"If you do something wrong, you will be punished.

""don't want.

He is so fierce.

"Then you still dare to provoke Daddy, it's rude."

""Well, I won't dare next time, he was just joking with him!" Jian Yao was not willing to really say anything to him, so she quickly comforted her softly, "Okay, okay, I see, I will tell him when the time comes.

"No matter what mistakes her son made, she was always reluctant to punish her, who made her such a big baby son.

The meat of the heart is not too much.

"Mommy is the best!" Xiao Yuchen changed his face in joy instantly, climbed onto the dining table, picked up the chopsticks, and began to eat.

Jian Yao smiled dotingly and shook her head, this kid looks like a ghost since he was a child.

No one can make him suffer.

"Eat slowly and be careful.

"Walking over, eating with him, and watching him and little Bailing grow up, seemed to be her happiest time every day.

What about that person!Picking up the bowls and chopsticks, he looked at the vacant space opposite.

She sighed softly.

country w.

Regal Hotel.

"Dawei, come here.

"Huo Jinming, who just woke up, has already started to make plans for his work, and he has never been half-slack in his work.

He is chic and handsome and puts on a neat suit, which complements his straight and strong perfect figure. He moves handsomely and unrestrainedly, with a domineering aura in his body. I am convinced.

Soon, there was a knock on the hotel door.


"Dawei immediately took the room card and entered.

"President, you called me.

" "Well, how are things going?" "He asked without raising his head while eating breakfast.

The British newspaper in his hand read carefully.

"There are some clues, but there is no real evidence, so I can't say right now.

"Since Dawei said that, Huo Jinming already understood, raised his head, and thought for a while, "She has a good girlfriend named Jiang Chengcheng, if she doesn't have any clues, she hides it very well, you can start from there.

Dawei's eyes lit up, and he immediately understood.

"Yes, I'm going right now.

" "By the way, hold a reception for me."

"Huh? Dawei is a little puzzled.

"Please go to all well-known local media, and it must be a media with high influence.

""Ok, I know.

"No matter what Huo Jinming said, Dawei never meant to disobey it. Whether he understood it or not, his duty and task was to obey what he said.

"Then ask Du Chengde to come to my place.

Dawei nodded, and hurried down to do it.

Huo Jinming was in a good mood after eating breakfast.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, overlooking the scenery of this piece of land.

Never, his ambition will never stop.

Never, the person he loves will never change.

He said that he would give her the most honorable life in the world.

I will definitely do what I say.

Du Chengde is a coward, he already knew Dawei's actions, not to mention he didn't intend to hide it, he knew it naturally, it has become a matter of course.

With trepidation in his heart, he rang the doorbell again.

"Ding dong—" the door was opened.

Dawei smiled slightly, made a formulaic gesture of invitation, stepped aside, and signaled him to go in.

"Okay, thank you.

"He walked over politely, glanced at Huo Jinming who was sitting in the living room, and smiled inexplicably.

He quickly walked over to pour a cup of tea and put it opposite him.

Then stood beside Huo Jinming.

"Mr. Huo, I don't know why you called me here?" Yesterday, he was able to talk about his grand ambitions and ideas with a gesture, which was also recognized by Huo Jinming.

But in the business world, everything is changing rapidly, no one can guarantee anything, only what is implemented in the contract, what is on paper, is real.

He had to admit today that he was nervous.

Huo Jinming's every move is unimaginable and unpredictable, making people confused.

"Do you know that I have a drinking party?" He came up and went straight.

"I know, many well-known media have also been convened, and even the international paper media tee has come.

"He said with some shame.

This kind of big shot, even if he is well-known in Country W and runs the coercion group, he still doesn't have the appeal to let these international people come to the reception he announced.

"It's nothing.

"He said with a faint smile.

Du Chengde was even more helpless and speechless.

"Mr. Huo wants to use this reception to see how many companies are suitable for you to choose as a medium to enter the country w market?" He thought he would choose himself, but now, Du Chengde is no longer sure. up.

The vow I made at the beginning was shaken at this moment.


"Kang Dang! A big rock fell from the bottom of his heart, making his face turn pale instantly.

An embarrassing smile hangs on his face, gradually stiffening, "Well, I respect your meaning.

"Dawei was on the sidelines, smiling even more intensely.

Sure enough, the president has endless ways to manage people's hearts.

"Then what do you have, do you want to throw out better conditions for me to consider?" Huo Jinming raised his brows and looked at him, the ambiguity in his deep eyes was even more elusive.

"If it is necessary, I will give you all the shares in my hand, and I will only be a professional manager?" He thought for a while, and finally calmed down, sweating coldly, and said such a sentence.

"Oh?" Huo Jinming became interested.

"Give all the equity to me, plus other things I bought and your group is willing to donate, this is already more than 30.00%.

"He played with the ring he bought with Jian Yao before, and asked calculatedly.

The tone of his voice was neither salty nor weak, making people not sure what he meant, which was the most terrifying thing.

"You deserve it all.

"Du Chengde's mouth was bitter.

If not, he probably won't even have a job in the future. Who can stop what Huo Jinming wants to do?Unless it's because he doesn't want to mess around anymore, since he wants to get hotter, he won't be afraid of getting hotter.

"Hehe, what you say is wrong, there are people who don't like money.

"He put down the teacup in his hand.

"The tea over there tastes good, you can taste it, it's the quintessence of the country, and only by being true to one's roots can it be preserved for a long time.

"Du Chengde quickly picked up the teacup and took a sip.

"The taste of this tea is just like that of people. There are different flavors, but one thing is the same, that is, the taste has a long history, and it is the same with people. If you want to be effective, you have to give it sweetness. Are you right?" , Du Chengde still nodded.

"So, I will not take any of the shares that belong to you, and I will not let go of what Huo Jinming should get. This reception is mainly to let you see clearly, after all, your competitors, What is better than you, and with Huo's blessing in the future, where should you strengthen, I will announce tomorrow that the partner of Huo's group will be you!"

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