For the members of the Lu family, Huo Jinming had already been on guard.

At the beginning, Jian Yao's biological father was Lu Jingheng of the Lu family. After knowing Jian Yao's rare blood type, his son Lu Jing thought about telling Jian Yao not to help his old father.

Huo Jinming and Jian Yao's impression of the entire Lu family was that it was so dark and scheming.

Even the biological father and son can calculate, let alone this unrecognized daughter?Now that he heard that Dulong had been incorporated into the Lu family and then kicked out, Huo Jinming immediately realized something was wrong.

"Dulong should still serve the Lu family.

"He commented, "But what I'm curious about is why the Lu family wants to deal with Yaoyao.

"" Did you offend them somewhere?

"Gu Changcun frowned and reminded, "I've heard of the Lu family's name when I was in the capital, especially Lu Jing, the head of the Lu family of this generation, is a man with a small belly.

""As long as it is someone who offended him, he will definitely retaliate and will not hold back at all. Maybe it's because you didn't agree with him in some things, which made him think.

"Offend him? Huo Jinming sneered.

If what Gu Changcun said is true and Lu Jing is a man with a small belly, then he and Jian Yao have offended Lu Jing too much.

Back then, Lu Jing came to beg them to prevent Jian Yao from helping Lu Jingheng, but they all had a bad impression of Lu Jing, so they drove him away.

Later, when they were doing business in Haicheng, the Lu family blocked their way of making money and conspired with the Bai family to drive the Huo family and the Tang family to a dead end. Huo Jinming simply came to the bottom and cut off the Lu family's business.

These beams have already been formed.

"No wonder.

After hearing this, Gu Changcun said with emotion, "It's understandable for a person with Lu Jing's temper to strike at you. What I'm curious about is why he would strike so abruptly."

"That's a very cautious person.

If he doesn't find the right time and a chance to do it, he won't make it easily.

And most importantly, how did Lu Jing know that they were going on a trip? "Should have thought about it a long time ago.

"Huo Jinming was not surprised, "Someone tipped him off.


These words cut through the chaos in his mind like lightning, and the corners of Huo Jinming's mouth turned up slightly.

Why didn't he think of this.

No matter how capable and resourceful Lu Jing is, he is only powerful in the capital, but in Haicheng, he is the biggest king of the Huo family.

If they want to go against Huo's order and get their clues, and arrange carefully, there must be someone who can receive Huo Jinming and Jian Yao's information.

Or the people around them.

After figuring this out, Huo Jinming felt chills in his heart.

Gu Changcun is also an individual, so he naturally understood the key points. Seeing Huo Jinming's complexion, he patted him on the shoulder lightly and sighed.

"Survey everyone who can come into contact with you.

"He whispered to Huo Jinming, "No matter who it is, everyone will be under surveillance, and as long as there is any change, you will be able to find it immediately.

"Although it hurts to let others know, but in this special situation, they can only do so.

Huo Jinming nodded slightly.

Although the method of monitoring the people around is rather stupid, but fortunately it can not be missed, there are only a few people who can come into contact with Jian Yao and Huo Jinming on weekdays.

The people in the bridal shop are the first to be monitored.

They were going to Huangguo Waterfall to take a wedding photo on location. Only the people in the bridal shop and themselves knew about it. It was impossible for their family members to betray them, so the problem lay with the bridal shop.

Jian Yao's surgery is scheduled to take place in five days, and Huo Jinming has enough time to interrogate the people from the bridal shop.

But he didn't want to fanfare.

It is the most stupid way to scare the snake away. If people are on guard, it will be difficult for him to find out the truth.

On the afternoon of the third day, the manager of the bridal shop called all the employees in the shop.

"Our store lost that big business from Boss Huo before, so this month's bonus has been deducted, and the basic salary depends on the situation. Everyone, be prepared.

The store manager sighed, "Business is not easy to do. If this month's basic salary is also deducted, everyone will have to wait for next month."

"The voice fell, and the employees of the bridal shop couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It's fine if the bonus is deducted, but the basic salary is also deducted?" "This is because the store doesn't give us a way to survive, and let us eat?" "Yes, the store can't be so inhumane, so don't deduct the basic salary. No, we don’t want any bonuses anymore!” The employees raised their opinions one after another, feeling that the boss was too harsh, and although the store manager felt uncomfortable, he still stretched out his hand to calm them down.

"It's an order from the boss.

"She patiently said to the staff, "Mr. Huo and his wife came to the store to buy wedding dresses and take wedding photos before. I told you to be serious and not to mess around.

""What trouble?" "Madam was hijacked and escaped death, and she is still lying in the intensive care unit, saying that she is going to have a craniotomy, and she doesn't know whether she is dead or alive."

"The store manager said in a deep voice, "Ms. Huo is like this. The Huangguo Waterfall address we selected in the store is the culprit. It's lucky that Mr. Huo didn't blame us for failing to protect Mrs. Huo!" "No one refuted her words, and all the employees bowed their heads in shame.

This is true.

After the bridal shop chooses the location, it has a certain responsibility to ensure personal safety when shooting on location. This is the contract that people should have when purchasing wedding dresses.

But Huo Jinming and Jian Yao's identities are too special, and they have their own bodyguards, so the bridal shop takes security lightly, thinking that their staff is enough.

Unexpectedly, their carelessness directly led to today's consequences.

If Jian Yao's recovery is not good, Huo Jinming will also vent his anger to the bridal shop. Whether their shop can continue to open in Haicheng is a matter of choice, and of course they won't be able to get their wages.

The shop assistants all sighed, and an inconspicuous little make-up artist timidly walked up to the shop manager.

"Shop Manager Wang, is it really that serious?" "What do you think.

Seeing that it was the most silent and timid makeup artist, the store manager didn't take it seriously, and sighed, "Baihua, you don't know, this time the wife of the president is really lucky to survive.

"Jumping down from such a high plane, if there is not a puddle of water, I am afraid that my wife will die on the spot.

Bai Hua heard it in her ears, and secretly wrote it down, then turned back to her seat in silence, and continued to make up the bride who took over.

Seeing her leave, the store manager didn't take it to heart.

Baihua is the most invisible makeup artist in the store, but her makeup skills are really good, and she is usually a good person, so the store does not discriminate against her and pays her a high salary.

But now, Baihua's heart is full of entanglements and contradictions.

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