Gu Xiling was in a hurry.

Went over to check it out.

I don't know if I don't see it, but I breathe a sigh of relief when I see it!

"It's just overwork, just feed her some water and take a rest."

Xiaobao wiped away his tears, nodded quickly, "Hello, Xiaobao, take your time..."

"Good. But where did your father go just now? The meeting is almost gone, what else does he have to do?"

The little guy thought for a while and said in a low voice, "Let's go find Aunt Nuan, Aunt Nuan was taken away by my uncle."

Gu Xiling, "??"

"Lin Fengyu?" Boqing roared at the door, "Is this really a wicked person? The people in the bureau just passed a statement to me, and today's wedding disturbance was instigated by him."

He scratched his head, "But there is no evidence."

Lin Fengyu was afraid that he had a plan in advance, and he would never give others a chance to catch him.

"But didn't he save Feng Yinyin before? Why did he abandon her now?"

Gu Xiling and Bo Qing looked at each other, unable to understand the reason.


And at No. 23 Nancheng Street.

Mrs. Gref has already arrived at the address accompanied by a group of people.

There was only a quiet villa in front of him, and there was no one else around.

Lin Feng and the people were standing outside the door, and when they saw someone coming over, they greeted them, "I mean, please go up alone."

"That won't work, I have to ensure the safety of this old lady!" A Jin was a little anxious.

My husband hasn't arrived yet, so I can't afford it if something happens.

But Mrs. Gref thought for a while, but walked forward forcefully, "I have a title on me, after all, I still have a royal status. If Lin Fenghe wants to develop in Northern Europe, he will not do anything to me."

"If he dares to hurt Wen Nuan, I will never let him go!"

"It's grandma's voice." Nuan Nuan huddled under the quilt, looking at the man in front of him with red eyes.

She wanted to get up and look, but when she thought of her current situation, she could only shrink back silently.

Instead, the man was neatly dressed, standing by the bed, and said in a low voice, "I will make an agreement with her and let you marry me."


Nuan Nuan froze for a moment, blushing, "Grandma won't agree!"

"It's done, she will."

What are you talking about?

Nuannuan looked down at his naked appearance, and thought with his toes, he knew what grandma would do if she saw it!

"You are too insidious! Even... even if we have that, grandma will still take into account my wishes, she loves me the most!"

"It's because she loves you." Lin Fengyou's voice was soft, as if he was saying the simplest thing, "Your family is about to marry the Black family. After you go back, the higher-ups will let you marry the second prince Black."

"Impossible! I'm going into the laboratory..."

Seeing her excited appearance, the man suddenly laughed, "It sounds like you are more disgusted with marrying Blake."

"I'm disgusted!"

"In short, why she let you come to China, allowed you to take a vacation, and couldn't wait to let you go on a blind date, is because of this. Your family... must marry now."

Lin Fenghe's voice was very soft, just leaning on one side, with a smile on his face behind the lens, "The strength of the Lin family in Northern Europe has just reached the standard line for marriage. Besides, we are ordinary people without titles. Hurt people, marrying me can not only keep the hereditary title, but also solve the crisis."

He paused for a moment, then suddenly smiled, "What's more, why not do it when you are in love with each other?"

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