Bai He hit hard, and the bodyguard turned his head away after being hit by him.

When the bodyguard turned around again, his mouth was full of fishy and salty taste, and blood dripped slowly from the corner of his mouth.


Bai Ming asked in confusion, "This bodyguard doesn't know anything, why did you beat him?"

"He deserved it."

Bai He said coldly, "I ordered Bai Liang to do this. As Bai Qiuxiang's personal bodyguard, he couldn't stop Bai Qiuxiang. He made such a big mistake!"

Bai Qiuxiang personally went to burn that Li Yun to death, and even chased him to the funeral parlor.

Although there was no suspicious evidence left behind, the members of the Tang family were not vegetarians. Otherwise, why would he have worked so hard to make arrangements for so long just to get the property of the Tang family?
It would be better to just kill the members of the Tang family directly!

But now, Bai Qiuxiang directly showed up to kill people, not to mention exposing their plan, even the child in her belly was not saved, and Tang Ming was not dead.

That bitch Li Yun was dead, but Tang He was fine. After all, the Tang family still had roots.

"If your sister was smarter, she could still get half of the family property with this child, but she did too much, and she didn't even keep the last half!"

Bai He raised his head, "Why do I have such a stupid daughter!"

"If the plan fails, it will fail. This child must have been lost in an accident in the funeral home. It has nothing to do with that Tang He. He is also an illegitimate child. I will go and let him give an explanation."

Bai Ming said comfortingly, "Father, don't worry, I will let him know how to advance or retreat."

Isn't he just a little illegitimate child?
The people of the Tang family are not afraid of this at all, they will take care of it.

Seeing that Bai He was going to leave tomorrow, Bai He stomped his feet angrily, and cursed heavily, "Come back!"

"Go now, not to mention that she didn't have an accident in the funeral parlor, even if an accident did happen, it will make people suspicious. She deserves to be sent to the door herself!"

"Huo Jinming is not a vegetarian. He has already begun to investigate our Bai family. If he knows what happened in these years, our family will be peeled off without dying!"

Bai He's words made Bai Ming stand in the same place trembling, "Father, what should we do?"

With a gloomy face, he looked at Bai Qiuxiang's emergency room, and then at Bai Mingming, Baihe's expression became even colder.

"Look at the situation first."

"If Huo Jinming can't find our little braid, it's okay. If he really finds it, maybe he has to give up your sister."

Bai Ming wanted to argue, but Bai He glared at him fiercely.

"Either she was abandoned, or you and I were abandoned. Between her alone and the two of us, you choose one."

When the words fell to the ground, Bai Tian immediately stood by Bai He's side without hesitation.

"Dad, I was wrong."

In the emergency room, Bai Qiuxiang was still in a coma, but she didn't know that her fate had already been decided while she was in a coma.

Even the child who could be used to divide half of the family property was not able to keep.

After the funeral, Jian Yao helped Tang He preside over it, and sent Li Yun's body to the funeral home for cremation.

This was going to be done overnight, so Jian Yao greeted Huo Jinming, she wanted to stay here with Tang He.

After all, a child who just lost his mother, and his father Tang Ming also had an accident, in this huge funeral home, he is alone and helpless, which is quite pitiful.

Hearing that Jian Yao was not coming back and was going to watch the night there, Huo Jinming hung up the phone without saying anything.

At around ten o'clock in the evening, watching Li Yun's body begin to be cremated, there was the sound of a car outside the funeral home.

Jian Yao and Tang He turned their heads suspiciously, and saw Huo Jinming striding over.

"How did you come?"

Jian Yao asked suspiciously, "You're here, what should Xiao Yuchen do?"

"An Hua and Li Ma are taking him at home, so don't worry."

Huo Jinming gently rubbed Jian Yao's hair, "Do you want to stay here overnight?"

"Actually, it doesn't have to be overnight."

Jian Yao explained, "Just wait here and wait for the incinerator to finish its work. It will take about two hours, and then I will do some rituals and the like. It will be over after three o'clock."

After checking the time, Huo Jinming put his arms around her shoulders.

"Come on, I'll take you to eat something."

His movements were very natural, and Jian Yao didn't feel that there was anything wrong, but seeing the intimacy between the two, Tang He's heart seemed to be shaken severely.

Intuitively, he didn't want to see Jian Yao being hugged by Huo Jinming.

That feeling was like a thorn deeply pierced in his heart, Tang He shook his head fiercely, not daring to let himself think about it, so he had to keep his head down all the way not to look at the two of them.

Noticing the silent look of Tang He behind her, Jian Yao sighed softly.

"Xiaohe, don't think too much."

She said softly to him, "Your mother doesn't want to see you depressed like this."

"Well, I see."

Tang He agreed in a low voice.

Such Tang He was very strange, with an indescribably weird feeling, Jian Yao frowned, without saying anything, she still walked out with Huo Jinming on her arm.

There are also a lot of delicious food at night in the capital. Huo Jinming knew that Jian Yao didn't like spicy food and preferred sweets, so he took her and Tang He to a 24-hour Xiahuotang.

This is a chain store, there are many sweet little things to eat, and there are also very delicate meals, the quantity is not large, but you can order a lot of dishes.

Jian Yao held a cup of tortoise jelly and ate it deliciously. The tortoise jelly from Huotang is different from other places. It is cool and delicious with a hint of sweetness.

Her cup is filled with milk dew, which makes it even more delicious.

The thick milk fragrance wafted out, seeing her gluttonous appearance, Tang He couldn't help but smile.

"What are you laughing at?"

Jian Yao asked, and moved the small plate of sweet and sour pork ribs next to her in front of her.

"Laugh at you like the guinea pig I used to raise."

Tang He said softly, "It also likes to eat, and it looks very cute. I raised it before, and it was white and fat. You don't know, it's like..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly felt a cold murderous aura.

Huo Jinming was staring at him coldly, he couldn't continue, he only felt his body trembling.

"Why are not you talking?"

Jian Yao asked curiously, but when she realized Huo Jinming's frighteningly low temperature beside her, she couldn't help giving Huo Jinming a slap in the face.

"Look at you scaring Xiaohe."

She complained in a low voice, "Xiaohe is still a child, besides, the guinea pig is very cute."

Did she really want to divert Tang He's attention from the child who had just lost his mother, did she keep him immersed in that great sadness?
Being reprimanded by Jian Yao, Huo Jinming coughed in embarrassment.

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