The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 1368 What is her reaction

"There is an overseas partner visiting in the morning, sir needs to be in the company."

Bai Xiran nodded, always very understanding.

She stroked her temples, she felt sleepy for some reason even though she had just woken up.

"Don't really have a problem with your body."

"Don't worry, ma'am, nothing will happen." Ajin vowed, "Let's drive slowly, we have already made an appointment."

Bai Xiran didn't notice the caution in A Jin's words.

She was explaining work matters to Xiaoqiong on the mobile phone, and Xiaoqiong was still a little nervous when she mentioned going to the hospital for an examination.

"It's okay, it shouldn't take long. There is no need to change the time for the afternoon meeting."

Hang up.

The car has parked steadily outside the hospital.

Director Chen received the news early in the morning and deliberately set aside time.

"Mrs. Mo, please sit down. Let's ask the doctor first, and then we may need to do some basic examinations."


With a kind smile on his face, Director Chen read Bai Xiran's medical records carefully, and asked softly, "How long has your period been delayed?"

"About a week."

"What other symptoms do you usually have? For example, fatigue, loss of appetite, backache and stomach distension, etc.?"

No matter how dull Bai Xiran was, when the doctor asked this question, he had already reacted.

I laughed for a while, "It's not that I'm pregnant, it's just that I was a little tired a while ago, and it didn't take long to heal from the previous injury, so it was a little bit affected."

Director Chen nodded, but his attention was always on the computer screen.

After a while, I finally looked up at her and explained with a smile, "Patients who come for an examination because of a delayed menstrual period should first consider whether they are pregnant. According to my preliminary judgment, you should be pregnant."

She smiled kindly and affirmatively.

Bai Xiran was stunned for a moment, and quickly explained, "Director Chen, that's not the case, I shouldn't have..."

"Do a check to make sure."

She has already got up, "Are you doing it here or should I accompany you to draw blood?"

Bai Xiran hadn't reacted for a while.

I just stared at her blankly, "My own body is too clear, the symptoms of the last pregnancy were very obvious..."

"It's been several years since your last pregnancy."

Special medical staff have already brought Qicai over.

Director Chen pointed, "Take blood for hcg test, it will be fine soon."

Bai Xiran, "..."

She sat by the side silently, making people draw blood.

Slightly tingling.

Ajin, who was guarding the door, poked his head, and was extremely nervous when wearing the mic, and was talking in a low voice, "Madam is drawing blood, and the results will be available soon."

"Yes, I have been guarding, never leaving."

"Response? There is no reaction now. Does it count if you frown?"


Check the interior.

Bai Xiran was sitting on the sofa next to him, looking at the time on the watch without saying a word.

In less than an hour, the test results were delivered.

Director Chen handed it to her with a smile on his face, "Congratulations, Mrs. Mo, you are indeed pregnant."


"It can't be more true. The value of hcg can only be pregnancy. It's still in the first trimester, and some physical discomfort is normal. You should pay more attention to rest and eat a light diet. In addition, I will make a list for you to supplement the nutritional supplements."

Director Chen has always been kind and professional.

The famous ladies in Ningcheng like to look for her when giving birth.

Bai Xiran looked at the list in his hand, his open mouth remained open for a while.

Although I have tried hard to do an hour of mental construction just now.


How come... Pregnant.

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