"Feeling?" Sheng Fang was really drunk, slumped there with a smirk on his face, and said, "Not bad, the benefits are good, the salary is high, and the oil and water are enough... Hehe, I can't say that."

But he has revealed a little.

The delicate face of Qian Chenglin on the side suddenly became ugly.

And Mo Junzhe just continued to ask casually, "That's all, what else?"

"Also... there are so many beauties! The front desk of the company Susu is mine, and I slept with me as a secretary... I'm not afraid to tell you, I got the whole company, I can't count it on one hand, hehe! "


Some people couldn't help cursing.

"It's disgusting enough to do this kind of thing in private, and you still have the face to show off? If he wasn't drunk today, when would we find out? Qian Shao, this scum..."

At this moment, Qian Chenglin could only look at Mo Junzhe helplessly.

And the latter had already stood up, acting freely as if he had achieved his goal, "This is Zhuqian's internal matter, and Young Master Qian can handle it by himself."

He said it was simple, but Qian Chenglin didn't know why, if Sheng Fang really had nothing wrong with it, it would be fine, but now that he said something himself, the consequences would be... very tragic.

Watching Mo Junzhe leave straight away, Qian Chenglin turned his gaze to Bai Xiran who was opposite.

The latter ate his tea and fruit snacks with his head down, the expression on his face was invisible, as if it had nothing to do with her.

These two... are they calmer than the other?

But in fact, Bai Xiran's heart was full of waves that never stopped!

Her mind was full of Uncle Mo's understatement of getting Shengfang done. She just came over and sat down for a while, drank a few glasses of wine, and then maybe tomorrow... Shengfang will be dismissed.

and many more.

That doesn't seem to be the point.

The point is that Uncle Mo just suddenly targeted Sheng Fang...


After such a fuss, Shengfang kept drinking like crazy, and everyone couldn't get up, so they dispersed as soon as possible.

Bai Xiran rejected her colleague's offer to take her home, and obediently walked to a certain spot in the parking lot, where she saw a familiar Maybach.

Just after Mo Junzhe left, she immediately sent a message saying that I will meet you in the parking lot later.

Otherwise, if the man asked her to leave together on the spot, and the company colleagues' suspicions about them became a reality, Bai Xiran didn't know how it would end.

The man was sitting on the co-pilot, his eyebrows were furrowed, he rested his forehead with one hand and kept silent, only pointing to the driver's seat.

"I open?"

Mo Junzhe said "Yes", with a smile in his eyes, as if he was tired, and his voice was lazy and sexy, "I drank a lot, ma'am."

She sat on it obediently and fastened her seat belt, "I'm not very skilled..."

"Slowly open."

The performance of the car is always very good, and I am not afraid of being bumped by her.

Mo Junzhe leaned back in his chair, closed his eyes and got up.

With a little distance and dim light, Bai Xiran could still see the sharp but handsome side profile of his face. When he was asleep, the thick eyelashes fell down, covering a thick layer of shadow.

The atmosphere in the car was quiet, and she waited for a long time before she spoke softly, "Master Mo, did you just... do it on purpose?"

She finally mentioned it, and Mo Junzhe opened his eyes, looking ahead with dark eyes, seemingly impatient, "He misses you, yes."

"Yes, yes. After you left just now, he made a lot of ugly appearances. He insisted on asking girls to accompany him when he was drunk. When the imperial court said that there was no such service, he insisted on making trouble. In the end, he even wanted to molested a colleague."

Bai Xiran was a little angry when he said this, "Privately, I don't know how many girls have been harmed by him!"

When the man heard this, his face softened a little.

Immediately, he opened the window to let the cold wind blow in to sober up, seeing the angry look of the little wife beside him, finally a chuckle escaped from his throat.

"My wife has learned well."

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