The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 1408 Where are the relatives from?

And all the famous aristocrats and trendy movie stars, everyone can only walk forward in a hurry, and some of them don't even have time to show their faces in front of the camera, they all rely on the sharp eyes of their fans to identify them from the back!
"My brother's shots are really rare! Isn't our brother's traffic worth an interview?"

The popularity of the live broadcast has exceeded tens of millions, and the fans of each family are working hard to guard the position.

The barrage quickly explained, "Our brother's coming here is already an affirmation of him! You must know that those who can go are all internationally renowned movie stars, outstanding figures in various industries who have friendship with the bride and groom, and even nobles from many countries... "

"I heard that the groom's relatives all have noble titles."

"What about the Earl and Viscount, not too much..."


Bai Xiran looked at the ladies in gorgeous court costumes and top hats in front of him, still a little dazed.

"Ma'am, this is Mrs. Orlando, the Duchess." The butler whispered beside him.

She quickly followed suit.

But the lady followed suit and gave her an extremely enthusiastic look, which startled Bai Xiran.

"This is the daughter-in-law of the Duke of Orlando just now..."

"This is Miss Margaret..."

"Who is this……"

Bai Xiran only smiled and greeted each of them, but was actually about to faint.

After half an hour, the bridal lounge was finally quiet for a while.

Her phone just rang.

"Master Mo, where are you!"

Hearing her helplessness, the man's voice was comforting, "I'm meeting some... elders, sorry madam, we may have more relatives than you think."

Bai Xiran made two "woo woo" sounds, "I don't know any of them."

Each one dresses flamboyantly, formally, behaves elegantly and politely, and one by one enthusiastically refuses.

With a chuckle in his voice, Mo Junzhe explained in a low voice, "It's Mrs. Orlando. That's my aunt and grandma. I haven't had much contact with her in the past. Only the old man walks around a few times."

"Then why are you so enthusiastic this time?"

The man was silent for a few seconds, "It's probably because there is something wrong with them...the heir is gone."


"Take this opportunity to come back and discuss something. In short, I will deal with it." Mo Junzhe assured him that his hoarse voice was always reassuring.

Bai Xiran took a sip of water, "There's also Xiaobao, I haven't seen him since I came here, so watch him."

"Don't worry, he's happy now."


In front of the banquet hall.

Mo Xiaobao raised his head and looked at the two-meter-tall giants in front of him, chattering and chatting, while looking at the person he was laughing at... weakly looking back.

"Father, why do they all look at Xiaobao like that?"

Mo Junzhe only signaled a person to go over with his eyes, "Let him go before the ceremony begins."

The man was stunned for a moment, "Sir, I'm afraid the young master won't be able to stay here..."

"If you can't stay, you have to wait. Tell him that you can't handle these people well, and you won't see him Mama."


This order is too simple and rude.

After speaking to Mo Xiaobao, that little face froze instantly.

The bad dad framed Xiaobao again!

"Little Treasure? I'm your uncle and grandpa..."

Xiao Bao wrinkled the tip of his nose, "You can speak our words?"

Seeing that he was willing to talk to him, the old man breathed a sigh of relief, "Yes, yes, a little bit."

That crappy accent was really hard to hear.

Mo Xiaobao scratched his ears, finally sighed, and spoke in English, "Let's put it this way, let me introduce who you are?"

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