Rumors and rumors intensified, and some people even went to the door of Huo's and pulled up banners, telling Jian Yao to get out and "accept the people's trial."

Of course, there are not many such people, less than twenty or thirty.

Most of the people in Haicheng took a wait-and-see attitude, and they only took a melon attitude towards Jian Yao, just take a look, and didn't comment much.

After all, life is one's own, who is free to pay attention to Jian Yao's emotional experience all day long?

It is enough to live beautifully now.

In addition, those who pulled the banners were also dragged to the court by Huo's people, and they were dealt with for defaming Jian Yao's reputation, so no one talked about it.

In the Huo family's villa, Jian Yao read the comments on the phone and ate melon leisurely.

The melons were all peeled by Huo Jinming himself. They were cut into small pieces one by one. A small toothpick was stuck on each piece, and the top of the toothpick was a cherry.

They are all her favorite fruits, and she eats them with relish.

I have to say that eating fruit while watching others scolding me like this is a very different kind of enjoyment.

Xiao Yuchen also followed her and watched, but his face was not as calm as Jian Yao's, and he gasped from time to time, and the veins on his forehead burst out.

If these people swear, he wants to kill them when he sees them!
"Yuchen, don't be angry with the dog."

Seeing her son's angry look, Jian Yao said softly to him, and patted his head, "If you get angry with the dog, it's your fault."

Humans and dogs are different species.

You can't let a dog bite you, and people have to bite you back, right?

"Mommy, aren't you angry?"

Xiao Yuchen asked with a wrinkled face, "These people say so much, why don't you react at all?"

"They say theirs, Mommy is any different?"

Jian Yao opened her arms, "I should eat my own food, sleep when I should, and eat delicious food when I should. Did their words make me less meat?"

She doesn't care about such things.

"You have to learn tolerance and generosity. When your opponent can only provoke you with words, it means that he has no other way to defeat you except words."

Jian Yao smiled and said to Xiao Yuchen, "This is actually a good thing."

That proves that he is much stronger than his opponent.

After hearing her words, Xiao Yuchen nodded suspiciously.

When the mother and son were discussing the so-called tolerance, they saw Mama Li running over panting.

"Madam, the old lady, Jian Liang, Jian Mingyuan, and Jenny are all here."

Are all here?
Startled, Jian Yao turned over immediately, "Go to the second floor and ask Jin Ming to come downstairs."

She had a premonition that everyone gathered here for the matter that she and Jin Ming had discussed.

It's also what she is being scolded now!

Knowing that many people from the family had come, Xiao Yuchen obediently followed Wang Ma and the nanny to Xiao Yuxuan's room, and he wanted to play with his sister.

When adults talk, although he wants to listen, he can't follow.

When Huo Jinming went downstairs, he saw Jian Yao sitting obediently in the living room, beside her was Song Guiqin, next to Song Guiqin was Huo Tianxiong, then Jian Mingyuan and Jian Liang, and finally Jenny.

Song Guiqin held Jian Yao's hand with tears in her eyes, as if the one who suffered the greatest grievance was not Jian Yao, but her.

As for the other men, there were no tears on their faces, but they all sat there frowning.

The air in the living room seemed to be tense, and the surrounding temperature dropped several degrees. Jian Yao didn't dare to speak casually anymore, and just sat there obediently.

"Jin Ming, you still know it!"

Seeing Huo Jinming come down, Song Guiqin took the lead in attacking, "You don't tell me and your father about such a big matter, let us be frightened. If someone scolds Jian Yao like that, don't you know how to defend her?"

Song Guiqin and Huo Tianxiong just got off the plane. Jian Yao and Huo Jinming went to the capital before, and Huo Tianxiong helped take care of the affairs in Haicheng.

Later, when Jian Yao and Huo Jinming came back, she and Huo Tianxiong discussed going to London to play. They wanted to go back to China before, but Huo Jinming said that they had too little time to play, so he forcefully persuaded them to go back and continue playing.

With so many things happening in Haicheng, he didn't think about letting the two old people come back, but continued to let them play outside.

Who would have thought that although the two were traveling abroad, their hearts were in Haicheng. After seeing the hot news in Haicheng last night, the two couldn't stay any longer.

They flew back overnight just to see Jian Yao and Huo Jinming sooner!
"Jin Ming, I'm going to say you're wrong about this."

Huo Tianxiong, who had been silent all this time, also criticized, "The Huo family is a family, and no one is allowed to be bullied by outsiders. Although your mother speaks directly, she is also right."

"You are a man, you should stand up and protect your wife in this kind of matter, others are scolding Yaoyao like this, are you still at home?"

The two chattered endlessly, and Huo Jinming scratched his hair helplessly.

Old man, as long as you talk about it, you are short.

Jian Mingyuan also seemed to want to criticize the two of them, but after all he was not Jian Yao's biological father, so he refrained from talking after thinking about it.

He treated Jian Yao badly at the beginning, and now he is not qualified to say it here.

Jian Liang didn't have so many taboos anymore, the relationship between him and Jian Yao had recovered well, and he sincerely regarded Jian Yao as his sister, so now he started to talk about it.

"That's right, brother-in-law, my sister has been said to be like this, why don't you help her?"

He said angrily, "If you want to help my sister, it's just a hot search. If you just get some traffic and things out, won't you be able to settle things for my sister?"

These words reminded Song Guiqin and Huo Tianxiong, and the two also followed suit, changing Huo Jinming's crimes from ignoring Jian Yao being bullied, to not taking action now, letting others step on Jian Yao's head to vent their anger.

Until Jian Yao was wronged before, and she was pushed into prison, which caused Xiao Yuchen to speak out about Chen Zhima, who hadn't had a mother by his side for six years.

In a word, he didn't know how to love Jian Yao, he didn't know how to cherish her!
Seeing that a few people were going to develop into a family criticism meeting, Huo Jinming finally couldn't help it, and slapped the table heavily.

"Can you please be quiet?"

He rubbed his hair helplessly, "I have my reasons for not helping Yaoyao, Yaoyao also understands, we can't act rashly now."

Looking at the few people who were stunned by his loud noise just now, Huo Jinming explained patiently again.

"Mom and Dad, Jian Liang, Yaoyao and I bought Hot Search, but we couldn't buy it at all."

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