window, and she had been looking downstairs just now.

Wen Nuan felt a little embarrassed, and sat beside him with his head down, "I didn't say anything, but you should insist on starting with us."

"Then let him go."

The old lady was full of disdain, "We should also let him have a longer memory, otherwise he really thinks our girls are easy to bully."

Wen Nuan was startled, a little surprised.

"Okay, clean up the things here in the past few days, and leave when the time comes."



The house in Orlando was bustling as usual.

From the first day the mother and son arrived here, the party has never stopped.

Bai Xiran, who can cook well, has become the best friend of almost all the famous ladies in the neighborhood.

"Xiran is my most precious friend, there is a grand banquet tomorrow, you must come!" The speaker was also called Lisiter.

The cousin of the little prince next door.

She was a little excited, "Xiran and Xiaobao both reserved the best seats, and then I will introduce you to my friends..."

Bai Xiran smiled and nodded, "Okay, okay. But... what kind of banquet? Official?"

"It was prepared by the queen herself for my brother."

The princess was very down-to-earth, eating with a skewer in her hand and said, "To welcome him and his future wife."

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