The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 1201 Doesn't It Matter If You Can't See Me

"After you leave, you will never see me again in the future." Lin Fengyu said suddenly.

His sideways cheeks looked clean and gentle, and there was always a faint smile on his lips when he spoke.

As if discussing with her, "Isn't it good to stay here?"

"I heard that you like biological cytology, and the experimental equipment you need will be delivered in a few days."

"The batch of books will arrive early tomorrow morning."

"Here is carefree, you can think quietly..."

"But I don't have my family." Wen Nuan's voice was thin, with a hint of crying.

She sat on the edge of the bed, clutching the hem of the man's clothes and refusing to let go, she just pursed her lips, and she looked depressed, "It's been a week, you can't keep... imprisoning me like this."

I don't know which word in her words irritated the man.

Lin Feng and the breath on his lips suddenly disappeared, replaced by that icy sarcasm.


"If I really want to imprison you, do you think you can still be so free?"

He was a lot more fierce.

Wen Nuan shrank back, looking at him with a pair of deer-like eyes.

a little flustered...

And a little fear...

The smile on Lin Fenghe's lips was all suppressed, he moved a little closer, leaned over and trapped the little girl between his chest and the bed.

His throat rolled slightly, and he said in a hoarse voice, "Do you feel wronged by staying with me?"


"Think bringing you here is to imprison you?"

Biting her lips tightly, Wen Nuan could only shake her head.

She was a little afraid of such a man.

Lin Fengyu directly raised her chin, "Countess Gref raised a little girl who doesn't know much about the world, and she can't tell whether a man is good or bad."

The man is bullying.

Warm put his hands behind his back, half propped on the bed, backed away in shock and fear...

"do not do that."

He was already close, pinching her chin with his fingers, forcing her to look up.

He even leaned closer on purpose, kept his breath on her lips, and opened his mouth very seductively.

"What else?"

Lin Feng pressed his lips against her cheek, and his breath passed by almost without accident...

Seeing the trembling body of the woman in his arms, he slightly pursed his lips, which just fell on her lips.

Warm and stiff!

But the man opened his mouth in a low voice, "Don't kiss you?"

"Still... don't sleep with you."

Wen Nuan's eyes widened suddenly.

She only felt the hands on her waist tightening.

And the buttons of the clothes... were undone by two.

The man in front of him didn't wear glasses, and his eyes were faintly blue, like a demon coming out of a story.

The warm atmosphere dare not breathe.

She stared at the face that was close at hand.

Clothes buttons continue to be unbuttoned...

The man seems to be getting closer...

She was extremely frightened and flustered, her voice was as thin as a mosquito, "What are you going to do to me?"

Lin Fengyu temporarily stopped his movements, looked at her red eye sockets and the tears that were about to fall from them, and gently wiped them away with his fingertips.

"What do you say?"

"Being imprisoned by a man, what do you think... what will he do to you?"


She must be frozen in place!
At this moment, the criminal investigation cases I have seen in the past, the perverted murderer, the serial murderer, the anti-social personality... the female-hating sadist...

The bloody and terrifying images in my memory hit me in an instant. I used to be able to calmly paint criminal portraits, but at this moment, my mind is filled with warmth and only fear.

She can't see through this man.

The teacher said that if a man is full of disguises, even the closest people don't know his true nature.

Be sure to stay away!

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