At that time, he desperately thought that he would also be buried in the sea of ​​fire, but it was Jian Yao who brought him out and gave him hope of life.

He couldn't let Jian Yao die.

Seeing Tang He in a daze, Lu Jing shook his shoulders fiercely, "Why are you in a daze, at this point, you are still not willing to let her die, you are the one who died!" "No, you also said No one knows we did it.

"" That's what I said to comfort you.

"Lu Jing said coldly, "Go find someone to check on yourself. Now you and I are under surveillance by the Huo family, and they haven't dispelled their suspicions about you and me at all.

"Really? Tang He didn't believe it, Lu Jing put a handheld computer in front of him.

What appeared on the screen were his recent public appearances. What made Tang He creepy was that whenever he passed a place, a specific figure followed him.

After several consecutive videos like this, he finally believed Lu Jing's words.

Seeing that he believed it, Lu Jing also released his own video. Like Tang He, whenever Lu Jing appeared in public, someone would definitely pay attention to him.

"I didn't even notice it at first.

Lu Jing put away the handheld computer, and said solemnly to Tang He, "If it weren't for Dulong who is an expert in this field, he would definitely tell me that I was being monitored, and I wouldn't dare to think about it."

"You mean, Huo Jinming has already started monitoring us?" ""right.

Hearing the affirmative answer, Tang He quietly grabbed his hair.

What should he do?Huo Jinming's power is so powerful that he knows better than anyone else, how could anyone escape his revenge for a president who can monitor the entire Haicheng in his hands.

It's over!Tang He's depression continued to spread in the private room, Lu Jing couldn't see his spineless appearance, and slapped him heavily on the face.

"Just like you, you deserve to be killed by Huo Jinming!" "Then what should I do?" Tang He was pissed off by him, and growled in a low voice, "Who can easily compete with Huo Jinming? You are not embarrassing me. I shouldn't have listened to your bewitching, and went against Jian Yao and Huo Jinming!" "You are the one who wants to taste Jian Yao.

"Lu Jing sneered, "If you want to live a good life, you just listen to me.

Seeing what Lu Jing said, Tang He's pupils continued to dilate.

He has only one way.

In a specific ward of the hospital, Dawei put the document he just got in front of Huo Jinming, and reminded him softly.

"Mr. Huo, Lu Jing and Tang He met, and they deliberately chose a time when no one was watching, but our people still caught clues that they went in and out of the Maple Leaf Club together.

"The time and frequency of the two people's comings and goings were clearly recorded on the document. Huo Jinming glanced at it and threw the document on the table.

What a joke.

He still remembered how Jian Yao helped Tang He, revitalized the Tang family, handed over the property to Tang He, and made Tang He grow from an ignorant child to a successful entrepreneur now.

What a perfect farmer and snake story.

"Protect Yaoyao.

He thought for a while, and then instructed Dawei, "If they didn't succeed, they will definitely attack Yaoyao again. Also, you have to let someone protect my other family members."

"Jian Yao's accident is already an accident, he will not allow a second accident to happen.


" Dawei led the order to go out, looking at his back, Huo Jinming took another deep breath.

Jian Yao, the person who hurt you has finally shown his feet.

Don't worry, I will catch him now.

Jian Yao has been in a coma for the past two days. Dr. Hu explained that she has gone through life and death, her body has lost too much blood and nutrition, and lost a lot of vitality, so she can only recover slowly.

There is no rush for this matter.

Huo Jinming would visit her in the afternoon every day, and if he had nothing to do, he would talk to her about the company and their recent situation, as well as the performance of his son and daughter.

Then leave on time at six o'clock in the evening.

There are only two nurses guarding Jian Yao here at night. According to Dr. Hu, it is enough for people to wait for her to wake up at any time, and there is no need for too many people.

Night fell again, and the hospital was eerily quiet.

The hour hand pointed to three o'clock in the morning, and a sneaky figure suddenly appeared outside Jian Yao's ward.

Tang He wiped the sweat off his head nervously, glanced at the two nurses who were sleeping soundly in the ward, and breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Lu Jing didn't lie to him.

Lu Jing said that according to his observations, the two nurses were still alert at night at first, but as time went by, they became less vigilant.

After all, no one knows when Jian Yao will wake up.

Whether it will be a day later, or a week later, I can't say for sure.

No one in the ward was awake, which made Tang He calmer. After seeing that there was no one around, he entered the ward lightly.

Jian Yao was lying there with a calm expression, as if she was sleeping peacefully.


Tang He bowed lightly to her, and then extended his palm to the oxygen tube next to him.

He tightly stuck the tube of the oxygen mask, and stopped delivering oxygen to Jian Yao. After more than 20 seconds, Jian Yao's face began to flush, and her body began to tremble violently.

This is a sign of hypoxia.

Tang He closed his eyes and didn't look at it any more. He just pinched the tube tightly. He said sorry in his heart, but the strength in his hand didn't decrease.

It was estimated that after 3 minutes, the calm in the ward had already returned, so Tang He boldly opened his eyes.

A face was pressed against his nose, and he jumped back screaming.

He stumbled and fell to the ground, and when he saw the face of the person in front of him clearly, his face suddenly became depressed.

It's Huo Jinming.

"How could you be here.

Tang He looked at him dejectedly, "I've finished the investigation, you can't come here."

""I let you down.

"Huo Jinming said coldly, letting go of the oxygen tube in his hand.

Tang He looked quickly, and it turned out that there were two tubes on Jian Yao's oxygen tank, just now he was holding one tightly, and Huo Jinming turned on the switch of the other.

After pinching for a long time, it was only useful when Jian Yao was in pain at the beginning, but it didn't affect Jian Yao at all.

Tang He slumped and closed his eyes.

He lost.

"In order to wait for the person who harmed Yaoyao to show up, I lay on the floor in this ward for three full days.

"Huo Jinming looked at him coldly, "But I didn't expect that you were the last person waiting.

"" Tang He.

He grabbed Tang He by the collar, his eyes were cold and piercing, "Yaoyao entrusted you with all her housekeeping skills and asked you to take charge of the Tang family's property. Are you worthy of her?" ""sorry.

" Tang He said dejectedly, without any color in his eyes, "I just beg you, don't tell my grandfather and father what I did.

"He didn't want to become a heartless devil in the eyes of the Tang family.

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