As soon as these words came out, the tall and slender figure turned around instantly.

And Feng Yinyin, who was leaning against his arms, accidentally fell to the side of the bed.


With the sound of weak screams, the doctors and nurses who were on standby outside rushed in immediately.

"Quick, plug the ventilator back in."

"How can you let her move around casually?"

"Patient safety is the first priority, please pay attention to safety!"

The doctor speaks righteously.

He turned around, just about to give a good reprimand to that very ignorant person.

But in an instant, he met the man's expressionless and stiff face.

Mo Junzhe stood there without moving.

His eyes only fell on the little wife by the door.

The little wife was crying, her face full of anger.

And his face became more and more ugly, obviously he was just standing beside him, but the aura radiating from his body made the nurse next to him tremble continuously.

"Your indwelling needle is crooked and needs to be re-injected... I, I, I have it..."

"Ah!" Feng Yinyin yelled even louder.

Bai Xiran was "angry" for a while, and found that she couldn't cry anymore, so she could only look at Mo Junzhe furtively.

The man's face was full of tension and anger!
He seemed more angry than himself?
Bai Xiran was a little confused, not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

He just kept pursing his lips, looking at him pitifully, after thinking about it, he continued to complain, "You're behind my back, you're with other women...I won't forgive you..."

As soon as these words came out, it seemed that the man's anger was instantly ignited.

Mo Junzhe said almost immediately, "Ma'am, I didn't!"

He looked tense.

That face that had been ice-like all the year round was actually a little more nervous at this moment.

"What you just saw was a misunderstanding."

Bai Xiran blinked her eyes and said "Oh".

"That's how scumbags explain it."

She complained weakly, "There's nothing new at all...and I saw it just now, the authentication evidence is all there, and the indwelling needle that was distorted by your hug is still there."

When the injection nurse heard this, her hands almost shook again.

Fortunately, this time the problem is not big, it has already entered.

The nurse and the doctor breathed a sigh of relief almost at the same time, "Well... since the patient is awake, continue to take the medicine, and observe for a period of time. If there is no major problem, he can be discharged from the hospital, ah no, he can go back to the prison. But I I still want to remind you, pay attention to large-scale movements."

After he finished speaking, he led the people out directly.

The ward was quiet again.

Bai Xiran occasionally sobbed twice, lowered his head and did not speak.

Mo Junzhe stood beside him, as if he wanted to explain, but for a while he didn't know where to start.

He just frowned, his whole face was ashen, as if someone owed him hundreds of millions.

"You have nothing else to tell me?" Bai Xiran was the first to break the silence.

Mo Junzhe's thick eyebrows were frowned very tightly, and his eyes were staring at her with a strong look, but his thin lips were still tightly pressed, and he didn't say a word.

Bai Xiran made a fuss.

She wasn't angry at first, but now, she was really annoyed.

Just kidding, she was the one who came to "catch the rape", why did this man put on a face instead.

Then she raised her face, puffed her cheeks and said, "Hey, you kissed me with other women, she hugged you, you know...I saw you, you know?"

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