The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 1227 A bloody case caused by voice

When he left the conference room, he saw a thin figure walking not far in front, suddenly became interested, and called out, "Vice President Lin."

Lin Feng and his footsteps paused slightly.

He turned sideways, his eyes flickered behind the lenses, but the smile on his lips remained unchanged, "What's the matter, sister?"

"It's better not to use such an intimate name in the company."

Bai Xiran smiled innocently, then raised her face slightly, and passed her curious and tentative eyes, "You don't treat Wen Nuan as I thought, do you?"

Hearing these words, Lin Fengyu's face had an imperceptible fluctuation, one hand fell into his trouser pocket, and he said calmly, "As I said just now, try to keep private matters in the company as little as possible."

In other words, he didn't want to answer at all.

"Since that's the case, you probably won't come to the dinner tonight?"

Lin Fengyu simply ignored her temptation.

He has always been tight-lipped in his words and deeds, "It has not been decided yet, maybe he will go, maybe he won't go."

"Usually you seldom participate. If you go this time, I'm afraid I'll feel uncomfortable, so..."

"After get off work, it depends on the situation." Lin Fengyu interrupted directly.

Bai Xiran just smiled, with a slight smile in his eyes, an expression of understanding.

The two went back to their offices, and when they were about to get off work, there was already a warm reply on the phone.

She sent the address of the dinner party, and there was a "compassion" expression over there, presumably she was a little excited.

It was almost five o'clock.

Bai Xiran took out his phone to send a message.

The avatar above is a cute piggy Peppa.

"It's a company dinner today, so I won't be going back for dinner."

"Tell Xiaobao for me. If you go back late, remember to tell him a story to lull him to sleep."

Not long after the message was sent, there was a response there.

"Coax yourself."

Men cherish words like gold.

Bai Xiran probably knew that this master lived like a caveman.

Apart from playing a few games with her occasionally, he basically doesn't touch anything related to the Internet.

Even the contacts on social software mostly stop at a few voice messages.

She quickly sent a "coquettish" emoji, and added a soft and clear voice, "Old man... don't be angry, I will be obedient when I get home, love you."

This message was sent, but there was no response for a long time.

Bai Xiran has already put away his phone and is ready to go. Uncle Mo has always been the most helpful when it comes to acting like a baby, so it should be no problem.

"Xiao Qiong, let's go."

She greeted her and entered the elevator.

It was not until several minutes after the car drove out that there was finally a slight vibration from the bag.

Mo Junzhe called directly.

"The meeting just ended." The man's low and hoarse voice came from inside, with a faint smile on his face.

Bai Xiran frowned, thinking that he heard it wrong, until the man couldn't help laughing again, then he realized, "What are you laughing at?"

"Why did my wife suddenly speak?" He talked about him from left to right, and that was the point.

"If you want to post it, you can post it, you don't like it..."

and many more.

There seems to be something wrong.

After finishing speaking, Bai Xiran fell silent.

She seemed to be thinking carefully, as if she had thought of something serious, she gently pinched the corner of her clothes with her fingers, and asked in a low voice.

"Damn it, shouldn't it be... You let it out in the meeting room, right?"

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