The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 1115 I have been married for so many years, do you still care?

"It's okay, I'll just take a look."

She frowned, covering her mouth with one hand.

The dust is indeed choking.

Besides the books on the shelves, there were only a few large cardboard boxes sealed with scotch tape.

"What's in it?"

The housekeeper leaned over to take a look, and was a little nervous for a while.

He quickly explained, "Nothing special, they are all toys from my husband's childhood..."


That's right.

Bai Xiran casually found a sharp weapon from the side, and slowly sliced ​​it open.

Inside, as the butler said, most of them are childhood toys.

It's just that in addition to a small number of car models, there are also many plush puppets.

Bai Xiran rummaged around for a while.

No diary or anything like that...


"What is the lady looking for?"

At some point, a tall figure stood outside the attic.

The light from outside shone in, stretching his shadow for a long, long time, and the shadow directly covered her body.

Mo Junzhe looked at the woman squatting on the ground and the mess on the ground, and his expression slightly changed.

"You're back, it's early today." After a long while, Bai Xiran slowly got up, brushing away the dust from his palms, no other emotions could be seen on that plain white face.

"I heard from the housekeeper that you started banging on the door as soon as you got home. They were very worried." He didn't go into details, but he was actually worried.

My little wife has been acting weird recently.

"Everything you do with this house is dust."

Bai Xiran tugged at the hem of his clothes, and said "Oh", with a smile on his raised face, "Just take a look. Why, is Mr. Mo hiding a secret here? The one you showed me?"

When Mo Junzhe heard the words, his thin lips slightly raised.

He took out a handkerchief from his pocket, took his young wife's tender palm, and wiped it lightly, "So, did your wife find out?"

This attic has been sealed for many years.

A few years ago, Xiaobao was not born yet, and occasionally came up to sit when he was upset.

Later, there were more troublemakers in the house, so they locked it and never came in again.

As for the secret.

Mo Junzhe scanned around and found that there were traces of being rummaged, so he said in a deep voice, "It's all stuff left over from childhood. If my wife likes it, you can move it downstairs and keep it. If you don't like it, just throw it away." It's done."

He didn't seem to care at all.

Perhaps this attitude was too free and easy, which made Bai Xiran a little unable to respond.

She could only retract her hand, pinching the corner of her clothes subconsciously, the smile on her little face was extraordinarily bright, as if she said inadvertently, "I'm just curious to see, besides Feng Yinyin, do you have any others?" My childhood sweetheart... first love..."

The man's eyes narrowed slightly, and his smile became heavier this year.

He seemed to have heard a very interesting joke, and a low laugh escaped from his throat, "I've been married for so many years, does my wife still care about this?"

Bai Xiran just looked up at him and didn't speak for a while.

She pointed to the big box next to her, as if hinting, but also as if she was waiting.

The man seemed a little helpless, and leaned over to take a look, "So, what did Madam find inside?"

Nothing important.

Apart from the toys, there is only an old and blurry photo.

Bai Xiran raised his face and looked at the handsome face of the man in front of him, as if hesitating or waiting.

Mo Junzhe clasped her wrist with one hand, and his voice sank a lot, "Or tell me, what do you want to find."

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