The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 1074 Two Disobedient Things

"Speak." Mo Junzhe asked impatiently.

She nodded quickly!
Nothing, nothing, of course nothing at all!
Mo Junzhe didn't seem to believe it.

He looked at Xiaobao who was held in her arms again.

Stretch out your long fingers and lift the little guy's chin up.

On the fleshy but snow-white neck, there was another obvious finger print.

The man gave a cold "hum".

Xiaobao shrank immediately.

"How old are you, let her hug you every day?"

As soon as the words came out, the little guy immediately raised his head.

"Don't hug or hug, Xiaobao is so good!" Bai Xiran quickly explained.

And the little guy in his arms may have been a little frightened today.

It was a rare time that instead of confronting Mo Junzhe as usual, he reached out to him pitifully.

"You hug."

Mo Junzhe paused slightly, as if he was thinking.

The little guy's chubby arms hung in the air for a while.

After a while, the man finally stretched out his hand and hugged the soft and fleshy body in his arms.

"It's only this time, it won't happen next time."

The little guy obediently said "oh", buried his head in his shoulder, and sniffled pitifully.

Bai Xiran didn't see Xiaobao being wronged like this, so he quickly explained, "Don't be harsh on him, we met a bad guy today, it's very dangerous. Xiaobao is still a child after all..."

"The wife is no longer a child."

Bai Xiran raised his head in a daze.

He was looking at the man with displeased and annoyed eyes.

"It's a good vacation and study tour, but it's making troubles all the time!"

Bai Xiran, "..."

"What, actually, there is something else hidden. I just met..."

The man didn't respond again.

Instead, he hugged Xiaobao with one hand, clasped hers with the other free hand, and led the mother and son directly into the house.

Arrived at the entrance.

Duan Nan and the others were standing there.

Mo Junzhe frowned, "Mr. Duan, borrow a room."

"Ok, no problem."

No problem at all!

Duan Nan was very talkative, so she stepped aside.

On that gentle-looking face, there was a "gratified" smile.

"Old Duan, your brain is not broken, right? The situation outside Kangkang, how your place has been destroyed, you can still laugh."

"What do you know?" Duan Nan gave him a very "contemptuous" look, "I'm a rough man, Xiaobao can stay today, you think I'm not happy."


Mao Arthur was still a little confused.

He scratched his beard, looked at the family of three who had already walked into the room, and it took him a while to react.

"So that person just now was..."

"If I'm not wrong, this should be Mr. Mo. Xiaobao's father."

Mao Arthur, "!!"

"Why are you so sure? What if... what if not."

Duan Nan gave him a meaningful look.


The "Madam" he said just now was in Chinese, so you can hear it clearly, okay?

"Let's all go away, Xiao Ji, take a few people to check the surroundings, and repair the floor..."

"Ok sir."

Duan Nan quickly explained clearly and returned to the villa.

Most of the other onlookers were still at a loss.

"So this plane really belongs to the Mo Group?"

"What group? Can it be better than Boss Duan and Mao Arthur?"

"That's right. In Las Vegas, if any awesome people come, they have to be coiled!"

This person is probably Duan Nan's loyal fan.

After he finished speaking, there was a cold mocking voice from around, "Sirius was created by man."

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