The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 1420 Good night, my Mrs. Mo

"Wannuan also agrees..." The man repeated what Lin Fengyu wanted to convey, and said in a deep voice, "In short, my wife can take care of her at ease, so don't worry too much about it."

Bai Xiran's eyes were round and round, and he was in a state of astonishment.

She almost got up from the bed, quickly picked up the phone, "I'll call Nuannuan..."

"Madam." Mo Junzhe frowned, with a hint of helplessness in his voice.

"She is an adult and will be responsible for her own decisions. Given the current situation of their family, it is not surprising that she is willing to marry Lin Fengyu."

He roughly explained the situation, "The royal family attaches great importance to inheritance. If Wen Nuan wants to inherit the title, the man must take her surname..."


"Isn't this equivalent to what we call getting married?"

Mo Junzhe finally changed his clothes, and walked around the room with his upper body bare, "It's not exactly the same, but the similar."

Bai Xiran was stunned for a moment, "So, Lin Fengyu is at a disadvantage?"

and many more.

"Then can my grandfather and that old lady agree?"

Mo Junzhe, "..."

He didn't want to continue this topic anymore, so he went straight into the bathroom, "In short, it's not up to us to intervene in the follow-up matters. If you care, you can ask tomorrow."


If it was warm and voluntary, she would naturally not say anything.

Others could tell that his cheap elder brother was probably really in love with Nuannuan.

Despite his gloomy temperament, who knows how much this "sincerity" is worth compared with his other goals?

Bai Xiran thought about it in a daze, and fell asleep on the bed with peace of mind.

A new quilt in red...

There are still a few balloons that have not been dismantled.

After a while, a familiar body crawled under the quilt.

A burning kiss fell on her lips.

The man took her into his arms.

"Husband... not now." She muttered in a low voice, placing her hands on her still flat stomach.

Mo Junzhe sighed lightly, seemingly regretting, "I know."

He held hers in his palm, covering the soft little hand with his thick palm.

Then said in a deep voice, "Good night, Mrs. Mo."


Early the next morning.

Bai Xiran was woken up by the sound of arguing outside.

The Mo residence has always been quiet, since she was pregnant, even Xiao Bao rarely disturbed her morning sleep.

No one was around.

But there is still residual heat on the quilt.

"I have to listen to an explanation! It was like this back then, and it's like this now, Mo Junzhe, you really want to end the Feng family's succession!"

The wind family?

Bai Xiran hurriedly put on his clothes and went outside.

Just opened the door.

I saw the little guy leaning on the side corridor.

Mo Xiaobao's hair was messy, and he was still wearing his favorite bear pajamas. He was wrinkling his steamed bun face and staring angrily at the people below.

"Xiao Bao, good morning."

Hearing her voice, the little guy turned his head around.

But she nodded shyly, "Ran Ran Zao."

He is not very happy.

Bai Xiran hurried over to hug him, "What's wrong, Xiaobao was woken up too?"


It's a mess.

When the little guy is upset, his eyebrows will be clamped completely, looking like a young man.

"It's the old man from the Feng family."

Obviously, Mo Xiaobao has been here for a long time, and he probably heard the conversation just now clearly.

Bai Xiran nodded, "Yes, he may be in a hurry. Xiaobao goes to change clothes and wash up first, and we will have breakfast together later."

She was persuasive, "I asked the kitchen to make snail noodles, secretly..."

When the little guy heard it, his eyes lit up immediately.

"Baby brush your teeth right away!"

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