Gu Xiling's response was to tap him on the top of the head, "Be careful, do you understand? Your little heart can't be compared with others, and you can't have any troubles."

"Haven't you been to the hospital for a check-up for a long time? The family doctor told me that you took your medicine on time and never got sick again... The most important thing for heart patients is to take care of themselves. Others have a cold and a fever, but you are different. , must not be set on fire casually..."

Xiaobao touched his ears subconsciously, only feeling a little itchy from being chanted.

He raised his head and looked pitifully at Bai Xiran beside him.

Look, Ranran, godfather is so verbose...

Bai Xiran made a "shh" gesture, "Be obedient."

Xiao Bao was downcast.

When the elevator door opened with a "tick", she walked up to Bai Xiran and muttered in a low voice, "Is godfather in menopause, he talks a lot..."

"Mo Xiaobao, I can hear you." Gu Xiling turned his head slowly, and just looked at him with a smile on his face, with a faint "gloom" in his eyes.

The little guy's body was slightly stiff, and he could only tilt his head, trying to squeeze out a kind smile.

He blinked his eyes, and explained crisply, "Xiao Bao loves to be his father."

"It's almost there."

"Even if the godfather is menopausal, he still loves..."

Gu Xiling, "??"

are you playing with me?

"Hee hee, godfather, you are so cute, does godmother know? Does she like you because you are cute?"

Gu Xiling stopped talking.

Sure enough, the next moment Xiaobao mentioned it "inadvertently", "Although it is indeed a bit long-winded."


The nurses next to her could hardly hold back the smiles on their faces.

Bai Xiran quickly covered Xiaobao's mouth, trying to make him quiet.

Gu Xiling, who had become accustomed to it, remained expressionless...

There was a gentle smile on that handsome and gentle face, and he slowly took Xiaobao's hand, and said softly, "Don't worry, Xiaobao, godfather will definitely check it for you today. Make sure to be careful, not an inch leak……"

Mo Xiaobao snorted, his small chest puffed up.

Who is afraid of who!

Isn't it just an inspection, Xiaobao has long been used to it!

Half an hour later, Xiao Bao, who had just had his blood drawn, sat on the bench expressionlessly.

When he saw Bai Xiran, he managed to force a smile on his chubby little face.

"Ranran, Xiaobao wants to..."

"Why does Xiaobao want to go? The examination has not been completed yet. Well, there will be saliva sample analysis, urinalysis, and stool analysis..."

Gu Xiling handed over a few disposable utensils, and said quietly, "Are you familiar with these little treasures? You won't let your Ranran do it for you..."

"Of course not!" The little guy stood up immediately.

Holding those disposable utensils, he hurried into the dedicated bathroom.

Little Treasure will not let Ranran help him with urine or something...

In Ranran's mind, Xiaobao can only be the best side!
He slammed the bathroom door and gave Gu Xiling a hard look.

Bad godfather, on purpose!


outside the hallway.

Gu Xiling laughed unceremoniously.

"It can't cure you yet."

So what about the little devil, there are always times when he is deflated.

Bai Xiran looked at his smug face, and could only touch his forehead helplessly, "Xiaobao had a very serious fever last night, and he has been in a low-grade fever today."

"The last time I went to Fengcheng, I haven't had a heart rate monitor for a long time. Today's check is more detailed..."

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