Despite this, the captain of the bodyguard still dutifully guarded in front of the two of them, looking around vigilantly.

Xiao Yuchen and Xiao Bailing, who were unconscious, were carried to the crowd by other bodyguards. Everyone supported them, covered their mouth and nose with one hand, and stopped inhaling too much medicine.

"This thing should be ether, and our limbs will recover in a while. Fortunately, we are by the waterfall, and the wind is strong, so we won't be unconscious.

"The captain of the bodyguard explained softly to the two of them.

He is Anhua's subordinate, and Bai Guang personally trained him, and he is also Huo Jinming's most trusted bodyguard besides Bai Guang and Anhua in Huo's villa.

"What to do now.

"Huo Jinming was still calm, and asked in a cold voice, "Our limbs are so weak that we can't move.

" "I am afraid of an enemy attack.

The captain said softly, "they must have their purpose in releasing the medicine. Now that we don't have much fighting power, it's the best time for them to attack."

"If he really hits the mark, I'm afraid there will be a fierce battle.

No one knows what the other party's purpose is, but everyone understands that the person who comes at this time is not good, either for money or for life.

"Papa papa.

"Clear applause sounded, and seven or eight strong men came out from the darkness. They were all covered and couldn't see their faces clearly. Only the eyes of the brown-haired man at the head flickered in the firelight, which was very obvious.

"As expected of a person trained by White Light.

"The brown-haired man smiled, "We don't make it difficult for you, anyway, they all took money from the employer. If you give me Jian Yao, we will leave now, otherwise..." He didn't say anything else, threatening in his words The meaning is already obvious.

Otherwise, it is death.

A strong murderous aura spread in the air, and Huo Jinming held Jian Yao's hand tightly.

"Catch me.

He said coldly to everyone, "I am the president of the Huo Corporation, it is faster and more convenient to arrest me than to arrest Jian Yao."

"Hearing what he said, Jian Yao was shocked, but he pressed her hand to prevent her from saying more.

The other party wants hostages. Although they don't know what their purpose is, it must be related to the company group. If they want to plot against the Huo family, arresting him is the best choice.

Now the bodyguard captain's limbs are weak and weak, and they have no ability to resist. Instead of letting them take Jian Yao away and worry about it, it's better for him to be the hostage himself.

What's more, he wants to protect her.

The mistakes of the past have already been made by him, even if there are sisters Jiang Yanwan's harassment, he is still the one who initiated it.

Take it as his compensation now.

"Jin Ming, don't go.

"Jian Yao whispered in his ear, "You are the pillar of the Huo family, much more important than me.

" "I said I would protect you."

"Huo Jinming said in a low voice, "I am a man and you are a woman. I am much safer than you in the hands of such a person."

"The words of the two spread far in the empty valley, and the brown-haired man clapped his hands heavily, his face full of admiration.

"As expected of a family with a well-known CEO.

He smiled wickedly, "Unfortunately, what our employer wants is Jian Yao."

"After the words fell to the ground, he stopped entangled with a few people, and the men behind him rushed forward, pulling Jian Yao away from Huo Jinming's side without much effort.

Under the firelight, Jian Yao's eyes were extremely desperate.

She didn't know what their purpose was, but she had a hunch that after being separated from him this time, it would be difficult for her to return to him.

If her body was indeed defiled, she would never come back alive.

"Yaoyao!" Although the scene was chaotic, Huo Jinming and the others did not give up their resistance. Seeing Jian Yao being pulled away, he growled angrily in a low voice, and wanted to get up to catch up, but was firmly held down by another man.

The limp limbs were useless at this moment, and Jian Yao was pushed onto the helicopter by them.

"Here we go, let's go.

"The brown-haired man looked contemptuously at Huo Jinming and the others who were lying on the ground in disdain. They greeted each other in the chaos just now, and they were beaten so hard that they had no ability to resist.

The men boarded the helicopter, Jian Yao looked at Huo Jinming in despair, and the plane gradually rose.

"Your master wants me?" She said desperately to the man beside her, "Tell me, who is he.

"" You will know when you see it.

"The man didn't take it seriously, "We have been lurking in Haicheng for so long in order to catch you, and we finally succeeded.

"His words made Jian Yao despair again, looking at the knife in the man's hand, Jian Yao lightly bit her lips.

If the helicopter rose again, she would have no chance.

Her sore limbs seemed to regain some strength, and while the brown-haired man was watching Huo Jinming and the others' miserable situation, she jumped off the plane.

The bitter wind kept whistling in her ears, and she fell downward like a bird with broken wings.

"Yaoyao, don't!" Huo Jinming shouted heart-piercingly, ignoring the pain and weakness in his body, he rushed towards the place where Jian Yao fell crazily.

The captain of the bodyguard and others also worked hard to get up from the ground, trying to rush over to help.

On the helicopter, the brown-haired man was shocked, he did not expect Jian Yao's temper to be so strong, he spat hard, and ordered the plane to descend to catch up with Jian Yao.

"This woman is really desperate!" He shouted in a cold voice, "If you want to see people live or die, we must take her back!" Even if you jump off the plane!Knowing the power of the employer behind them, everyone rolled up their sleeves one after another. After the plane landed, they frantically rushed towards the place where Jian Yao fell.

Beside the icy mountain stream, Huo Jinming frantically walked back and forth in the water.

He watched Jian Yao being forcibly taken onto the plane, his body was so weak that he couldn't protect her, so he could only suppress his restlessness and told himself that he could snatch her back after she boarded the plane.

But he still failed!Jian Yao fell into this mountain stream like a bird with broken wings, and his heart also fell down with her, almost shattered into pieces.

is she still aliveThe water in the mountain stream was icy cold, and he felt the hair gently brushing against his legs, so he pricked it down suddenly, and picked Jian Yao up from the water.

Her face was pale and cold, her lips were also blue, and her forehead was bright red. The dazzling color made Huo Jinming dizzy.

Trembling, he put his hand under her nose, feeling the weak air current, and Huo Jinming's heart, which had been hanging in the air for a long time, returned to his heart cavity.

Jian Yao is still alive!The sound of the helicopter gradually approached, and the brown-haired man rushed back with many people. Seeing that Huo Jinming was hugging Jian Yao, he smiled coldly and waved for others to surround him.

"Give her to us.


Huo Jinming hugged Jian Yao tightly, and retreated step by step firmly, "Just now you took medicine to make us lose our ability to resist, so that we were able to snatch her away, and now you want to repeat the old trick?" "That depends on whether you can stop it."

"The man laughed sinisterly.

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