The heaven and the earth are very lively tonight, and many business leaders gather here.

Tonight is a gathering in Haicheng's business circle, and it is also the best time for businessmen to build relationships with each other and discuss business.

Many business tycoons brought their wives to participate. Even if they usually have a bad relationship with their wives, they will definitely let their wives show their faces at this time.

No one wants to let others say that they have fluttered their colorful flags and abandoned their wives.

Just after seven o'clock, the hotel was already crowded with people, and everyone was talking about the business trend. At this moment, the waiter loudly welcomed everyone from the Huo family.

Hearing Huo's name, almost everyone stopped what they were doing and looked forward to it.

The door opened slowly, and Huo Jinming was dressed in a black suit with a dignified appearance.

There are two figures standing on either side of his left and right hands. The one on the left is his assistant Dawei with a familiar face, and the one on the right is a woman.

She was wearing a fiery red short skirt with hips, and the tighter skirt showed the curves of her body gracefully.

The long hair hangs loosely around her body, curled into big waves in a sexy way, which makes people feel more mature.

There is a gully on her chest that people can't take their eyes off, which is a sign of maturity that people can't give up.

However, when they saw her face, many people's expressions changed.

She is Jiang Yanwan.

"Isn't Mr. Huo's wife Jian Yao? Why did you bring Jiang Yanwan to the party?"

"Who knows, but Jiang Yanwan is also the head of the Jiang family, so it's normal for Mr. Huo to come with her."

"You have to take your wife with you."

Everyone was discussing in low voices, but no one dared to amplify their voices. Huo Jinming looked at them quietly, with an indescribable meaning in his eyes.

The host of the party immediately stepped forward and greeted everyone with a smile on his face.

"Boss Huo is here, let's start."

Someone suggested loudly, "It's time for the dance at 08:30."

At this gathering, Huo Jinming and Feng Zixin gave speeches successively, and then it was time for everyone to dance, and after that it was their own freedom.

Seeing someone else's proposal, the host smiled and shook his head slightly.

"Boss Feng hasn't arrived yet. It is said that the company's business has been delayed for a few minutes. Please wait a moment."

Hearing that Feng Zixin hadn't come yet, everyone quieted down and continued to wait.

Jiang Yanwan snorted coldly, "I don't know what to make of it, I haven't arrived until now, only his company is busy, and other companies are not busy."

Her voice was neither high nor low, and everyone around could hear it clearly. Huo Jinming didn't speak, and waved his hand gently.

"Don't think too much."

After he spoke, Jiang Yanwan immediately closed her mouth and stood beside him with a smile.

"I'm not trying to fight for you."

Jiang Yanwan casually took a wine plate from the hand of the waiter next to her, brought the red wine on it to Huo Jinming, and motioned for him to take it.

"It's boring to wait here, just watch and have a drink."

All the good red wine was used in this party, and there was a crystal light reflected in the glass, which made people have an inexplicable desire to have another sip.

Huo Jinming did not refuse, and drank the red wine.

Seeing him accept the wine in his hand, the smile on Jiang Yanwan's face became brighter.

The time everyone was waiting was a bit boring, but no one dared to say anything bad.

Even Huo Jinming was waiting patiently, so what could they complain about?

A few minutes later, just when everyone was getting more bored, the waiter raised the volume again.

"The Feng Group is here!"

finally come!

Everyone immediately calmed down and looked at the slowly opened door.

Feng Zixin appeared in front of everyone in a white suit, with a signature gentle smile on his face, and the lights shone on him, making him look like a prince charming in the night.

This gentle temperament made people involuntarily focus on him.

However, the two people beside him are even more eye-catching.

On the left is his assistant Ling Yuan. Ling Yuan's reputation has attracted more attention recently, because of him, the Feng Group has lost tens of millions of dollars.

Feng Group had a project that lost money, but Ling Yuan noticed the problem in advance, which made Feng Zixin pay a lot less money and brought back the group's interests.

As for the woman on the right, many people thought it was his secretary assistant or something.

It was a woman in a white cheongsam, her body curves were more exquisite, and people couldn't help but want to focus their attention on her.

Although her face and facial features are not that stunningly beautiful, they are introverted and calm that make people feel very comfortable.

The more you look at her, the more you will find her beauty, until finally you want to move your eyes away, but find that you have already been immersed in her beauty and cannot extricate yourself.

This is a very attractive beauty.

However, she was not the woman who should appear beside Feng Zixin.

She is Jian Yao.

After everyone saw her face clearly, their eyes shifted to Huo Jinming and Jiang Yanwan strangely. Huo Jinming's face could not clearly see emotions, but was calm.

However, his eyes were deep and fierce, so bright and dark that it was hard to forget.

On the other hand, the corners of Jiang Yanwan's mouth turned up slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't say anything.

"Why is Mrs. Huo with Mr. Feng?"

"Who knows, maybe she came here just now and got together by chance?"

Everyone was discussing in low voices, and no one dared to speak out loudly, but their eyes were all focused on the two of them, looking back and forth non-stop, as if they were looking for some secret.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Jian Yao took a deep breath.

In the afternoon Feng Zixin said that he would come to hold a welcome party for her, but when it was put together with this party, she knew his intentions.

He wanted to let Huo Jinming know that she came to Feng's.

Although she didn't know what his purpose was, Jian Yao didn't care.

Since she has come to Feng's as a designer, she is ready to let others know.

"Designer Jane, are you okay?"

Feng Zixin's gentle voice sounded beside her, but this time it sounded like a fool.


Jian Yao said concisely, "I didn't expect you to prepare such a big welcome party for me."

There was a bit of teasing in her tone, Feng Zixin knew she was mocking him, but he didn't care, he took a glass of red wine from the waiter next to him with a smile and handed it over.

"It's always interesting to have a little surprise."

What he said was simple, Jian Yao didn't say much, she nodded slightly.

The red wine drank into his mouth, with a bit of cold bitterness.

"The speech is about to start, you and Ling Yuan are waiting here, and I will come down after the speech."

Feng Zixin said softly, Jian Yao nodded indifferently, he smiled and put down the wine glass in his hand, straightened his collar and walked up to the podium above.

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