"What are you doing here, it scares people away.

" Jian Yao complained, and threw the red egg on him, "If I didn't ask for their contact information, Xiao Yuchen will cry to you in the future.

"It was the first time for her to see her son so devoted to the mother and daughter.

If this is the case, then she simply pushed the boat along and helped her son ask for his contact information.

After being dropped by Jian Yao, the rich aroma of eggs came out. Huo Jinming reluctantly took the egg and peeled it gently.

"I wanted to come over for an egg.

"He peeled the egg and put it in Jian Yao's hands, and then slowly peeled off the other one, "I just wanted to eat the egg when I saw it. My mother also cooked red eggs for me when I was young.

"The deliciousness in his memory made him remember it until now.

But he has such a dull face in front of strangers, coupled with the aura of being in a high position for a long time, it is inevitable for the mother and daughter to be afraid.

"Huangmei, Bailing.

"While eating eggs, Huo Jinming whispered, "This mother's name is not very good, but her daughter's name is nice.

"Bai Ling also fits that little girl's pink make-up and jade-carved appearance very well.

After the two of them finished eating the eggs, the door of the emergency room opened again. When they saw the person pushing out from inside, they rushed to meet him. It was Jiang Yanwan.

Her body was wrapped in heavy bandages, no blood seeped out, and most of the skin on her body was exposed.

"The burn area of ​​the patient reached 80.00%, and it is a miracle that he survived.

"Professor Hu sighed, and wiped the sweat off his head, "She has been disfigured, and there are scars all over her body, even if she can persist, I'm afraid she will..." She didn't continue, but everyone knew .

Jiang Yanwan's body is full of scars and scars. A girl's appearance is very important. Even if she really survives, nothing good will happen.

That scarred skin was enough to completely destroy her heart.

"Is it possible for plastic surgery and transplantation?" Huo Jinming asked in a low voice, "She had it done once before, and the burned skin was re-transplanted, but she had to get injections every week to maintain her skin's vitality.

"Because that's not her skin."

"Professor Hu paused, "I know what you are talking about, but it was very painful. To put it bluntly, a layer of human skin was put on her body, making her body unable to breathe, as if she was wrapped in lead." with.

"She had a pitiful look on her face, "Such patients are the most painful.

" "What should I do?" Jian Yao asked anxiously beside him, "Is there really no good way?" "Those burn scars crawled all over her body like broken and evil centipedes. When Jiang Yanwan woke up, she didn't know how painful it would be.

Professor Hu pondered, "Now we can only see how her injury recovers. There may be hope if her own skin can be reactivated to grow, but her method of transplanting other people's skin to complete the plastic surgery is not advisable.

"Unless you want her to live as a ghost for the rest of her life."

"Professor Hu's face was serious, everyone knew that she was not trying to scare people, Jian Yao and Huo Jinming both sighed.

Jiang Yanwan's fate was really pitiful.

Even though she did a lot of wrong things back then, but later she sincerely repented, and Jiang Li's leg was able to be healed again, but she was really disfigured.

It's still the kind that is completely destroyed!Her body is broken, how will she survive in this world in the future?Other people's strange eyes are enough to shatter her last pride.

At this moment, Jiang Li also arrived.

Hearing about Jiang Yanwan's situation, she was stunned for a long time, and a tear suddenly fell from the corner of her eyes.

"I'll be with her.

"Jiang Li said in a low voice, "She is my sister, even if she becomes a real ugly monster, I will stay with her.

"After she finished speaking, she raised her head, stubbornly keeping her tears from falling, looking extraordinarily bitter.

Everyone fell silent, and Jiang Yanwan was isolated in the ward.

She was burned, in order to prevent infection, now it depends on her to wear a sterile suit, so as not to allow secondary infection of the wound to complicate.

Otherwise, it would really kill her.

"Give me a sterile suit.

"A deep male voice sounded, Huo Jinming, Jian Yao and others turned their heads, and saw Gu Changcun silently putting on the sterile gown handed over by the nurse.

His movements were a bit slow, and it was obvious that he had made a lot of determination. When he was about to go in, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the crowd.

"Your worries are unnecessary.

"He said in a low voice, "No matter what Yan Wan looks like when she wakes up, whether she is ugly or can be reborn, she is mine, and I will not give up on her.

"After saying this, he walked in directly. Outside the ward, Jiang Li, Jian Yao, Huo Jinming and others looked at each other in blank dismay.

Ren Yujue sighed, "What an infatuated man.

"" You are also infatuated enough.

"Jian Yao smiled at the side, "You didn't give up on her like Sister Jiang Li back then, didn't you also stay by her side?" "At that time, Jiangli was nervous, and his legs were broken, and his face became more terrifying and frightening because of neurosis.

But even so, he insisted on staying by Jiang Li's side.

Mentioning the past, Ren Yujue's face turned a little red, Jiang Li looked at his cute appearance, smiled and gently reached out to touch his face.

"By the way, what happened to Feng Zixin's place.

Huo Jinming said coldly, "Two of the six people died, I really hope he is one of them."

"If Feng Zixin hadn't been playing tricks in the middle, there wouldn't have been so many twists and turns and disasters! Seeing that he mentioned Feng Zixin, Jian Yao also frowned.

"I don't know, just now our people were looking at Jiang Yanwan and the fire extinguisher in disorder, and they were all taken to the hospital, but Feng Zixin was also burned, so he should still be giving first aid.

""not necessarily.

"Huo Jinming said in a low voice, "Let's go and see the two dead people, Dawei, you stay here and watch the four people who survived, don't let any of them leave.

" "Remember, it's anyone."

"Huo Jinming emphasized, "Even if someone dies, the body should be kept for my inspection.

"After Jiang Yanwan's "resurrection from the dead" last time, Huo Jinming already felt lingering fear.

If Feng Zixin snatches someone else's identity and escapes, there will definitely be endless revenge in the future!Seeing that he was so cautious, Dawei agreed again and again, and guarded the door of the emergency room with Bai Yuan and An Hua at every step.

"I'll go see the remains of those two men myself.

"Huo Jinming hesitated for a while, and said to Jian Yao, "I'm afraid you will be scared after reading it.


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