What caught the eyes of the two was a huge sea of ​​lavender flowers. The flowers swayed gently with the wind, which looked very beautiful.

This is a dreamy purple, the flowers are connected into an ocean, and it looks like purple clouds.

If you look carefully, each flower is a smiling face, looking at her curiously and freshly.

With the wind blowing, the faint floral fragrance of lavender was particularly strong at this moment, filling the air around them completely.


She whispered, unable to believe her eyes, "You prepared this for me?"


Ren Yujue smiled and said to Jiang Li, "Sister Jiang Li, didn't you always want to have your own lavender garden, and now this place is yours."

It's also her favorite place.

is her dream.

Jiang Li opened her arms wide and wanted to rush down to smell the fragrance of every flower, but just as she was about to go down, her legs tripped heavily on the wheelchair.

Damn legs!
Jiang Li hammered his legs hard, but there was nothing more to do. Those legs had shriveled and shrunk long ago, without any feeling.

She will never be able to stand up and hug Lavender.

The originally bright eyes dimmed again, and Jiang Li's expression made people feel distressed.

Ren Yujue gently rubbed her hair, sighed softly, and pushed her down the sea of ​​flowers.

Lavender lingered in front of Jiangli, gently hitting her cheek like a naughty child, Jiangli stretched out her fingers calmly.

Feeling the slight itch of the flowers hitting her fingers, she closed her eyes.

This is her favorite feeling and her favorite taste.

"It's a pity, Miss Jiang Li should stand up and feel it herself."

Ren Yujue said in a low voice, "But sister Jiang Li, don't worry, I have already contacted the American hospital, as long as sister Jiang Li is willing, I can take you abroad for treatment."

"How to treat?"

Jiang Li smiled self-deprecatingly, "My leg was completely broken from the knee, comminuted fracture, all nerves were crushed, and there is no possibility of regeneration."


Ren Yujue persuaded in a low voice, "I know Miss Jiang Li refuses to accept it, but if you have a prosthesis, you will be able to stand up again and welcome the beauty of this world."

"To shut up!"

Jiang Li yelled frantically, "My life has been changed, don't you want to make my legs fake, even my heart is going to die, what's the use of my fake legs!"

It's all fake, it's all fake!
Jiang Li's breathing was heavy and violent, and his chest heaved violently up and down, which looked particularly scary.

Her emotions were so agitated, Ren Yujue didn't dare to persuade her any more, he could only quietly shut his mouth, and quietly accompanied her by her side.

If she is not happy, just wait for her honestly until she is happy, then it will be fine.

Ren Yujue thought pitifully, and gently closed his eyes.

The way he let her vent his anger didn't make Jiang Li feel better, on the contrary, it made her feel even more disgusted. If it wasn't for him, how could she have come to this point.

Why didn't he stop her.

No, to be precise, it wasn't him who caused it, but Jian Yao. If it wasn't for Jian Yao, she wouldn't have ended up like this.

Jiang Li closed his eyes heavily.

Didn't Jian Yao get Huo Jinming to agree to marry her because of her child back then?

That child was the original intention that made Huo Jinming change his mind.

Little Yuchen...

Opening his eyes suddenly, Ren Yujue was taken aback by Jiang Li's reaction.

"What's wrong with you."

He asked softly, "Sister Jiang Li, what do you want, I'll get it for you right away."

"No need, take me back."

Jiang Li smiled calmly, "We still have to prepare gifts."

"what gift?"

"A gift for Song Guiqin."

Jiang Li smiled brilliantly, "It will be her fiftieth birthday in a while, as her former daughter-in-law-to-be, how can I express my heart if I don't send her some gifts to express my congratulations."

Then approach him again.

There seemed to be a shocking evil in Jiang Li's smile, Ren Yujue didn't dare to look any more, so he quickly agreed.

She can do whatever she wants, as long as she wants, he can accept it.

In the villa, Huo Jinming looked helplessly at the angry little woman in front of him.

Jian Yao is tearing apart a handmade bag she just wove, which is full of various patterns, and looks extraordinarily small and delicate.

This knitted bag is what she plans to sell with her award-winning design.

That set of designs was recognized by the public with the double-sided seed embroidery, and Jian Yao's craftsmanship was recognized. Now everyone is proud and fashionable to be able to wear this kind of embroidered dress.

This led to an increase in the embroidery design workload of the entire company and made everyone busier.

What she was tearing just now was the sample she had made. It was ready, but she was so angry that she tore up all the bags.

"Yao, don't be so angry."

Huo Jinming asked tentatively, "I just want you to prepare a gift for my mother's [-]th birthday."

"not angry."

Gritting her teeth, Jian Yao replied, "I'm not angry at all."

She is Song Guiqin's daughter-in-law, and Song Guiqin is celebrating her [-]th birthday, so she naturally wants to give gifts along with her.

But she felt aggrieved in her heart!
Everyone could see how Song Guiqin treated her back then. They didn't like her as a daughter-in-law, and it was Song Guiqin's intention to insist on sending her to prison.

He always thought about driving her out of Huo's house and finding a new woman for Huo Jinming.

But now Song Guiqin asked her for a birthday gift openly and aboveboard, and asked her to take Xiao Yuchen to the old house to attend the birthday banquet. Isn't this clearly asking for something?

"Don't think too much."

Huo Jinming persuaded her softly, frowning, "My mother actually admits you in her heart, but she can't save face and say it."

"Then let me follow her?"

"You are a junior."

Huo Jinming's voice was a little colder, "She's just arrogant, don't you understand?"

Ever since Jian Yao returned to the villa, Song Guiqin would find various reasons to send things to the villa every now and then.

Today I said I want Xiao Yuchen to try something new, tomorrow I will find Huo Jinming ginseng and deer antler to nourish my body, and the day after tomorrow I will give Li Mama blood and beauty.

But all the things sent were only for pregnant women and women.

This is clearly to send things to Jian Yao, as well as the most popular Givenchy bags and watches, Song Guiqin sent them all over.

She just can't say it.

Hearing these words, Jian Yao snorted coldly, and the movements of her hands slowed down a bit.

"Okay, don't be angry, and be careful of the child in your belly."

Huo Jinming persuaded patiently, "Later, Mama Li has made your favorite creamy egg yolk bun, I'll take you to eat some."

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