The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 1159? You really did not admit the wrong person

At the same time, a building outside Chang'an Hospital.

A tall and thin figure stood by the door, and the people behind hurried in to report, "Master, something happened in Chang'an Hospital."

"Someone broke in and caused chaos, distracting many doctors and nurses. Judging from the current situation, it seems that they are targeting Miss Feng."

Lin Fengyu's face was solemn, and he had already walked out quickly, "A member of the Feng family?"

"It should be, no one but them would take the risk."

"A group of lunatics." Lin Fengyu stepped on the cigarette in his hand directly on the ground, his voice was terrifyingly cold.

A person who was supposed to be in prison, after a lot of effort, finally came out to treat his illness, and he was barely out of control.

But now thinking of challenging authority and directly taking people away, do you really think those people are vegetarians?

"Young master, the upstairs window is open, and our people have already gone up, saying... people seem to be still inside."

"Bring it out."

The subordinates froze, "What did you say?"

"Bring her out." Lin Fengyu made a quick decision.

The others didn't hesitate any longer, and quickly carried out, "Understood. Zhang Qi dived up and brought them out under the premise of ensuring safety."

"Remember not to show your face. This incident was caused by people from the Feng family. After they were brought out, they went directly to C's residence and quickly hid him."

A rough voice came from the phone, "Understood the young master, I promise to complete the task."


Warmth waited a little impatiently.

After the explosion just now, the courtyard has gradually quieted down.

Someone opened the door a few minutes ago, took a look, breathed a sigh of relief, and left again.

She lay sideways under the quilt, a little dazed now.

I shouldn't... Accidentally become an accomplice, right?

Until the sound of footsteps came again outside the ward.

Wen Nuan made up his mind, after the person came in, he would sit up and tell him the cause and effect...

The next moment, the door really opened.

A tall and somewhat exaggerated figure walked in.

"Miss Feng?" The person confirmed it.

Wen Nuan said "Ah" twice, and was about to sit up...

But the man wrapped her up together with the quilt, and his thunderous voice exploded above his head, "Come with me."

Warm question marks all over his face.

Where to go?

Did I admit it wrong...

"Wrapped in a quilt, it's warmer. Don't make any noise. Let's leave directly."


Is it reminding yourself that you have recognized someone?
Nuannuan thought about it, probably after she broke in, Sister Bai used this method to pick herself out.

All right, all right, she can cooperate well!

In fact, Bai Xiran was helping downstairs.

In order to save people, it is true that the east and west are true, and the explosion is false.

But by coincidence, there were many old people and children in the emergency room when the explosion occurred.

After such a commotion, although no one was injured by the explosion, many people were frightened.

Now the whole emergency room is in chaos.

When she and Tu Yi passed by, she was caught temporarily...


"The child has been crying, and his grandfather is on an infusion, you are not free, go help coax!"

Tu Yi is holding a two or three-year-old doll in his left hand, and another slightly older doll in his right hand.

With his face covered, he watched the people coming and going around him. He sat on the chair and let his four hands randomly scratch at his hair...

Beside him, Bai Xiran had also been sent over.

She was so busy helping to deliver things that she couldn't leave her body.

Tu Yi is extremely miserable, he can only be pitiful.

"Little aunt, what the hell is going on!!"

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