Hearing Feng Zixin's angry voice, Jiang Yanwan was not afraid, but just leaned lazily on the chair.

"Mr. Feng, why are you so angry?" Her voice was charming and hoarse, very sexy, but now Feng Zixin lost the feeling of appreciation and spat hard.

"Jiang Yanwan, don't make trouble.

He tried to persuade her to be obedient, "Our common goal is to defeat Huo Jinming and make his company go bankrupt. Now my Feng's orders are all in trouble, and you can see it too."

Feng Zixin took a deep breath, "If you can save the project, my company can still be saved, and our revenge plan can come again."

"Still thinking about the so-called revenge? Jiang Yanwan turned on the speakerphone, everyone in the villa heard it, and everyone couldn't help but turn up their mouths slightly.

Jian Yao hugged Xiao Yuxuan, and fed her the oatmeal that the nanny had just made. Hearing what Feng Zixin said, she couldn't help smiling and shaking her head.

What a shame.

It has come to this point, but still can't realize that this is his end, it's a strange thing.

"Mum, can my sister eat this?

"Xiao Yuchen came over with a glass of bird's nest milk and asked cautiously.

Ever since Xiao Yuxuan suffered from sudden meningitis, Jian Yao has been concerned about eating. She specially took Xiao Yuxuan for a whole-body examination, and learned that Xiao Yuxuan is not suitable for eating too sweet things and Something that contains cocoine.

So chocolate should never be touched again.

Even doctors like candy suggested to eat less, and when Xiao Yuxuan grows up, she can try these delicious things again.

"It should be edible.

"Jian Yao smiled lightly, brought the milk over, and gently put it into Xiao Yuxuan's mouth with a spoon.

The unique sweetness of oat milk made Xiao Yuxuan's eyes light up, and the smiling eyes became a slit.

Feng Zixin heard the two talking, and he roared on the other end of the phone.

"Jiang Yanwan, what's that voice?" He asked in disbelief, "Are you talking to Jian Yao?" "Yo, you have good ears.

"Jiang Yanwan lazily picked her nails, "Mr. Feng, I can tell you very clearly that I am at Huo's Villa right now.

"She's in Huo's villa! Feng Zixin's mind was buzzing, and he wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth weakly, but found that he couldn't say anything.

She was no longer on his side.

Jiang Yanwan hung up the phone and shrugged her shoulders to the people around her, "He's still thinking about asking me to help him.

"" Let him die to understand.

"Gu Changcun's voice was cold, "This kind of scum who stirs up behind the scenes should taste the feeling of betrayal.

"If he hadn't been behind the scenes, the Jiang family wouldn't have come to this point, Jiang Yanwan and Jiang Li wouldn't have suffered so much, and Huo Jinming and Jian Yao wouldn't have been implicated either.

He is like a mouse dropping in a pot of good soup, causing everyone around him to be implicated.

Jiang Li and Ren Yujue also nodded in agreement, Jian Yao smiled lightly and fed Xiao Yuchen a cake, and the provoking Xiao Yuxuan kept waving her hands and shouting beside her.

Huo Jinming stood quietly beside the sofa, holding a goblet of red wine in his hand, a light flashed in his deep eyes.

Feng Zixin, your end is here.

The Feng Group will also go bankrupt with you, and will be wiped out. Are you ready?In the Feng Group, Assistant Jin and the finance staff were quickly processing the compensation payment after the breach of the contract and order, and were also busy with liquidating the investment and refund of the Galaxy project.

The accountant calculated the figures. Looking at the high figures, his hands were trembling.

"Assistant Jin, our group will call the Huo Group 200 billion.

"There was a cry in her voice, "But our company's books are now less than one billion yuan.

"After paying compensation to Mr. Li and other sellers, the Feng Group's books have long since run out of money.

Where is the 200 billion used for compensation now? "I'm going to find Mr. Feng.

Assistant Jin's head was also buzzing, he sighed, picked up the bill and came to the president's office.

He knocked on the door lightly, and before Feng Zixin could reply, he slowly opened the door.

"President Feng, this is the money our company wants to compensate.

Assistant Jin said in a low voice, "Our company has to pay 200 billion in compensation, which is the refund and investment of the Galaxy project.

"The 200 billion is just the investment refund from the above, but it doesn't include Feng's own contribution.

The billions in material and labor costs that were overpaid were all paid by Feng himself.

This project was originally thought to be a good event of flowers and flowers, which would bring huge benefits to the Feng family, but unexpectedly, this time it was a raging fire.

Feng's situation is getting worse!Rubbing the center of his eyebrows with his fingers, Feng Zixin suddenly opened his eyes.

"Tie all the money on the account to my card.

"" President Feng? "" If you want to tie it up, all the money will be typed up. By the way, organize all the files of the Galaxy project and classify them on my desktop, and tidy up your own things.

"Feng Zixin's eyes were cold, "Jin Hao, I'm going to die. This time I was punished, but I won't give up. I'm going to hibernate with money. Are you still willing to follow me?"

Looking at his cold eyes, Assistant Jin suddenly nodded.

"Boss, I have been your assistant since I first entered the workplace, so I will always follow you.

" Assistant Jin's words made Feng Zixin feel an inexplicable warmth in his heart. He sighed and threw a platinum card on his body to Assistant Jin.

The Feng Corporation suffered an unprecedented blow. The amount of compensation that the company had to pay for breaking the contract alone was several billion, plus the compensation for the Galaxy project, and Feng Corporation was burdened with a full 200 billion in debt.

For two days, there was no movement from Feng's, and the company's employees left the company one after another because they could not get their wages, and they pulled up banners outside the company's gate to demand wages.

Relevant departments quickly intervened, but found that the Feng family had already left the building, and there were two documents on the desktop of Feng Zixin's office, one of which was related to various matters of the Galaxy project.

The other one is Feng Zixin's personal letter.

He announced that he would give up the legal person status of the Feng Group, and asked the above to deal with his company in accordance with formal legal procedures.

Of course, there is only one way to deal with the so-called bankruptcy.

In view of the fact that the Feng Group still owes its superiors and Huo's project investment refunds of 200 billion, the superiors will soon conduct a valuation of Feng's property and real estate for auction and debt repayment.

As a result of the final valuation, the ground and buildings of the Feng Group mortgaged about 150 billion to the Huo Group as the initial investment for the Galaxy project.

As for Feng Zixin's private property such as the mansion and private garden left in Haicheng, they were also mortgaged and auctioned off to Huo Jinming.

At this point, Feng Zixin was completely bankrupt.

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