After sending Gu Changcun away, Jian Yao sighed softly as Gu Changcun gradually disappeared from their sight.

"Jin Ming, I also believe that Fu Xue is really Jiang Yanwan."


Huo Jinming looked at her and asked suspiciously, "Why?"

"Because of a lover's intuition."

Jian Yao said in a low voice, "When a person really loves another person, it doesn't matter what the loved one becomes, he will still love her and recognize her from thousands of people."

This is the intuition of a man.

Since Gu Changcun felt that Fu Xue was Jiang Yanwan's incarnation, although it sounded a bit absurd, Jian Yao believed it.

Her face was serious, Huo Jinming patted her head lightly.

"Don't think too much."

He said softly to her, "Whether it's Jiang Yanwan or not, we can find out if we find the director."

It's just that the director's evidence is hard to find, they have to start from many aspects.

Dawei has already started to use all the contacts he can use in Haicheng to fight for the braid who wants to find the director.

Three days later, the Yinhe project was signed, which was naturally Feng's project.

For this matter, Feng Zixin happily held a three-day banquet in Haicheng Zhongda, and invited many people to attend, and reserved all the private rooms in the hotel in the sky and on earth.

As the protagonists of this signed project, Feng Zixin, Fu Xue and Gu Changcun are naturally sought after by people.

On top of the banquet, many alliances of small companies were giving wine to Feng Zixin.

"Mr. Feng, Haicheng will rely on you to take care of me from now on."

"That's right, Mr. Feng, if Mr. Feng gets rich in the future, please allow us to join the boat."

Everyone said respectfully, Feng Zixin nodded slightly with the corners of his mouth upturned.

This is the result he wanted.

There is an unwritten rule in Haicheng, as long as it signs a project with any company above, then this company will be the leading enterprise in Haicheng in the future.

The last time it signed Huo's, all the companies believed that Huo's was superior to Feng's, but now that they signed Feng's, it proved that Feng's now surpassed Huo's.

"The market share is now in the hands of Mr. Feng, and the people of Huo's do not dare to be dissatisfied."

The boss of a company smiled and complimented Feng Zixin, "Mr. Feng, we will rely on you from now on."

"Where I make money, everyone will make money."

Feng Zixin laughed loudly, "Don't worry, everyone, I'm sure I can make everyone eat meat and drink soup."

There was a lot of laughter in the sky and on earth, everyone was happily toasting and eating, and many paparazzi and reporters also gathered around, wanting to catch first-hand reports.

After all, this is a major event in Haicheng. If this report can be caught, they will be able to break the news and attract the attention of the public.

Soon, many people in Haicheng's reports began to mention the change of Haicheng's leading company.

The Huo family, which was firmly on the top of the list before, did not have as many votes as Feng's in this competition, and lost to Feng's by a [-]% gap.

Those who voted for Huo's believed that Huo's is an established company in Haicheng after all, and it has stood firm in the competition in Haicheng for so long, so it will not fall easily.

Those who voted for Feng's naturally saw the current glory of Feng's.

For them, Feng's now occupies the entire market share, so it is naturally a relatively famous company in Haicheng.

The battle between the two leading companies quickly spread throughout the city, and people on the Internet were fighting endlessly over this matter.

In Feng's CEO's office, Feng Zixin listened to Assistant Jin's report with satisfaction, and swiped his fingers slightly on the screen of the phone.

He noticed all the voices on the Internet, and when he saw many people saying that he surpassed the Huo family, Feng Zixin couldn't help but smiled knowingly.

"These people are not stupid."

He chuckled and said, "Seeing that our Feng family is so powerful now, we naturally know to take refuge with us, but now that Huo family still has people supporting it, it seems that he hasn't been forced into a desperate situation."

Speaking of this, Feng Zixin narrowed his eyes slightly.

Hearing what he said, Fu Xue, who was lazily grinding her nails beside her, opened her mouth softly.

"Then let him know how powerful we are."

The project has already started to invest. Although the early projects are not easy to make money, they can bring a lot of fame to the company. In the middle and later stages, they can get a lot of returns.

With this project, Feng's can raise the overall assets of his company to another stage.

At that time, Feng's movable and immovable properties will surpass that of Huo's, and with the monopoly of Huo's market share, what else can Huo's stand for?

"That must be."

Feng Zixin also said with a low smile, "Fu Xue, we still have someone to defeat."

Jane Yao?
A little light flashed in Fu Xue's eyes, "Don't worry, I'm already working hard to get close to her design studio."

As long as she can get the works in Jian Yao's design studio, preferably unfinished, her plan will be successful.

This is what she wants most!
Compared to Huo Jinming, the person Fu Xue hates more is Jian Yao.

If it wasn't for Jian Yao, the sisters wouldn't be able to get to where they are today, the Jiang family wouldn't be ruined, and their parents wouldn't be killed by snipers.

It was Jian Yao, a bitch, who confused Huo Jinming!
Thinking of her parents falling down in front of her, Fu Xue's eyes began to turn red.

Not sadness, but anger and insane helplessness.

"We will make it."

Feng Zixin patted her on the head with a smile, "Shut down your hostility, go to the public relations department and let them continue to stir up things on the Internet for me."

This time he wants to ruin Huo's reputation.

Hot searches are now controlled by Feng Zixin. It is very easy for him to buy hot searches. Knowing that he wants to make online fights more, Jiang Yanwan smiled and nodded.

As long as it can make Jian Yao feel sad, she doesn't mind adding more fire.

Soon, the voices on the Internet began to grow louder, and most people supported Feng's, wanting to give Feng's the title of leading enterprise and let Feng's replace Huo's position.

Someone also suggested that Huo Jinming should hand over the title of president of the chamber of commerce. According to him, anyway, Huo Jinming doesn't have any company to associate with him now, and these companies all listen to Feng Zixin.

The cooperative company is gone, so why does Huo Jinming want to be the president of the chamber of commerce?

This sentence was echoed by many people. Feng Zixin watched with satisfaction that the voices on the Internet had reached a certain level, and immediately complacently called Huo Jinming.

"Mr. Huo, shouldn't we come out and talk?"

He smiled and said on the phone, "Mr. Huo's position as the president of the chamber of commerce is my favorite."

"Then give it to you."

Huo Jinming's voice was still as cold and calm as before, without any emotion.

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