When Jian Yao was a child, she liked eating rabbit tooth candy very much, almost to the point of forgetting to eat and sleep.

As long as there are rabbit tooth candies, the great grievances and sadness can disappear in smoke.

This is the charm of rabbit tooth candy.

But ever since Jian Mingyuan treated her badly, he never bought it for her again.

Jian Liang didn't know her hobbies, but Jian Mingyuan knew that Jian Liang's gift contained a pack of rabbit tooth candies, which must have been brought by Jian Mingyuan.

Slender fingers picked up two candies, looking at the white candies, like the shape of cute rabbit teeth, Jian Yao smiled and shook her head.

Can not go back.

Putting the sugar into Mama Li's hand, she ordered lazily.

"You can take it to your little grandson to eat, Mama Li, I won't eat it."

"it is good."

Li Ma smiled and agreed, "My little grandson likes sweets, thank you Madam."

Seeing her leaving figure, Jian Yao sighed silently.

In the Maple Leaf Clubhouse, Jiang Yanwan and Ren Yujue sat opposite each other.

"This is what you want."

Jiang Yanwan took out a small white paper bag from her bag and put it in front of Ren Yujue.

He opened it curiously, and inside the bag was some same white powder, squeezed some and put it into a cup, it was colorless and tasteless.

It's a good weapon for hurting people.

"Killing invisibly."

Ren Yujue said in admiration, "It seems that both your sister and I underestimated your energy."

"When is she going to do it?"

Jiang Yanwan asked earnestly, "Do you want to persuade her well, once you do this, you really can't turn back."

"I know."

Ren Yujue said in a low voice, turning his eyes to the window.

Jiang Li is crazy, but he can't stop her.

There is only one goal in her world. As long as this thing is done, she promises him, and she will listen to him, go abroad to recuperate her body, and wear prosthetic limbs to exercise her legs to walk.

From then on, she only followed him, and he was the only one in her world.

"You will be happy."

Jiang Yanwan said with a smile, repackaged the powder, and patiently put it in Ren Yujue's hands.

She took one last look at him, then stood up and left with an imperceptible smile on her lips.

Today was destined to be a day full of guests, which made Jian Yao tired, and the three of them had just finished dinner when Mama Li came to report again, saying that Jiang Yanwan had come.

How did she get here?
Jian Yao's nerves tensed immediately, and she turned her head to look at Huo Jinming next to her.

Knowing that she was afraid, Huo Jinming got up calmly.

"Let her in."

As he spoke, he walked towards Jian Yao, and lightly pressed his hands on her shoulders.

The fiery temperature spread from his body to her shoulders, Jian Yao turned to look at him, and took a deep breath.

He will protect her.

A sense of stability came, Jian Yao didn't say any more, just sat there calmly.

When Jiang Yanwan came in, she saw Huo Jinming's hands on Jian Yao's shoulders, and there was an intimacy between them that she couldn't describe.

Obviously the three of them are in the same room, but she just feels that she and them are not from the same world.

Feeling a little sad in her heart, Jiang Yanwan quickly turned her eyes away from looking at them.

"Brother Jin Ming, sister Jian Yao."

She greeted in a low voice, and put the box in her hand in front of the two of them.

"what is this?"

Huo Jinming asked in a cold voice, "Tell me if you have something to do. I seem to have told you before that you are not allowed to mess around in the villa again."

Is she fooling around?

Jiang Yanwan shook her head aggrieved, "No, brother Jin Ming, I just came to give something to sister Jian Yao."

As she spoke, she opened the box in her hand, revealing the beautiful packaging inside.

Jian Yao could see clearly that it was full of high-quality bird's nests.

How did she know that she wanted to eat bird's nest?

Huo Jinming obviously also thought of this question, the husband and wife looked at Jiang Yanwan quietly, waiting for her answer.

"Sister Jian Yao, I went to visit my aunt in Huo's old house this afternoon. She said she would bring you this bird's nest, so I brought it to you along the way."

Jiang Yanwan explained in a low voice, "Sister Jian Yao, don't worry, I haven't touched the package. If you don't believe me, you can call your aunt."

"It's okay."

The corners of Jian Yao's mouth turned up slightly, and she looked at her with a half-smile, "I believe Yan Wan is not that kind of person."

Even if she wanted to attack her own child, she would not be so aboveboard.

She is good at hiding in the dark, like a beautiful snake.

The tone of Jian Yao's words was filled with infinite sarcasm, Jiang Yanwan could hear it naturally, her eyes turned red, and she knelt pitifully in front of Jian Yao.

"Sister Jian Yao, it was my fault at the beginning, I didn't say anything when I was ignorant, and even tried to compete with you for brother Jin Ming. Now I know I was wrong, so please forgive me."

After saying this, she kowtowed heavily.

Jian Yao never expected Jiang Yanwan to kneel down, she was anxious to ask Li Ma to pull Jiang Yanwan up.

"Yan Wan, what did you say, I never blamed you."

Jian Yao sighed, then looked at the man next to her, "You too, you don't even know how to persuade her."

"Why bother?"

Huo Jinming said calmly, "She did it voluntarily."

"Yes, I voluntarily, there is no need to persuade."

Jiang Yanwan's eyes were red again, "Sister Jian Yao, I just want to restore the relationship with you to the way it was before. As for Brother Jin Ming, I know I'm not good enough for him, so I sincerely wish him happiness."

Having said that, she sighed again.

Before Jian Yao could speak again, Jiang Yanwan turned and left lonely, looking at her lonely back, Jian Yao scratched her hair a little uncertainly.

Which play is she acting in?
Let's say she is just pretending, that's sad Jian Yao sees it, it doesn't look like she is deceitful.

Say she is serious, but Jian Yao always feels that something is wrong.

"If even eyes can deceive people, then her acting skills are too good."

Jian Yao muttered to herself and sighed softly.

"Don't think so much."

Huo Jinming said in a low voice, "Take care of your body, it has nothing to do with you."

Hearing what he said, Jian Yao looked at him with a smile and nodded slightly.

This sounds comfortable.

As the door of the villa was slowly closed, Jiang Yanwan looked back, and the sadness and tension in her eyes gradually faded away.

Sister Jian Yao, isn't this very comfortable?

Playing with her hair, Jiang Yanwan's smile widened.

Her apology is not so easy to receive, sister Jian Yao, take your time and enjoy it.

In Huo's villa, Jian Yao suddenly trembled all over.

An ominous feeling gradually permeated her whole body.

"what happened to you?"

Huo Jinming looked at her suspiciously, she was shaking so badly, he had never seen her so scared.


Jian Yao whispered, "Hold me tight."

He did as he did, and held her in his arms. She greedily smelled the faint ambergris on his body, and almost leaned her whole body against him.

He is her biggest support now.

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