In the next few days, the Tang family was very calm, and the Bai family did not make any moves, as if the two families had never been against each other.

At the beginning, the members of the Tang family were very careful to prevent the Bai family's retaliation. Even Huo Jinming asked Anhua's second team to come to the Tang family to protect everyone's safety.

But the following days calmed down, anticipating that there would be no more actions from the Bai family, so they became less vigilant.

The Tang family's property is now managed by Tang Ming, Tang Zhentian doesn't care at all, after all the rights are given to Tang Ming, and he just takes care of himself at home.

Without the threat, Tang Ming resumed his schedule as usual, and went to the company to take care of it.

Jian Yao and Huo Jinming missed Xiao Yuchen, and since the May Day holiday was about to come, they simply asked Xiao Yuchen for leave and asked him to come to the capital with Li Ma.

Xiao Yuchen threw herself into Jian Yao's arms after getting off the plane, and kept rubbing in her arms.

"Mommy, I miss you so much."

He muttered, "I can't sleep thinking about you at home, Mommy, don't leave home for too long, okay?"

"Okay, Mommy will take you."

Jian Yao gently kissed him on the cheek, and said earnestly, "But Yu Chen, you have to know that you are a man and have your own life, and one day Mommy will not be by your side."

"When the time comes, you have to be strong."

"Then I also want to be by Mommy's side now!"

Xiao Yuchen rubbed against her, "I love Mommy, Mommy is my good Mommy."

Moved by the child's words, Jian Yao took a deep breath and gently rubbed his head again.

The mother and son had a good relationship, and Huo Jinming watched with a slight smile.

Xiao Yuchen was already over seven years old, and he was a very sensible little man who followed him, but Xiao Yuxuan was just a child who had just reached the full moon and didn't understand anything, so she followed Song Guiqin and the nanny at home.

They hired nurses and confinement women who specialize in breastfeeding, and Xiao Yuxuan had no problem following them for half a year.

The family of three finally got together again, Xiao Yuchen clamored to see his uncle and great-grandfather, Jian Yao smiled and took him there.

As soon as he reached the gate of the yard, he saw the servants running around in a mess.

"what happened?"

Jian Yao frowned, "Why are you in such a panic?"

She is the future Patriarch of the Tang family, the servants of the Tang family stopped immediately when they saw her, and a man with hot water in his hand saluted Jian Yao reluctantly.

"Young Patriarch, hurry up and go to Tongtai Courtyard to have a look. My master was in a car accident, and he was just carried back, saying that he is about to die."

The news was like a bolt from the blue, Jian Yao immediately asked Huo Jinming to pull Xiao Yuchen back, and hurried towards Tongtai Courtyard, walking very fast.

Tongtai Courtyard is Tang Ming's courtyard, and the master in the servant's mouth is Tang Ming.

Why did he get into a car accident, but why didn't the car accident send him to the city center hospital for emergency treatment, but brought him back?

Jian Yao entered the courtyard, and rushed all the way to the main hall, where Tang Zhentian was leaning against the gatekeeper and weeping, the sadness on his face made his old face look like a dry chrysanthemum.

Tears dripped down the furrows and furrows, the grief that the white-haired man might send to the black-haired man made him almost unable to breathe.

"Grandpa, don't worry."

Jian Yao walked to his side, patted his back lightly, "Everything is up to me, I'll go and see my uncle first."

Seeing that it was her, Tang was so sad that he couldn't speak for a whole day, but he weakly raised his arm and pointed into the room.

Tang Ming was lying on the bed with large patches of bright red blood on his legs and stomach. His face was pale and he was unconscious.

Beside his bedside, a doctor was giving him needles and injecting plasma into his body.

"Why don't you bandage him?"

Jian Yao asked in a low voice, "Why didn't you move such a serious injury to the hospital for emergency treatment?"

The blood plasma was injected very quickly, but she could see that Tang Ming was also losing blood very quickly.

If the blood loss was faster than the blood transfusion, Tang Ming would probably die.

How can this be good?

"Young master, I'm afraid it's too late."

The doctor sighed, "Mr. Tang's condition is so serious that it's too late to be transported to the hospital. We can only bandage here."

"But there are not enough instruments, and there are no sterile protection measures. I am afraid that the complications of the operation will kill the husband in the future."

He raised his head and looked at Jian Yao, "Young master, please decide, the old master won't give me any answer at all."

Glancing at the sad Tang Zhentian outside, Jian Yao also understood why he couldn't make a decision.

He is already terribly sad now, why let him bear the sorrow again.


Jian Yao said resolutely, "My uncle's behavior cannot be delayed, if it continues, he will be gone."

The doctor also nodded heavily, "Okay."

Now that it was decided to rescue, the doctor hurriedly brought all the necessary things over, with all kinds of equipment in place, and immediately started the first aid.

The aseptic measures here are not good, but the hot water and alcohol can keep up. Jian Yao personally directs, and the servants of the Tang family also act as temporary nurses.

As long as it is what the doctor wants, it will be done as quickly as possible.

The operation was sutured successfully. After 10 minutes, all the wounds on Tang Ming's body were stitched up, and the blood was no longer sprayed out, but the wound was still oozing slightly.

The doctor breathed a sigh of relief, and took off the mask tiredly, "Now you can move, try to slow down, lighten up as much as possible, and do the best shock absorption, and send it to the hospital as soon as possible."

After all, he just did first aid to prevent Tang Ming from bleeding, and the follow-up work should be done by a regular hospital.

He was just renewing Tang Ming's life.

Having survived the most critical moment, she can breathe a sigh of relief for the rest, Jian Yao immediately called for capable servants and a car, and sent Tang Ming to the Central Hospital.

The most advanced ward was designated, and she wanted Tang Ming to survive.

Tang Ming was pushed into the ward, and the subsequent situation stabilized, so she was relieved.

Tang Zhentian also calmed down, looked worriedly at Tang Ming who was isolated in the ward, sighed, and walked out of the ward.

People are always saved.

He was frightened just now, thinking that Tang Ming was dead, that's why his mind was confused and he lost his direction.

Knowing that Tang Ming was still alive and only seriously injured, his brain recovered.

Jian Yao walked up to the old man and asked in a low voice.

"Grandpa, what happened, why did uncle get hurt so badly?"

Hearing her question, Tang Zhentian sighed.

"It's all life."

He opened his mouth in a low voice, "Your uncle went to see Tanghe outside, and on the way back he told me excitedly about his appearance. As soon as he drove to the gate of our house, he was caught by a big truck that didn't stop beside him. Hit."

"Hitted by a big truck?"

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