The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 1413 The fate from now on

Wen Nuan could only stand there in a daze.

On the cheeks are the man's rough fingertips, and all the hair is pulled behind the ears.

And every word that came out of his mouth made people tremble with fear.

"Eighty-eighths of the security forces of the Mo Group are concentrated in the lobby, including the personal bodyguards of celebrities and dignitaries, and most of them are concentrated in the designated lounge at this moment."

"As for the peripheral defense...Although it is not bad, it is much weaker than that in the banquet hall."

Lin Fengyu looked down at the watch, and then opened the window behind her to look out.

The police have taken Feng Yao away.

Then he pushed his glasses lightly, "Shall I take you away, or take you away after being knocked out?"


She doesn't choose either!
This man is a devil and can deceive people!
Nuannuan took advantage of the moment he turned around, pushed the person away, and ran out with all his strength...


A man's gentle voice sounded behind him.

Obviously she was running, but Lin Fengyu didn't seem to be in a hurry at all!
Grab the doorknob...

Nuan Nuan yelled for help...

But the next moment, a force suddenly came from behind, directly pulling the person back!

"Let go, let go! I won't go with you, never again!"

Lin Fenghe clasped her with one hand, trapping her in his arms.

But Nuan Nuan struggled desperately, if he couldn't move his hands, he would kick him with his feet, and if he couldn't move his feet, he would bite his teeth.

She bit the man's chest hard.

There was a muffled hum in my ear.

Wen Nuan subconsciously picked up the object beside her, and threw it at his head without hesitation!
With a "bang", Lin Feng and his hands were still clasping her waist, and it was a solid blow.

The air is instantly quiet!

The warmth was smashed with her eyes closed, and she could feel that the strength on her waist was not loose at all.

After waiting for a long time without hearing the sound, he finally opened his eyes.

What caught my eye... was the bright red color slowly flowing down from the top of his head.


is blood!


"Is that enough?" Lin Fengyu chuckled, caressing the injured part of his head with his slender fingers, the bright red stained half of his face.

Even the hands are mixed with red.

Wen Nuan was short of breath, his eyes were red, "You asked for it yourself, you insisted on kidnapping me, you deserve it!"

"Then smash it again." The man's voice was calm.

You can even vaguely hear a bit of laziness.

He took off his glasses, and his slightly blue eyes narrowed, "You can't leave without killing me."

The warm atmosphere dare not breathe.

The vase I was holding in my hand now has only one corner left.

Lin Fengyu only raised his lips, and leaned closer to gently press a kiss on her lips.

"Be good, we can all save trouble, huh?"

He split his hands into knives, and with almost no effort, he knocked out the girl who was standing in a daze.

After chatting with her for a long time, I wondered if the girl would behave better this time, so I saved the step of knocking me out.

But I didn't want to see her for a while, she seemed to have turned into a little hedgehog, more intense than before.

Holding the girl in his arms with one hand, Lin Fengyu walked out directly from the lounge door.

"I'm walking from the direction of C2 in the East District, and I will pass the gate in 5 minutes."


"Creating chaos in the West End."

"The direction of C2 is moving as planned."

"Ready to respond."

Warmth was held in his arms, completely unaware of what happened.

I only vaguely know that my destiny and everything in the future, from the moment I met this man, is like a cloud on the wind, and I will never follow my own will...

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