The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 1203 Help me up and I can continue

ink house.

After one night, the room was extraordinarily messy.

Several pieces of women's clothing were draped over the wheelchair, and some rags were scattered on the ground.

On the bed where the morning light came in, a slender figure was quietly sleeping.

There was a direct "knock knock" knock on the door.

Bai Xiran suddenly woke up from his dream!
"Ma'am, it's time to get up." Aunt Wang's voice came from outside the door, and Bai Xiran sat up reflexively.

The quilt slipped from the front...

She suddenly remembered something, and her eyes moved from the side of the bed to the floor.

The scattered clothes seemed to remind her of what happened last night, and the empty bed told her how ruthless that man was!

"Men are animals that think about the lower body. I'm still like this." She cursed in a low voice, trying to put her clothes on and get out of bed and open the door.

However...the foot is still lame.

"Knock, kowtow! Ma'am, Mr. has ordered you to take good care of your body, and must wake you up on time." Mrs. Wang began to worry.

Although she is an old man in the Mo residence, if she can't complete what her husband asked her to do, she will be fined a bonus according to the rules.

"It's ten o'clock now, if you wake up, make a noise, and I'll go in and help you up."

"Don't!" Bai Xiran refused almost reflexively.

She looked down at her clothes, and tried to reach out to pick up the fallen clothes on the ground...

Not enough woo woo woo woo.

"Ma'am, your foot is injured and it's difficult to move. It's good not to let me in to help."

"Don't worry, I was in Mo's house when my wife first got married, and I'm used to everything..."

Aunt Wang pushed the door tentatively.

Bai Xiran's whole body froze suddenly, and he said hastily, "Wait a little longer!"


"Yes! All at once."

She finally lifted the quilt and moved out, picked up the clothes beside the bed, and put them directly on her body.

Cursing under his breath as he wore them.

Mo Junzhe is simply a bastard, a bastard, a bastard!

"Ma'am, am I coming in?" Mrs. Wang looked at the time and slowly opened the door.

This time, Bai Xiran didn't stop him.

She just sat on the bed, wearing the clothes she went out yesterday and wrapped in a quilt.

She let her hair loose and said nothing.

Sister-in-law Wang was still thinking about how her wife, who is usually so cheerful, became so quiet.

As soon as you walk in, you know why.

I'm afraid last night... was a bit embarrassing.

"Don't be afraid, ma'am, I have two children, I understand this kind of thing."

"The clothes and pants are here, you have to let me wait for you to put them on, don't you?"

"Mr. may have a more straightforward temperament, so don't worry too much about it. Are you a man... at the age of a tiger and a wolf."

Bai Xiran's cheeks were flushed, almost bleeding.

She sat there fixedly, simply closed her eyes, and let Mrs. Wang lift her arm, and then put on the clothes...

All right, all right, the baby is born, there is no need to be shy.

Mrs. Wang is an acquaintance, she is better than the nurse in the hospital...

Used to it……

After a full 5 minutes of default, the clothes were finally put on neatly.

Bai Xiran kept a clean and appropriate smile on her face, and was supported by Mrs. Wang into a wheelchair.

After washing again, he said softly, "Please bring my mobile phone."

"Good madam." Aunt Wang was extremely enthusiastic, with a knowing expression, "Do you want to call sir?"

"Ma'am, call slowly. I'll go downstairs and bring you breakfast. Since we have trouble walking, we can eat upstairs."

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