Zhao Qing's head just hit the ground, face down, and he didn't know if it was a nosebleed or something else. When he raised his head again, his whole face was blood red.

Xiaobao was a little startled, and shrank into Bai Xiran's arms.

"Beating someone, the former Mrs. Mo and the heir of the Mo family are bullying others and beat the reporter!"

"A big event, a big event, the headline is changed to a wealthy mother and son beating someone!"

Manager Chen opened his mouth, "Well, don't...Xiao Zhang, don't write nonsense, this is our wife and the little prince, don't write nonsense!"

"Hey, you are still broadcasting live! If these images are broadcast, we will not be responsible for the consequences!!"

"Hurry up, cover up their cameras!"

The scene was extremely chaotic.

Zhao Qing, who got up from the ground, finally wiped off the blood on his face. After wiping it vigorously, he stared at the mother and son bitterly.

"Okay, if you dare to do something, I will definitely sue to the end!"

Bai Xiran explained earnestly, "I'm sorry to be honest, I really didn't do it on purpose just now, it was all because of your conditioned reflex to rush over."

"Nonsense! She's just a concubine, and she really thinks she's the high-ranking Mrs. Mo! I'll definitely report to the police and put you in jail!"

"Who do you want in jail?"

When the scene was chaotic for a while, a low and cold voice suddenly came from not far away.

The slender figure of a man appeared by the door of the lounge.

From a distance, everyone could only see the coldness and indifference emanating from his body. As they approached step by step, the face without any warmth gradually enlarged, and the cold eyes swept across the audience.

Mo Junzhe's thin lips were lightly parted, and his whole body was full of aura that belonged to him alone. His eyes finally fell on Zhao Qing.

"Ning Cheng pays attention, Zhao Qing?"

He read out the name on Zhao Qing's sign.

The voice is neither fast nor slow, and every word is spoken gently and gently.

But... the people around are afraid to vent their anger, let alone interrupt.

Zhao Qing was already frozen in place.

He saw the reaction of the employees of the Mo Group, so he could naturally guess who it was.

But at this time, photographed by the other party's tight breath, he could only hold back his momentum, "What I said is the truth! Everyone saw it, and she hit me."

There was a gleam of coldness in Mo Junzhe's dark and dark eyes, and his slender finger knuckles fell on the cuff buttons, gently caressing them.

Then... Finally, he spoke softly.

"Who saw it?"

Zhao Qing only regarded him as a fool, and he rarely showed complacency on his face.

"Everyone, everyone who was here just now!"

"Yes." The man asked casually.

Zhao Qing raised his head directly, but only saw Manager Chen shaking his head vigorously.

"No, no, we didn't see it!"

"That's right, it was you who wanted to attack the little prince, but we only saw that the attack was unsuccessful, and you accidentally fell like a shit."

Everyone around burst into laughter.

The employees of the Mohs Group have always been unanimous when encountering similar incidents.

"You, you are talking nonsense!" Zhao Qing almost jumped.

He stood up straight away and pointed at the group of employees, "You all work here, so naturally you should look towards them. But what about the others! There are eight media outlets here, and the media people's heart is the brightest, and their eyes are the most able to see the facts Yes! Tell them loudly, did I get beaten by this woman just now!"

The voice fell.

The audience was silent.

After Zhao Qing waited for a long time, he didn't get a response, until he turned around and saw the expressions of "calm things up".

"What's the matter with you?"

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