The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 1126 Where Did The Bad Old Lady Come From?

Two huskies have already rushed over.

One slapping the head and the other slapping the feet, the cooperation with Hei was very tacit.

The honorable Countess Gref only had time to let out a scream before she fell back on her seat.


"Daha Erha, come back soon." Seeing the trouble, Xiaobao was extremely nervous.

He quickly pulled the two dogs back, and reprimanded the old lady who had wiped countless saliva on Daha, "Stupid dog, why do you still like to lick people? It's not like you like Ranran... Humph, Stupid dog, stupid dog, even Ranran can't recognize you, this young master loves you for nothing."

He decided to deduct the dog food of Daha and Erha tomorrow.

At this time, the old lady was finally helped up by the warmth.

The two dogs seemed to have great strength, but they were habitually measured and did not cause any damage.

It's just that the custom-made, noble, and elegant clothes are covered with saliva.

The old lady touched subconsciously...



The screams in the courtyard were long and lingering.

Inside the living room.

Xiaobao sat in the corner with three dogs.

"Oh, don't lose your temper. Ranran tells us to just stay here and stay."

"Will he be punished? Xiaobao doesn't know either."

"I don't know that old grandma Xiaobao, but she looks a bit fierce..."

The little guy was talking to the big Ha Erha, and the servants next to him were trembling and dared not speak.

The old lady changed her clothes and got off, and was supported by Nuan Nuan and sat on the sofa. Her face, which had been disfigured just now, had returned to normal.

Then he looked at a certain place with a straight face, "Is that Xiao Mo's grandson?"

Bai Xiran let out an "ah".

She looked at Mo Junzhe, then at the aunt, and only now realized that the "Little Mo" in the old lady's mouth was not Mo Junzhe, but... the old man.

The man beside him nodded, "It's my son."

"You gave birth to her?" She looked at it for a long time, as if she still didn't believe it.

Bai Xiran pinched her fingers, feeling a little unhappy.

It was not born by oneself, but it can come out of another woman's belly!
The little guy listened from a distance, and after appeasing Daha Erha, he stood up directly, "Of course Xiaobao was born by Ranran, and only Ranran can give birth to Xiaobao."

"Children are not allowed to interrupt when adults are talking! Didn't your mother teach you manners!" the old lady severely reprimanded.

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Bao's chubby face trembled, and his smile disappeared immediately.

Bai Xiran hurriedly protected him behind her, her little face became more gloomy, and she only said softly, "Xiao Bao usually doesn't do this, after all, you are not familiar with Tang Aunt Grandma..."

"So what if you don't know each other well? When you see an elder, you don't say hello, you don't look good, and you play with dogs every day! What does it look like!"

"I think the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked..."

Hey, the more I talk, the more I go too far.

Bai Xiran almost couldn't bear it.

But the man beside her had already said before her, "No one invited you over, please leave if you can't stand it."

Mo Junzhe's words were cold and hard, and there was no warmth in his eyes.

He picked up Xiaobao with one hand, "Auntie Tang doesn't like dogs, so for the safety of Daha Erha, temporarily send them to the backyard."

"Xiaobao knows." The little guy became very vigilant when he heard that this was a bad old lady.

He quickly beckoned the dog to go out.

While walking, he reminded in a low voice, "Before the old lady over there leaves, you don't want to come to the front yard... She is a bad person who can beat dogs. If she catches you, she might stew you all." ..."

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