If Jiang Yanwan hadn't obtained reliable evidence and asked Jian Yao to report to the media, other companies and sellers might not have known about Feng's production chain break.

This time the sap hit Feng Zixin on the head, he was destined to feel bad.

Looking at Jian Yao's smiling eyes, Jiang Yanwan's eyes were still cold.

"That's my job.

"She said to Jian Yao, "Avenging my parents is my only motivation now, so tell me, what is the purpose of you coming to see me this time.

"We're going to put Fung's out of business."

"Jian Yao also cut straight to the point, "Yan Wan, you know, Feng's vitality has been greatly hurt this time, but this has not affected Feng's fundamentals.

"Feng Zixin can eat the bitter fruit this time, and he is sure enough to make Feng's comeback.

Hearing Jian Yao's words, Jiang Yanwan knew what she was trying to say, so she nodded slightly.

"It's about putting some pressure on him.

"She said to Jian Yao, "I already knew that this incident only caused Feng's assets to shrink by 40.00%. If you want him to go bankrupt, you have to start with the project.

"Speaking of which, she looked at Jian Yao with some hesitation.

The Huo Group has financial resources now, but most of the financial resources are put on the raw materials for production. If Huo Jinming does not sell these raw materials, his company will not be able to operate normally.

But if he makes a move, I'm afraid it will still fall into Feng Zixin's hands in the end.

Then continue to compete for orders?With her here, Feng Zixin can ask her to go out to discuss with those bosses without hesitation, to put it bluntly, let her dedicate her body and soul again.

Then Feng and Huo continued to fight?Caught in this endless loop, when will it be the end?Knowing what she was worried about, Jian Yao smiled, stepped forward and gently held her hand.

"Don't worry.

"She whispered to Jiang Yanwan, "I won't let you fall into that kind of dilemma.

"After speaking, she glanced at Jiang Yanwan, and she clapped her hands lightly.

A man came out from behind the curtain that blocked the partition of the office, his face was almost pained, like nervousness, but also like relief.

He is Gu Changcun.

"Yan Wan.

"He shouted in a low voice, wanting to get closer, but Jiang Yanwan screamed and covered her face, not looking at him.

If he is here, he must have heard it all!When she talked to Jian Yao just now, she didn't hide her identity at all, so there was no room for any explanation. Gu Changcun must know that she is Jiang Yanwan!And Jian Yao was still there just now!Jian Yao, to Jian Yao!Jiang Yanwan put her hand down, Gu Changcun had already walked in front of her, looking at her with complicated expressions, but more excited, Jian Yao was also looking at her in relief.

"What did you ask him to do.

"Jiang Yanwan said coldly to Jian Yao, "You have spoiled the co-existence cooperation I just established with you, Jian Yao, we don't want to cooperate anymore! "She doesn't need Jian Yao to take revenge! As long as she goes all out to kill Feng Zixin, all revenge will achieve her goal.

Although what he did to her was unforgivable and disgusting, but she didn't want to see Jian Yao and Gu Changcun again.

She doesn't want Gu Changcun to know the disgusting things about her now.

Even though he knew, she still wanted to escape.

As long as in his heart, she will always be that pure and pure Jiang Yanwan.

Jiang Yanwan wanted to leave with tears in her eyes, but Jian Yao grabbed her hand, Gu Changcun was even more excited, stepped forward and took her into his arms.

The man's embrace was familiar and warm. Jiang Yanwan had already endured the torture of many people, but she still felt good when she was hugged by Gu Changcun.

Someone really cared for her.

"Yan Wan, I know why you avoid me, but I don't care.

"Gu Changcun said softly to her, "Don't blame Jian Yao, I forced them to let me see you. I made a deal with them. As long as I make the project lose money and change the group that invests in the project, they will Just help me take you away.

"Take it away? Hearing this, Jiang Yanwan stared at him with wide eyes in disbelief.

"You are crazy!" She punched him hard on the chest, "You will be noticed by the higher-ups if you help change the project group. If someone tells you, your life will be over!" With her worried expression, Gu Changcun shook his head lightly.

"No, I'm not worried.

He whispered to her, "As long as I can be with you, that is the happiest thing for me, Yan Wan, I will take you to a place where no one knows us, and live happily ever after."

"He will take care of her all her life, let her smile hang on her face all the time, and make her happy.

In this life, he will never let her suffer any harm again.

Gu Changcun's enthusiasm almost melted the ice in Jiang Yanwan's eyes, but for some reason, her eyes changed again, cold and firm.

"Chang Cun, will you still help me?

"" Not just to help you.

Seeing that her tone had loosened, Gu Changcun hurriedly said to her, "As long as you want, I can give you everything I have.

"He's not a stingy guy.

It was before, it is now, and it will be.

As long as Jiang Yanwan can be by his side! "Okay, then you help me bring down the Feng Group first.

"Jiang Yanwan said to Gu Changcun, "I was forced to sell to Feng Zixin, and you already know that, I want revenge, he is my enemy, but I don't want to see him relieved too soon.

She said coldly, "I want to watch him kneel down in front of me and beg for mercy, watch his group and enterprise slowly turn into ashes, and let him taste the pain and torture."

"That feeling is like slowly crushing the cells in the body, and then experiencing the incomparable pain.

Seeing how she gritted her teeth, Gu Changcun nodded firmly, knowing that she was not feeling well.

"Don't worry, Jiang Yanwan, I will do it.

"His rough fingers lightly brushed her cheek, "You know, I never lied to you.

Seeing that his expression was exactly the same as when he made the promise to herself, Jiang Yanwan finally understood, nodded slightly, and hugged him tightly in her arms.

She will repay him.

but not now.

The hearts of the two finally got closer together. Jian Yao looked at them quietly with a blessing smile on her face.

On Monday morning, the people above made a very important decision.

The Galaxy project invested by Feng Group was too unfinished in the early stage, so after careful consideration above, the project investment group was changed to Huo Group.

Feng's will hand over all the projects to Huo's, and the handover will be completed within a week, and the previous initial investment funds will be refunded.

When this order was issued, Haicheng suddenly shook.

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