Bai Xiran blinked her eyes, a little innocently, "One more thing is worse than one less thing."

Unexpectedly, the man raised his eyebrows slightly, his voice was hoarse but firm, "It doesn't matter."

Although his face was gloomy, there always seemed to be a hint of ambiguity in his eyes. If you look carefully, you will find the tenderness hidden in it.

"What's the matter, I will deal with it." Mo Junzhe assured him.

Bai Xiran was actually in a good mood. She raised her face and looked at the man beside her, with a soft smile and a slight throbbing in her smile, "That's fine, let's go home."

The man suddenly stopped.

Ever since Feng Yinyin appeared yesterday, Mo Junzhe has become irritable.

He wasn't sure what his little wife would think of it, let alone whether it would offend her.

Fortunately, it seems to be in a good mood.


Somewhere in Ningcheng.

The woman was standing in front of the French windows, holding a cigarette in her hand, and was puffing.

Soon there was a sound outside.

She glanced back and ordered in a low voice, "Did the old ancestor give you the news?"

"Miss Hui, he means to let you return to Fengcheng as soon as possible, and will help you confirm your identity."

"I'm not done yet!"

She squeezed the cigarette tightly, eyes full of anger.

Bai Xiran hurt herself so badly, how could she just let her go!
"But the ancestors passed on a message that you will return to Fengcheng within two days."

Feng Yinyin's fingers trembled slightly, she must have known that her old ancestor was always right, and he would not allow the people below to disobey him.

"Understood." She said angrily, "I will deal with it as soon as possible, within two days, right... Tell the ancestors, I will go home on time."

"Yes." Feng Yaozu said no more.

After so many days, she already knew the difference between this eldest lady and Feng Yuan.

If Fengyuan is a petty temper within the control range, this... is downright stubborn and... vicious.

Feng Yinyin seemed to know what he was thinking, but she didn't care at all.

She is a person who came out of prison. After many years in prison, it is strange that her temperament has not changed.

Feng Yaozu didn't go far away, but after standing in the corner not far away and reporting, his eyes still fell on this side.

A few minutes later, Fang Cai reminded in a low voice, "Miss, it's time to throw away the cigarettes."

Feng Yinyin lowered her head, only to realize that the cigarette in her hand had already burned out, and the last flame was burning her fingers.

It hurts.

But she didn't seem to feel it, so she threw it directly on the ground.

Stomp hard...

She took a deep breath and made a call directly.

"What's the matter?" A man's warm and mellow voice came from over there, which still made people feel comfortable in the night.

Feng Yinyin lowered her eyes slightly, with a smile on her raised face, so frivolous and charming where no one noticed, "I have to go back to Fengcheng in two days."

The phone paused slightly, and the man said "Congratulations."

"It's not bad to change your identity to live in the future." In the end, someone will protect you, and you can live in the sun aboveboard.

But Feng Yinyin's eyes moved slightly, "Why do you say that? After I go back, I will be Feng Yao, the eldest lady of the Feng family. If I want to do anything else, it will be impossible."

What she said was charming and charming, and seemed to have a hint of coquettishness.

But the man was still aware of this woman's virtue, and suddenly smiled, "What do you think?"

"Before I go, let me help you."

The air is slightly suffocated.

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