The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 1246 Tell them to come and meet

Feng Yinyin dared not speak again.

She could vaguely sense something was wrong, and after she answered, the face of this old ancestor seemed to be even uglier.

next moment.

Feng Tianyou finally ironed the teacup, and slowly put it on the table to dry.

Then turned slightly sideways, and finally stood up.

A pair of cloth shoes appeared in front of Feng Yinyin.

The embroidery is very dense, but the fabric on it is very clean, with almost no redundant embroidery and texture.

"You still don't know where you went wrong."

That old voice came from the top of his head, somehow, it was always very scary.

Feng Yinyin lowered her head, her voice trembled, "Please give me instructions..."

"Firstly, you shouldn't have attacked people from the Mo family, secondly, you shouldn't have allowed yourself to be arrested, and thirdly, you shouldn't have acted as the young lady of the Feng family after being arrested! It's a shame to the Feng family!"

"And it's even more wrong... because your matter involves your father, leaving the huge Feng family without a leader, leaving the people below desperate, and even invited an illegitimate daughter to be the master of the family! And let her enter the family tree!"

"It's the worst!! Fortunately, after you didn't make a big mistake, not only did you not seek forgiveness from the Mohists, but you didn't know how to repent, and you made enemies with them again and again!"

Feng Yinyin's liver trembled after being trained.

She shook her head quickly, "I didn't go back to my ancestors... I sincerely repented, I didn't..."

"Heh..." Feng Tianyou sneered again, "There are really not many people who lie in front of me."

"Just last night, you hired someone to destroy Fanlin's propaganda, and you are still planning to target the Mohists, right?"


"Should I punish you?"


"Then kneel down! Get up after dinner."


Feng Yinyin didn't dare to resist at all,

In fact, as far as the huge old house of the Feng family is concerned, only Feng Tianyou has been waiting for him for a long time.

Everyone knows that the Feng family has long since collapsed, and the assets supported by Yu Yin in the end will only last three to five years.

The hole has been getting bigger and bigger, and it seems that it can't be filled at all.

But now... Feng Tianyou has made a move, and there is still room for change.

"Little Mo, where were we talking just now?"

"Tea." Mr. Mo has long been accustomed to the name "Little Mo".

He was always sitting on one side, sipping the tea in front of him carefully, as if he had never thought about anything else, his eyes were particularly focused.

Feng Tianyou chuckled, stroking his silver beard with his hand, as if casually mentioned, "Yaoyao is back, where is your Ah Zhe?"

"I'm busy...there are so many things going on at home." The old man responded with a smile, and the action of making tea in his hands was always slow, "Besides, there are wives and children to take care of, and Xiran recently injured his leg, so I'm afraid it's not convenient to come here. "

"Then let Azhe bring Xiaobao to come. Speaking of which, the child was murdered by the Feng family. I should also meet him and make amends on behalf of others."

Feng Tianyou spoke sincerely.

"As soon as I'm old, if Bao Buqi falls asleep one day, I won't be able to wake up again. If I can't see the person I want to see now, maybe this regret can only be brought into the soil."

"What are you talking about, your bones are still healthy."

When Feng Tianyou heard the words, he directly put down the teacup in his hand, although he still had a smile on his face, his tone was obviously much more serious.

"I won't embarrass them, just call them over to meet them, or... are you not happy?"

That's it for now.

The old man seemed unable to refuse.

He could only smile and nod, "Okay, I'll make a call."

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