Jian Yao's smile moistened things like spring breeze and rain, and Tang He's eyes were moist.

This kind of her really touched him.

He exhaled lightly, raised his head, and the sadness in his eyes had long since faded.

"I won't be crushed."

He whispered to Jian Yao, "Cousin, I want to avenge my mother, protect my father, and take up the responsibilities of the Tang family."

"That's good."

Jian Yao nodded in relief, "It takes a lot of hardships for a person to mature. Your father and mother protected you for the first 20 years. You have to walk the rest of the way by yourself, but don't be afraid."

Her clear eyes just looked at him like this, "We are all behind you."

Tang He was moved, and his heart seemed to be warm. The coldness caused by his mother's death was gently relieved by Jian Yao's warmth.

It's like a warm light in a gray sky.

Everyone arrived in the intensive care unit. Tang Ming and Bai Yuan's mother shared the same ward. Seeing his mother lying in the ward, Bai Yuan's eyes gradually filled with tears.

He wiped it off in a panic, not to let others see his weakness at this moment.

It's good to be alive. After seeing Tang He's experience and sweet death, he is already very content.

Tang Ming's condition remained the same, without any major changes. The oxygen mask was on his face, rising and falling with his breathing.

If he deliberately avoided the bandages wrapped around his body and the densely packed instruments filled with tubes, he seemed to be sleeping peacefully without much change.


Tang He leaned against him, shouted softly, and took his hand with his palm.

"Dad, wake up quickly. My mother died to protect me. Bai Qiuxiang went too far. She forced my mother to death and almost killed me."

Tang He's voice became more and more excited, "You have to wake up, don't be overwhelmed by death, if you fall too, I don't know who I can rely on."

The child's lonely voice echoed and circled in the air, making people feel very sad when they heard it. Jian Yao gently wiped away her tears and dared not listen any more.

She didn't want to hear the baby cry.

Tang Zhentian also turned his head and walked over, crying. He knew that the person in front of him was his grandson, but now he was full of his son.

The father and son have been living together for many years, and now he has to face a white-haired man giving away a black-haired man, how can he not be sad.

The atmosphere in the ward was dull, and even Jian Yao's eye circles were red. Huo Jinming embraced her shoulders, patted her lightly, and comforted her in a low voice.

Xiao Yuchen stood obediently beside her, trying to warm her palm with the temperature of his own.

"Grandpa, don't be too sad."

Jian Yao said to Tang Zhentian, "Uncle will wake up, he won't leave you and Xiaohe behind."

"I know."

Tang Zhentian wiped away his tears, and said sadly, "I really understand these things, but I'm sad in my heart. I don't know how long it will take if things continue like this tomorrow."

Speaking of which, sadness comes from it.

The sadness of a white-haired person sending a black-haired person is incomparable to all other pains.

The old man cried a lot, and the atmosphere in the ward became even more dull. No one could persuade him not to be sad. In front of Tang Ming, all the sorrow was in vain.

Persuasion was useless, but Jian Yao still sighed slightly.

The old man's health is not good, if he continues to cry like this, it will definitely put a heavy burden on his body.

But who can persuade him?
At this moment, Tang He wiped away his tears, strode up to the old man, and lowered his head slightly.


His voice was very soft, as if he was afraid of waking up something, Tang Zhentian's crying stopped abruptly, and he looked at Tang He with tears in his eyes.

Seeing him walk into the ward just now, Tang Zhentian guessed that Tang He might be Tang Ming's son, but just now he was only concerned with grief and had no time to confirm it.

"Are you Xiaohe?"

Tang Zhentian asked in a low voice, wiping away the tears from his eyes, "It's great, Ming'er's son is so old, and the Tang family has successors, Ming'er, your son is here, do you know?"

The old man spoke in a low voice, with tears streaming down his face, he grabbed Tang He's hand.

"Xiaohe, if something happens to your father, we will be dependent on each other from now on. You have to remember the hatred of the Bai family. They are the ones who made your father like this."

"They killed my mother too."

Tang He said in a low voice, "Grandpa, I only have two relatives, Dad and you."

And Jian Yao.

He said silently in his heart, but the tears fell faster.

Tang Zhentian pulled him into his arms, and gently stroked his hair, "It's okay, grandpa will watch you grow up, marry you a wife, and let your father rest assured."

In the future, maybe the two of them will depend on each other for life.

The two hugged each other and cried, Jian Yao didn't know how to persuade her, so she could only sigh again.

At this moment, her eyes fell on Tang Ming, and she saw his hand move slightly.

Is she blind?

Jian Yao grabbed Huo Jinming's hand in disbelief, "Jin Ming, I seemed to see him move just now!"

She pointed to Tang Ming on the hospital bed, and said in disbelief.

The doctor said about Tang Ming's situation, if he can't wake up these few days, he will probably be in a vegetable state in the future, but now seeing Tang Ming's fingers move slightly, Jian Yao can hardly believe her eyes.

Huo Jinming frowned slightly, and walked to the hospital bed with big strides, the crying in the ward suddenly became quieter, both Tang Zhentian and Tang He watched expectantly.

They also wanted to see Tang Ming come back to life!

Looking carefully at Tang Ming's hand, Huo Jinming didn't see any movement in his fingers. Could it be that Jian Yao misread it?

But just when he was about to turn around and shake his head, his gaze fell on Tang Ming's eyes.

Tang Ming's eyes were tightly closed. There was no movement before, but now his eyeballs kept rolling in their sockets.

This is to wake up!

Huo Jinming shouted loudly, "Ring the bell and call the doctor!"

His reaction said everything, Tang Zhentian and Tang He froze in place, watching in disbelief.

Tang Ming, are you really going to wake up?

Jian Yao dragged Xiao Yuchen back to the outside of the ward quickly. The patients in the intensive care unit were about to wake up, and the doctors would definitely come a lot. She wanted to take good care of Xiao Yuchen.

Soon the ward was full of doctors and nurses. Tang Ming's situation was special. They didn't dare to take it lightly, and quickly awakened and treated Tang Ming.

Finally, with the help of a group of people, Tang Ming slightly opened his eyes.

"Where's Dad, where are Yuner and Xiaohe?"

His voice was hoarse, like a machine that hadn't been lubricated for a few days was rubbing dryly, but hearing this unpleasant sound, Tang Zhentian and Tang He still shed tears.

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