Bai Xiran only blinked his eyes, his face full of innocence and embarrassment...

Fingers twisted together, the voice could not be lowered, "It's not too much."

Mr. Lin couldn't help laughing, "Let me tell you, she only played a fool tonight! It was Sisi who played the wrong card."

Bai Xi dyed his forehead, stretched out his hand to tug on his clothes aggrieved, "I may not be suitable for this game."

She knows the rules.

I used to play with other people occasionally, and it was a mixed success.

But why today...

Bai Xiran was a little discouraged, "Let's go back, I won't touch anything related to this in the future."

She probably has no talent.

When this card was taken out, it was once again horrible.

"Okay, sit down." Mo Junzhe clasped her palm and directly wrapped that little hand.

Then he looked slowly at the table, "There are skills in playing mahjong. Although luck will be part of the reason, it's more about...using logic."

"The five of a kind from the previous house, no one wants it on either side. Compared with the cards in our hand, there is a high probability that there is still this one in the deck..."

Bai Xiran listened carefully.

And the man held her hand all the time, as if he was comforting and seemed to be accustomed to it, he never let go from the beginning to the end.

She raised her head, only to see the slightly sharp jaw line, and when she was thinking seriously, her beautiful brows were slightly frowned.

It was very quiet.

Only the crisp sound of mahjong colliding.

When the servant came to refill the tea, the living room bell just struck nine.

Bai Xiran looked at the phone, "Master Mo, it's time for us to go back."


She explained in a low voice, "It's nine o'clock, I promised Xiaobao. Wait until bedtime, if you don't tell him a story, you won't be able to fall asleep."

Mo Junzhe's eyebrows were drawn together, and there was some displeasure on Jun's face.

In the hour just now, he didn't win much.

Mr. Lin was already grinning from ear to ear, "If you want me to say that both of you father and son are not suitable for this game, why not just call Xiao Baolai."

As if in response to his words, Bai Xiran's cell phone rang.

The moment it was connected, the little guy's crisp voice came from inside.

"Ranran, haven't you come back yet? Xiaobao misses you!"

"Little guy, I miss you too, why don't you come to my house to play."

Lin Yanyang raised his voice, teasing the little guy over there.

Mo Xiaobao let out a "Huh", "It's you!"

He called out to his grandpa obediently, "But it's too late today, can you let Ranran and Dad come back soon, Xiaobao misses them."

"Here, I told you two to go home quickly, let's stop here today."

Bai Xiran nodded.

Losing is enough...

But just when she wanted to get up, she realized that the hand she was holding had never let go.

Mo Junzhe was still sitting on the chair.

That handsome face was covered with a layer of sternness, and the words unwillingness were written in his eyes.

"Ma'am, we..."

She didn't speak, just looked at the man quietly, and after a while, she said in a low voice, "Do you want to stay a little longer?"

Mo Junzhe frowned, and finally stood up.

"next time."

He looked down at the three of them from a high position, his black eyes were extremely sharp, "Wait until I have time."

Lin Yan readily agreed, "I'm not going anywhere at home, welcome anytime."

Lin Sisi raised her hand weakly, "I'm okay too...not busy."

The man looked at Lin Fengyu again.

The latter raised his lips and smiled mockingly, "If you think you haven't lost enough, of course I will accompany you. People outside don't know that Mr. Mo's money is so easy to earn."

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