So stupid that he made himself feel very pitiful, loving someone so lowly that he couldn't get a little sincerity, but you know that the Huo family can have today's development, and she owes a lot to her, but in the end, in his eyes, only Jian Yao, and she is just a pawn that can be used, an employee, the most ordinary employee, an employee who can be discarded if she wants to.

"Huo Jinming, you will regret it, one day you will regret the decision you made today.

"The memory is still fresh, his decisive face that day was because she was too naive.

good!From now on, let her find her once superior self!The arrival of Cui Liya really made Huo Jinming very relaxed, and he spent a lot more time with Jian Yao.

in the garden.

Jian Yao threw a handful of bait, and many goldfish flocked to eat together. The scene was very beautiful and energetic, and the corners of her lips could not help but tinge with a smile.

What Huo Jinming saw in the past was that the sun was shining on her face, she was so white and pure, that kind of spotless beauty was heart-stirring.

"The sun is so big, be careful of heatstroke.

"He expressed concern and walked towards her step by step.

"When did you come?" Jian Yao turned her head, glanced at him lightly, and turned her eyes to the pond again.

Youzai threw the bait into it leisurely.

"I've come here a long time ago, seeing that you are calm and not showing signs of drowsiness, I just want to let you be alone for a while.

"Xiao Yuchen goes to school during the day and doesn't disturb her. She is rarely clean, and Huo Jinming can't bear to disturb her.

"Aren't you busy today? Why didn't you go to the company?" Since she woke up, Huo Jinming's life has been a two-point line. He is very busy at home and in the company.

"There is a new management staff, the work efficiency and ability are very good, after using it, I am much more relaxed.

"Since planning to let Sefina leave, many of the company's core businesses are slowly derailing from her, and he will inevitably have to do everything big and small by himself.

Now with Trillia, he can already begin to let go slowly.

"Then if that's the case, can you accompany me to a place?" Huo Jinming raised his eyebrows. She seldom put forward conditions and requests, so of course he was very happy.

"Where are you going? I'll accompany you.

"He didn't even hesitate, he wished Jian Yao could walk around more.

"I read in the book that there is a kind of flower on the mountain in the suburbs, called cat's ears.

"" This name is very interesting.

"As long as she is interested in something, he is willing to accompany her.

"Don't you say you won't let me go out? Did you send someone to fetch it back for me?" She was a little dazed and questioned his attitude.

Since taking the decoction, he has been extremely strict with her, almost lying in bed every day, being able to accompany her indifferently like this makes Jian Yao more and more unpredictable about him.

"Of course we have to pick the things we like by ourselves. If possible, we will find a free place and raise them.

"He casually pointed to an open space in the garden.

"What do you think of this place?" Jian Yao nodded slightly, and walked in front quietly.

Today's Huo Jinming made her feel particularly comfortable. At some point, she no longer rejected him.

He drove steadily, and arrived at the designated location as Jian Yao expected.

The mountains and plains are lush and green, but there is indeed not a single flower written in the book.

"Go inside and see, maybe inside.

"Seeing the disappointment on her face, Huo Jinming took her tender hands and walked inside.

She looked at his broad palm, which covered her little hand, and did not pull it out, but let him pull it.

Huo Jinming, who was walking in front, felt bursts of excitement and joy in his heart.

Jian Yao's daily changes are infinitely magnified in his eyes.

Hate her, reject her, and accept her now.

It's a big span.

To be alive and to have her memory is what Huo Jinming is looking for at this moment.

When two people are together, nothing really matters, as long as they hold hands quietly like this, a lifetime is enough.

"Look!" Huo Jinming suddenly raised his voice, pointing to a small hillside and beaming with joy.

"Really!" Jian Yao trotted over, wearing a white T-shirt, jeans, and sneakers, full of youth.

"Cat's ears? Is it a cat's ear?" I took one off and put it in my palm. A colorful flower shaped like a cat's ear lay quietly there.

"There are so many! Look, there are more over there!" Jian Yao was as happy as a child, running excitedly on this green field, looking for such small wild flowers.

"The book really didn't lie, this season's cat ears are the biggest and the best.

Available in a variety of colors.

""Why did you suddenly read this kind of book?" "Huo Jinming asked softly.

Followed behind her, step by step, for fear that she would accidentally bump into him.

After amnesia, he was extra careful about her safety.

"Xiao Yuchen asked me to read it, saying it was to exercise memory and enhance my understanding of things, and the most important thing was that he wanted to learn to write this biology book.

"Jian Yao spread her hands, she couldn't do anything about her precious ghost son.

But she was fascinated by watching it, and she actually believed in a sentence in the book, people who can find cat ears and have this kind of words are kind and lucky.

It is written in the book that the flowering period of cat's ears is only fifteen days, after that, it will no longer exist.

She is in season, it would be a pity if it is not an eye craving.

"This brat will make trouble for you.

"Huo Jinming smiled angrily.

Jian Yao turned around and responded with a serious face, "It's not asking for trouble, I like it very much.

"She should also be interested in what her son is interested in, so that she can better integrate into her son's world and have common topics with him.

"Then shall we bring some back? This kind of wild flower is easy to survive, and the requirements are not so high. If you like it, you can bring it back to the garden and cultivate one, so that you can enjoy it later.

"I don't want it. This kind of flower is suitable for growing in this kind of suburb. Bringing it back will only pollute it."

"Jian Yao reluctantly took a few photos, smelled it, touched it, let go of her hand, and retreated step by step.

"Let's go, I've seen it, enjoyed it, it's time to leave, Xiao Yuchen is going to leave school.

"She looked at the watch in her hand, with a little disappointment in her tone.

"it is good.

"What did she say! There will never be a little bit of good intentions to do bad things.

After seeing the little wild flowers and admiring the suburban scenery, the two rushed to Xiao Yuchen and Xiao Bailing's school.

As soon as the school bell rang, all the children inside rushed out.

Jian Yao stretched her neck and looked at each one. It seemed that she hadn't come to pick up her son from school for a long time.

She is really not a competent mother.

"Don't worry, he will come out last.


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