a year ago?

Tang He looked at her suspiciously, "But Xiao Yuchen looks seven years old, could it be that she was pregnant when you first met seven years ago..."

He didn't continue, and quickly blocked his mouth.

This kind of talk is equivalent to saying that Jian Yao got pregnant before marriage, no matter what status or relationship he has with Jian Yao, it is not a good topic, so he shut his mouth wisely.

"Not a good topic."

Jian Yao directly said what was in his heart, "But it's not something to be ashamed of."

She chuckled, telling out all the misunderstandings between her and Huo Jinming, the entanglement between them, and the six years she spent in prison.

Tang He was fascinated by what he heard, and in his eyes, Jian Yao's image gradually grew taller.

"Six years."

He said in a low voice, "If I had been imprisoned for six years, my mind would have collapsed long ago."

That kind of dark prison life, he didn't know how to stick to it, and many people in prison would go crazy because they were locked up for too long.

Freedom, what an important thing that is.

Seeing Tang He's emotional expression, Jian Yao's smile gradually faded.

"It was a tough time."

She said in a low voice, "Darkness, boredom, and silence, the time of life seems to have ended. For more than six years, more than 2000 days and nights, I have counted the time."

"But I have hope in my heart."

She smiled, "I always think about my son, I imagine how he lives outside every day, whether he is fed and clothed, whether he is beaten or scolded, because he has a mother who does not live up to expectations. "

At the end, her voice subconsciously sank.

"If you have hope, you can persevere."

She looked at Tang He again, "Xiaohe, your mother's hope is you. She protected you with her life, so you should live with her life, and live a more wonderful life."

"How can it be considered wonderful?"

Tang He muttered to himself, "My mother was killed by the Bai family, and my father was almost killed. Now I am still very naive and don't know what to do."

He scratched his hair in pain, his eyes were red.

Although he is already 20 years old, he is still just a big boy, and he has experienced such a sudden change in his life, so he doesn't know what to do.

"don’t worry."

Jian Yao said softly to him, "You will grow up, before you mature, there will be me."

She patted him on the shoulder lightly, "I have told you about Grandpa's decision. After everything is settled, I will return the position to you. We must be on guard against this malignant tumor in the Bai family." .”

"Uproot them and don't spare them."

There was a strong light in Jian Yao's eyes, Tang He was a little stunned, but still nodded heavily.

He will.

Gently patted his shoulder, Jian Yao had a cold smile on her face.

"Wait, don't be stage frightened."

She said to Tang He, "Those people will definitely not let it go. Since they want to hold on to the Tang family's property, they will make trouble at your mother's funeral."

Jian Yao said solemnly to Tang He, "You have to hold on, don't be afraid, we will face everything together."


Tang He nodded heavily.

The eyes of both brothers and sisters are shining with hatred, which is for the Bai family.

The body of Tang He's mother, Li Yun, has been sent to the funeral home. This is the highest-standard funeral home in the capital, and it is also the largest. It can be regarded as Tang Ming and Jian Yao's affection for Li Yun.

Because she came out of the fire, her body was unrecognizable long ago, like black charcoal.

Even if the mortician tried his best, he could only restore her to 60.00% of her appearance, but Jian Yao was still very satisfied, knowing that it was not easy to do this.

Li Yun, who recovered 60.00% of her appearance, lay quietly in the coffin. From her facial features, it can be seen that she was also a very delicate woman before she was alive.

There is a taste of Xiaojiabiyu.

"Your mother must have had a good temper when she was alive."

Jian Yao said in a low voice, "She looks as gentle as water, she is the kind of Jiangnan woman that people can't help but want to take care of."


Tang He also responded in a low voice, "I've never seen my mother get angry, even if I was misbehaving and said hurtful things to hurt her, she wouldn't say anything."

But it was such a mother who was able to save him desperately in the fire scene.

He still remembers the despair in his mother's eyes when she saw the people from the Bai family outside the window and the door. She watched the flames burning, but she was helpless and could not escape.

All the ways out were blocked, and even the windows could only be opened with a gap. If they jumped out of the windows, they would definitely be shot by the Bai family.

Bai Qiuxiang wanted to watch them die in the flames.

Tang He remembered that Li Yun gave him a desperate look at the end, and then pushed him heavily into the bedroom.

"Son, don't come out, be obedient, don't come out!"

She said to him loudly, "Mom is protecting you from the fire outside, you have to persist until your father comes to save you, he will definitely come!"

Afterwards, the flames burned wildly, and several hours of painful suffering.

Tang He's eyes gradually turned red, and his tears fell down again. He wanted to shout, to kill Bai Qiuxiang, but he was powerless.

The darkness of revenge gradually devoured him, and he even wanted to take a knife to end his life!
"Little river."

At this moment, a cold woman's voice sounded, he looked up ignorantly, and saw Jian Yao's clear eyes.

"Don't be bothered by the past."

She whispered to him, "Be brave, go forward with big strides, all the darkness is only temporary, you will have a better version of yourself, don't worry."

Seeing what she said, Tang He also took a deep breath and raised his head again.

"I will be strong."

Li Yun's body was about to be sealed, and at this moment, discordant voices came from outside the funeral home.

"Hey, I saw the funeral of the highest standard being prepared in the funeral home, who did I think it was?"

A woman said arrogantly, "It turns out that my husband cheated on me and my mistress died."

Her voice was very loud, and everyone looked at her at once. Seeing that everyone was staring at her, the woman smiled arrogantly again, "Sorry, I made a mistake. It's not my husband, it's my ex-husband."

The woman arrogantly led the people into the funeral home and stood in front of Li Yun's coffin.

Seeing her face, Tang He's voice suddenly became low, roaring like an enraged lion, "Bai Qiuxiang!"

He will never forget this woman, never will!

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