Jiang Li's voice echoed in the room, "Just kneel down, and I will tell you about Xiao Yuchen."

Kneel down for her?

Jian Yao took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling.

She really didn't want to kneel down to Jiang Li.

Beside the main dispatching desk in the monitoring room, Huo Jinming clenched his fists and looked nervously at the scene in the room.

Yaoyao, don't kneel down for her.

He kept begging in his heart, wanting to stop Jian Yao, but there was nothing he could do.

In the video, Jian Yao's body moved, and Huo Jinming opened his eyes wide, watching her kneel down little by little.

There seemed to be a raging flame burning in his heart, and finally he roared and rushed out of the monitoring room, he couldn't stand it anymore, he wanted to stop Jian Yao.

He still has his child in his stomach. She is the wife of the Huo family, and her status means that she cannot kneel down!
In the room, Jian Yao knelt there calmly.

"Please, tell me where Xiao Yuchen is."

She looked at Jiang Li calmly, "I have fulfilled your wish."

There was no humiliation on Jian Yao's face, she just looked at Jiang Li calmly, Jiang Li smiled wryly twice, and turned around coldly.

She didn't feel humiliated, what's the use of playing like this.

"You are not afraid to kneel at all, why do you still listen to me?"

Jiang Li's voice was hoarse and cold, Jian Yao smiled, "To make you feel comfortable."

She knew that Jiang Li was still brooding over what happened back then.

In fact, she can understand that no matter who it is, from the number one beauty in Haicheng to the current useless person, her heart is unbalanced.

So Jiang Gracilaria wants revenge.

Jiang Li took a fancy to her weakness and controlled Xiao Yuchen. Her weakness is a child, and she can only listen to Jiang Li's mercy.

"Let me balance my heart."

Jiang Li laughed, "Jian Yao, try sitting in a wheelchair for a few years to see if you can balance?"

"It was my fault back then."

Jian Yao said calmly, "But Jiang Li, I am also a victim. I don't know why my mood suddenly changed. At that time, my mind went blank, and waking up has already happened."

She looked up at Jiang Li, "I suspect that I am being controlled."

Control, frame.

It's not that Jian Yao has never suspected that she was drugged with ecstasy, otherwise why would she lose the memory of going to the rooftop.

And even pushed Jiang Lian down the stairs!
There must be a conspiracy involved.

"I don't care if you're a victim or not."

Jiang Li said coldly, "If it wasn't for this child, you wouldn't have become Huo's wife. It was you who pushed me down the stairs, but it was this child who allowed you to escape the death penalty!"

Intentional murder is punishable by death, but Jian Yao found out that she was pregnant after entering the prison, and pregnant women cannot be sentenced to death.

So she was sentenced to six years in prison.

Not only that, Jian Yao also relied on this child to win Huo Jinming's heart.

"He's the source of everything, so he deserves to die."

Jiang Li said coldly again, "Jian Yao, don't look for it, I won't tell you where Xiao Yuchen is."


Jian Yao clenched her fists fiercely, wanted to say something, but finally endured it.


The door was slammed open, Huo Jinming glanced over Jiang Li with cold eyes, and pulled Jian Yao into his arms.

He looked at her carefully, making sure she was fine, and then turned his attention to Jiang Li.

"Who told you to bully her."

His voice was cold, as if it came from the Nine Serenity Hell, and Jiang Li's heart fell into the ice cellar instantly, "Who gave you the power to insult her like this!"

"Hehe, are you very angry?"

Jiang Li smiled mockingly, "Then you kill me, you hit me, you scold me, you humiliate me!"

She shouted frantically, "Anyway, no matter what you do, I will never have a place in your heart. I have changed from your fiancée back then to nothing!"

A void!
Since she became a useless person, he no longer cared about her, and saw her as if he didn't see her.

He helped her get justice and sent Jian Yao to prison, but he was the one who didn't let Jian Yao die!

"If you hadn't tried your best to protect Jian Yao back then, would Jian Yao have survived to this day?"

"Shut up!"

Huo Jinming shouted coldly, "Jiang Li, I think you've lost your mind and gone crazy, get out."

When the voice fell, Dawei Wang Ma and others immediately came in, and carried Jiang Li out hurriedly. Dawei also carefully covered Jiang Gracia's mouth with a towel.

She whimpered and struggled, but in the end her two fists were no match for her four hands, and she was thrown out.

Only Jian Yao and Huo Jinming were left in the room. Huo Jinming sighed and hugged Jian Yao tightly.

"Why don't you let her finish her sentence?"

Jian Yao whispered, "She said just now that you protected me so that I would not die that year."

For a moment she thought she had heard wrong.

Huo Jinming hated her very much, hated her for pushing Jiang Li down the stairs, but why did Jiang Li roar out so angrily, saying that he was protecting her?
Looking back on what happened back then, without him, she would have been sentenced by the court.

"Intentional homicide is a capital offense."

Huo Jinming said coldly, "But you have a child in your stomach."

Therefore, he saved her life for Xiao Yuchen.

After getting the expected answer, Jian Yao couldn't tell what it was like, she was a little flustered after all.

She sighed softly, and looked up at him.

"Understood, no matter what, I still want to thank you for saving my life."

"It's over."

Huo Jinming patted her on the back lightly, "Our people have already looked for Xiao Yuchen in the back garden, don't worry, the house is so big, you can find it by digging three feet."

Hearing his words, Jian Yao nodded slightly.

Seeing that he was about to go out, she held his hand again.

"Jin Ming."

Jian Yao said seriously, "Be careful, I always feel that Jiang Li's heart is twisted."

Her psychology is not like that of a normal person. In Jiang Li's eyes, maybe everything is distorted.

"I know."

Huo Jinming smiled calmly, "How her psychology is has nothing to do with me."

He didn't care about it.

Hearing what Huo Jinming said, Jian Yao was dumbfounded, and silently followed behind him.

No matter what, when she heard that he saved her life back then, even for Xiao Yuchen, she still thanked him.

After all, he didn't really sentence her to death.

Jian Yao believes that Huo Jinming has this ability. If he is willing, even if she had this child back then, she would not be able to escape the fate of death.

As soon as the two walked into the living room, they saw Dawei running over excitedly.

"Mr. Huo, madam, the young master has been found!"

Did Xiao Yuchen find it?

Jian Yao's heart suddenly became alive, and the world in front of her eyes seemed to become brighter. She hurriedly followed Dawei towards the back garden.

"You slow down!"

Huo Jinming held her back dumbfounded, "Pay attention to your body."

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