The only pet cute wife, Mo Shao's apex treasure

Chapter 1003 Is it the same person


When Leo heard what the man said, he was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed unceremoniously.

"Who here doesn't know that you are Mo Junzhe, the famous Mr. Mo! Do you think you can fool us with just this name?"

"Why is the dignified Mr. Mo... such a person?"

"But Mo Junzhe? MJZ, do you sound familiar?"

Someone gave a weak reminder, and soon someone noticed this side.

"Say what. What MJZ."

"Huh? I know this name. The super awesome touch that was a flash in the pan many years ago, uh... should be on our invitation list this time. It's just that the other party's Shenlong can't see the end, so there is a high probability that we can't get in touch. .”

and many more.

"What's Mo Junzhe's acronym?"

"It seems to be M, J, Z..."

and so……


The staff member looked at Mo Junzhe in disbelief, and almost immediately turned around to get the roster.

"Mjz is one of our important invitees. He has already received feedback when sending out the invitation letter, and the other party said...he will definitely come!"

All around completely quiet!

Leo suddenly widened his eyes and stared at the staff member fiercely, "What nonsense are you talking about? He is MJZ, how could he be!"

"Mr. Leo, it's clearly written on it. My ID card was mailed with the invitation letter, so there's nothing wrong with it."

"I do not believe!"

Leo's face flushed, he looked at the man standing not far away with a strong aura, and then at the extremely calm Bai Xiran beside him.

For a moment, he only felt that his brain was congested...

"It's impersonation!"

That's right.

Leo couldn't help but start to admire himself, "It must be impersonation! With his power, he can impersonate Mr. MJZ! Otherwise, how can we explain that a person who has disappeared for many years will suddenly appear here."

He couldn't help silently applauding his wit.

Then he narrowed his eyes and looked at Mo Junzhe.

Even though the other party is still very calm now, Leo believes that he must have a guilty conscience in his heart!
"How about it, have nothing to say? Even if you choose a guest who rarely shows up, my eyes are sharp, and I can spot you fake and shoddy at a glance. As for Bai Xiran, you'd better go with this It doesn't matter, otherwise I will contact the company's senior management to hold you accountable."

Mo Junzhe frowned.

He stood upright on one side, his slender fingers slightly curled up and down on the cuffs, and at this moment he was gently stroking the metal buttons on the cuffs.

When he spoke again, his voice was gentle and calm, "How do I prove it?"

"You want to prove it?"

Leo almost laughed out loud.

"It's really hard not to die until the Yellow River. Since you are not afraid of losing face, I can also cooperate."

He glanced around, then pointed to a few sketches next to him, "Have you seen all the design sketches exhibited today? If you are really MJZ, you will naturally see something different."

Leo looked at him mockingly, "Or, do you want to draw on the spot?"

Mo Junzhe followed his gaze and saw that it was a certain exhibition area on Bai Xiran's side.

He almost walked over.

"Mo Junzhe." Bai Xiran hurried over and gently pulled his sleeve, with a raised face full of helplessness, "We just need to be clear in our hearts, there is no need to prove it in this way."

A person's identity cannot be faked.

What's more, among the hundred or so people who came here, it wasn't that none of them knew MJZ.

But when Leo heard this, he only thought she was guilty.

Immediately approached, and raised his voice, "If you are afraid, just speak up, and play the trick of having a clear conscience..."

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