What Huo Jinming said was obvious, and Jian Yao also understood that he was in a bad mood, so she nodded slightly.

He is going to find Mike.

The situation at Mike's place is unknown, and she and Song Guiqin are just a burden to follow. Maybe it's because of their emotions that Mike asks for more.

Knowing that Huo Jinming was going, Song Guiqin didn't make a fuss, but stopped him worriedly when he got into the car.

"Jin Ming, you have to be careful."

Song Guiqin warned softly, "If the business cannot be negotiated, don't force it. Mike is a foreigner, and he has different business habits from our countrymen."

They are a fighting nation, and they carry guns with them.

Talking about business with them, if one of them has trouble, maybe they are in danger of death.

"I know."

Huo Jinming agreed in a low voice, "Mom, you and Yao go back first."

The Maybach started suddenly, like a black lightning bolt in the dark night, Song Guiqin made a sign of the cross, sighed softly, and said no more.

Her son will be fine for sure.

Jian Yao's eyes kept chasing Huo Jinming's car, and she didn't look away until she could no longer see her.

"Let's go."

Song Guiqin said to her, "When a man talks about business outside, a woman has to set up backup behind. Don't let them worry."

Because he is a man, he must face any danger first, and he must protect his women and children.

And she is a woman, so she has to support him.

If he is right, then she should be happy for him, if he is wrong, then go with the mistake, at worst, just go with him.

Song Guiqin's words deeply touched Jian Yao's heart, she pursed her lips and remained silent, she didn't say anything, she just opened the car door and sat in the driving seat by herself.

Only Huo Tianxiong was looking after him in the hospital, and they were going to help.

When the car started, Jian Yao had always been careful after driving in an accident. Although she was very anxious to see her son, she still tried her best not to let the speed increase by [-] mph.

"Yao Yao, trust Jin Ming."

Song Guiqin said in a low voice, "When the accident happened, he sent you to prison, but he still kept you. I asked him why, and he said that he believed that you were not the murderer."

"Jin Ming said that you are not the kind of harmful woman."

She tilted her head back and looked at the roof of the car, "So much evidence back then pointed out that you were the one who harmed people, and even the surveillance cameras showed you pushing the grasshopper down. I quarreled with him, but he still risked public opinion." Saved you."

Song Guiqin suddenly felt a little emotional, "It seems that Jin Ming is right."

Jian Yao didn't speak, but just listened silently.

It turned out that it wasn't that he didn't trust her at the beginning. If he had changed himself and seen the evidence so solid, maybe he wouldn't have believed it.

Not wanting to worry about these problems anymore, Jian Yao took a long breath and continued to drive wholeheartedly.

She cannot be distracted.

All the way to the hospital smoothly, the two women kept their mouths shut and rushed to the ward.

Xiao Yuchen was still asleep, while Huo Tianxiong was sitting on the sofa next to him, staring straight at him.

As long as his fingers or body can move a little, there is a possibility of waking up, but Huo Tianxiong watched for several hours, his eyes were almost sore, and Xiao Yuchen didn't move at all.

Even a sleeping child can turn over, but he doesn't.

Seeing Jian Yao and Song Guiqin approaching, his best looks pulled out an ugly arc.

"Look, that's it."

He said in a low voice, "Xiao Yuchen can't move at all, he doesn't even have the basic movements of turning over. The doctor said that if he sleeps again, his body will be disabled."

Muscle atrophy is terrible, Xiao Yuchen is still so young, if his muscles are really atrophied, the only thing facing him is lifelong disability in the future.

The silent sentence and pain are the most silent and maddening.

"Let me rub his body."

Jian Yao said in a low voice, "The doctor told me to pinch my arms and legs when I'm fine, and sleep when I'm asleep. It can be cured, but the muscles can't atrophy."

Hearing this, Song Guiqin also stretched out her hand, "Let me rub it too."

The two women worked together to take off Xiao Yuchen's clothes. The child's arms and legs were exposed to the air. Huo Tianxiong hurriedly went to raise the temperature by a few degrees.

His skin is very smooth, which is the unique pink feeling of children. Jian Yao rubbed it, and mist appeared in his eyes.

He was her god.

For so many years, she has relied on him to support her life. When she was most desperate in her life, he was the motivation for her to continue, so that there was still light in her life.

But now he was lying quietly on the bed, no matter how much she shouted, he didn't make a sound.

Is this another punishment given to her by God?
He got Huo Jinming's heart and their affection, but he wanted to take their child away.

"Don't cry."

Seeing Jian Yao's tears, Song Guiqin hurriedly reached out to catch her tears, "It's not good for the child's health, if the tears fall on the child, the child will be in bad luck."

This is a custom in Haicheng, if the mother's tears fall on the child, the child's luck will be affected.

Hearing this, Jian Yao quickly wiped away her tears.

"You are the mother of the child, don't be sad, and trust Jin Ming."

Song Guiqin persuaded, "Be strong, now that the child has an accident, you are Jin Ming's backing."

"it is good."

Jian Yao agreed, "I will work hard."

Sniffing, she continued to gently rub Xiao Yuchen's arm.

Xiao Yuchen will wake up, Mike is a person who values ​​money, as long as he gets enough rewards, he will be able to tell them what medicine Xiao Yuchen has taken.

Then the doctor will be able to wake Yu Chen up, and everything will return to its previous calm state.

At this moment, Jian Yao finally understood Huo Jinming's mood.

She was tired from all that had happened, and so was he.

They all want to live in peace, and the truth is plain.

This is the true meaning of life.

Mike's pharmaceutical factory is on the other side of the sea, but he has a presidential suite in the heaven and earth and has lived in Haicheng for a long time.

After all, Haicheng was his biggest business port, and if something happened here, his pharmaceutical factory would not have to open.

Huo Jinming reached the heaven and earth at the fastest speed, and the waiter walked towards him as soon as he entered the door.

"Mr. Huo."

She greeted her with a smile, "Mr. Mike is waiting for you in the presidential suite. He said that you can go to him directly when you arrive. He is always there."

He knew he was coming?
Huo Jinming's face remained unchanged, he nodded calmly, and then went upstairs.

After getting out of the elevator, Mike stood at the door of the suite with a big smile on his face and opened his arms.

"Mr. Huo, I've been waiting here for you for a long time, and it's finally here."

After the words fell to the ground, he hugged Huo Jinming.

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