Hearing Jian Yao's words, Huo Jinming couldn't help laughing out loud.

He also thought that Jian Yao didn't like this coral, so her face was not good-looking, and after a long time of trouble, she was worried about what kind of birthday gift she would use to repay Song Guiqin.

What a lovely woman.

"Okay, don't think about it anymore, no matter what you give, even if it's a two-yuan item from a street stall, my mother will like it."

Huo Jinming rubbed Jian Yao's head, "Gifts are more important than money."

It is the heart that cannot be perfunctory!

Jian Yao rolled her eyes, and ignored Huo Jinming, saying such things to him was like playing the piano to a cow.

She stood up angrily and walked to the table next to her.

Hungry, eat.

Jian Yao was as cute as a child, Huo Jinming didn't know what to say, seeing her charming face, he smiled and went forward to pinch her cheek.

"Okay, eat."

Both parents were happy, and Xiao Yuchen was also happy in his heart, and surrounded him happily.

"Let's eat!"

At around seven o'clock the next morning, Jian Yao turned over and sat up, dressed quickly and went downstairs.

Ever since she found out that she was pregnant, she liked to sleep in. She always didn't get up until nine or ten in the morning, and never sent Xiao Yuchen to school again.

Suddenly seeing her on the breakfast table, both Huo Jinming and Xiao Yuchen stopped eating in surprise.

Is the sun coming out west?

Watching Jian Yao wash and brush her teeth in an orderly manner, then quickly tidy up and sit at the dining table, Huo Jinming stared at her for a long time, and finally opened her mouth.

"Are you busy today?"


Jian Yao took a sip of milk and ate the steamed bun that Mama Li handed over, "I have agreed with Jian Liang to go to Mushan today."


Hearing this place name, Huo Jinming quickly went through it in his mind.

He had heard that a monk came to Mushan before, and Jian Yao wanted to visit this monk, it must be related to her mother's birthday gift.

Is she going to ask the Buddha to consecrate something?
This is really heartfelt.

Since the car accident, Song Guiqin has believed in the Buddha, insisting that it is very powerful, and entrusting everything she has to the Buddha.

She will definitely like it if you give her something consecrated.

"You asked Jian Liang to accompany you?"

Huo Jinming suddenly realized something was wrong, "You are not related to Jian Liang..."

He didn't go on, but Jian Yao knew what he meant.

"I have a bad relationship with Jian Liang."

She smiled softly, "But I think people can't always live in the past, and what he said is right, I'd better stay with him."

This is what she realized.

Brother and sister, it is not easy to explain in two words.

She didn't forgive Jian Liang and Jian Mingyuan because she regarded them as her family and relatives in the past.

But now, she and Jian Liang are far from having any blood relationship. They raised her and found someone like Huo Jinming for her.

If it weren't for them, she wouldn't have Xiao Yuchen and her life now.

Fortune and misfortune depend on each other, and she is sincerely grateful to them.

Well, that's it.

Jian Yao sighed softly, "Jin Ming, go get busy first, I'm leaving."

It was agreed to be [-]:[-]. Just now she vaguely heard the sound of a car, probably Jian Liang had arrived.

Sure enough, when Jian Yao packed up and went downstairs, she saw Jian Liang sitting in a black Maserati waiting for her, the corners of her mouth turned up slightly.

It's good to have a younger brother.

At least, she and he grew up together, the past hurt and happiness offset, she is not his sister by blood, but the sister in his heart.

After getting into the car, Jian Liang graciously raised all the windows.

"It's autumn, it's windy in the morning, don't catch a cold."

He said softly to Jian Yao, "Sister, shall we go to Mushan now?"

"Let's go, Lao Lin and the others are already following behind."

Jian Yao nodded indifferently, seeing that Jian Liang was tidy up, not as gaudy as in the past, she felt very relieved in her heart.

He can be regarded as on the right track, which is completely different from the past.

"I didn't bring anyone to serve me today, Jian Liang, I will rely on you when I arrive at Mushan."

Jian Yao joked with a smile, "Don't let me get into trouble."

"Don't worry, sister, I will protect you, unless I die first, you may have an accident."

"It's early in the morning, don't say unlucky words."

Jian Yao's angry voice sounded in the car, Jian Liang rubbed his head honestly, and continued to focus on driving his car.

The scenery on Mushan Mountain is beautiful, especially in autumn, when the maple leaves are falling, there is a kind of heart-pounding beauty.

The red leaves beat the fire, Jian Yao lightly touched her belly with her palm, and sighed.

She thought about her days in college.

That time is her fondest memory.

Carefree and free, although Jian Mingyuan doesn't like her, and she doesn't give her too much financial support, but she relies on self-reliance, and her small life is not bad.

You can go wherever you want, and eat whatever you want.

She can buy whatever she wants, and going out to play petty bourgeoisie consumption also makes her feel very fulfilled and at ease.

After graduating from college, everything changed.

Jian Yao closed her eyes and stopped looking at the fiery red maple leaves outside the window.

At the foot of Mushan Mountain, Jian Liang stopped the car.

"Sister, wait for me here, and I'll find you a mountain bike."

Jian Liang said solemnly, "If you go up the steps to the top of Mushan Mountain to ask to see the master, you will not be able to bear it. There are a total of 99 steps, and I will die if I go up."

After speaking, he subconsciously looked at Jian Yao's lower abdomen.

She is pregnant, if she really resists, her body may not be able to bear it.

"Go ahead."

Jian Yao whispered, "But don't be too arrogant, if you really can't find anything special, I'll climb up by myself."

If you want to see the master, how can you meet without any sincerity?

Jian Yao has already made complete preparations.

Seeing that she had made up her mind, Jian Liang frowned and hurried up the mountain.

There are special mountain bikes for people with disabilities in Mushan, but there are too many people who come to Mushan every day, and the number of mountain bikes is limited.

In the end, Jian Yao went up the mountain alone on a mountain bike, while Jian Liang and others could only walk up the mountain from the steps.

Sitting on the mountain bike, looking down at the figure below that gradually shrinking into black spots, Jian Yao could not help but sigh.

After getting off the mountain bike, she was already standing on the rooftop of Mushan Mountain.

Jian Liang and the others were still struggling on the steps halfway up the mountain, while Jian Yao walked to the next big maple tree alone.

"Jane Yao?"

An uncertain voice sounded, she turned her head in doubt, just in time to see Ling Yuan's clear eyes in the crowd.

Seeing her turn around, Ling Yuan's smile gradually appeared on his face.

"It's really you."

He strode towards Jian Yao, looking happy, Jian Yao frowned, and subconsciously supported the maple tree beside her.

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