The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 1005 There are always troublemakers who don't believe it

"What does he want to do?"

The onlookers were reluctant to leave and stood quietly watching the scene.

"I've already got my pen."

"He wouldn't... want to draw on the spot?"

Bai Xiran was standing by the table, staring at the man with bright eyes.

You know, except for the time that Uncle Mo helped her revise the manuscript, she has never seen him do it.

So she simply moved closer, happily huddling beside the man, not wanting to miss a single stroke.

As soon as Mo Junzhe started writing, he raised his eyes and saw the approaching little face.

There was a slight smile on the thin lips, and he said in a deep voice, "Madam is not worried about the voting results at all?"

"Well... just do your best and obey the destiny. I will do everything I can." Bai Xiran has always been in a good mood, and this time he has prepared for a long time in advance, so he is somewhat sure.

She paused, and said in a low voice, "Looking at their votes in the past can't change the result. It's not as good as you."

Mo Junzhe raised his eyebrows slightly, and there was an almost imperceptible smile in his eyes.

Obviously, these words pleased him very well.

At the end, I looked back at the design draft in the booth and finally put pen to paper.

The man's face was a little serious, but he was very relaxed in his gestures, as if he had already remembered the operations in his heart, and he looked smooth and smooth.

"It looks amazing."

"It's really not like blowing, the writing posture and lines are crisp and neat, he is really MJZ!"

Leo watched him draw a few strokes, and his face became more and more ugly, so he sneered coldly, "It's just pretending."

Mo Junzhe didn't pay attention at all.

All can see.

The man bowed his head and wrote his pen. He was clearly in the crowd, but he was not disturbed by the outside world at all, as if he was an immortal in the sky, and he seemed to be lifting weights lightly.

"What he the work just now!"

"God, he doesn't want to copy it on the spot, does he?"

"No, it's not right! The waist design and trouser legs are a little different..."

"He's revising the manuscript!"

Someone quickly came to a conclusion.

It is not difficult at all to design your own work and modify other people's manuscripts!
As soon as these words came out, there was an instant silence around.

Everyone's eyes were focused on where he wrote, and they didn't dare to move away!

If you don't have a lot of experience in revising a manuscript, if you don't have a good understanding of this style...

If you don't understand the designer's intention, you will never succeed!

Leoben was still a little worried.

But at this time, seeing that the other party was actually revising the draft, the worry in my heart was completely let go.

Simply overwhelmed!
But Bai Xiran next to him was watching this scene seriously, even secretly filming it with his mobile phone.

Mo Junzhe watched her movements, finally raised his head, and said in a hoarse voice, "Ma'am, what are you doing?"

"Just take a picture."

Bai Xiran showed him an innocent smile.

The man was helpless, "Go back and delete it."

"No." She didn't delete it.

It is said that men are the most handsome when they are serious, but to be honest, Uncle Mo is usually handsome enough, but now that he is serious, it is simply turning all living beings upside down, okay?

She must save this video.

Mo Junzhe didn't interfere any more, but just lowered his head again.

Put pen to paper again.

However, the design draft was revised within a few minutes.

"It's been changed so quickly?" Leo looked at it slightly mockingly, "Let's show it for everyone to see."

He was full of disdain.

Not to mention the difficulty of revision.

Even if you have the strength and experience, if you really want to revise a design draft, it will definitely not take ten minutes!

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