Jiang Li's condition was very bad, Jiang Yanwan was not worried, she clapped her hands for the doctor to come over.

"Take care of my sister, she's not in the right mood."

Glancing at Jiang Li, who blocked her ears and kept mumbling something, the doctor nodded understandingly, "Don't worry, we will treat her as soon as possible."

"It's just, why did Miss Jiang's condition suddenly worsen? She was in good condition when she was released just now."

Hearing the doctor's words, Jiang Yanwan's eyes flashed a look of sarcasm.

"She heard the news about our family, especially the harsh words my father said, and was irritated."

With a sad face, Jiang Yanwan sighed softly, "My father is actually good at heart. He wants to cheer up my eldest sister, but he speaks too heavily."

"Miss Jiang really needs to cheer up."

The doctor agreed, "Miss Jiang was a well-known beauty in Haicheng back then, but now she has fallen to such a state."

The two exchanged pleasantries for a while, the doctor said goodbye to Jiang Yanwan with a smile, and turned to give Jiang Li a tranquilizer.

The effect of the sedative came into play quickly, and Jiang Li quickly fell asleep. Looking at her pale face, the doctor sighed softly, turned and left.

It is really a pity that the number one beauty in Haicheng has reached this point.

Outside the mental hospital, Jiang Yanwan looked at the high courtyard wall with a mocking smile on her lips.

Sister, the number one beauty in Haicheng back then, you are really destined to reach this point.

Jiang Li didn't get up after falling asleep and developed a high fever. The doctors and nurses in Qingshan Mental Hospital tried their best to treat her, but they didn't see any effect.

When she was unconscious, she kept muttering to herself.

"I do not believe."

Jiang Li's high fever lasted for seven or eight days, and she was still unconscious. The doctor had no choice but to issue a critical illness notice to her.

Many people did not believe the news that Jiang Li was seriously ill. Even Ren Yujue, who had gone abroad, came back and stood in front of her hospital bed.

Looking at the overly emaciated Jiang Li on the bed, tears glistened on Ren Yujue's face.

"Sister Jiang Li, open your eyes and look at me."

He gently held Jiang Li's thin hand, her hand was as thin as a stick, as if she had suffered a serious illness, which made people feel heartbroken, and the look of regret in his eyes became more serious.

"Sister Jiang Li, you once taught me not to let others hurt you and to live your own life well, but now why are you falling down by yourself?"

Ren Yujue sighed softly, "Sister Jiang Li, listen to me, wake up quickly."

He begged softly in his heart, but he didn't see any response from Jiang Li, Ren Yujue lowered his head, tears gradually poured out from his eyes, dripping on Jiang Li's hands.

For three days in a row, Ren Yujue stayed by Jiang Li's side all the time, his clothes untied, and he only hoped that Jiang Li could wake up.

Perhaps his loyalty moved the heavens. On the fourth morning, Jiang Li's eyes, which had been closed tightly all along, opened leisurely.

She seemed to have experienced a big dream.

Everything in front of her eyes was so illusory and unreal, there was a faint smell of formalin in her nose, Jiang Li frowned suspiciously, and turned her eyes to see Ren Yujue lying on her bed.

"Why are you here?"

She said softly, as soon as the voice came out, Jiang Li tightly covered her mouth in fear.

Her voice was like dried orange peel, or a machine that hadn't been lubricated for a long time, making people get goose bumps just listening to it.

Very uncomfortable feeling.

Ren Yujue was awakened by her voice, and when he saw Jiang Li's opened eyes, he jumped up in joy.

"Sister Jiang Li, you're really awake!"

He frantically stepped forward and hugged her, weeping uncontrollably, "Sister Jiang Li, do you know that the doctor said you won't survive these two days, so I'll call a doctor for you."

This is not going to be a flashback, is it?
Jiang Li was hugged tightly by him, smiled and shook his head lightly, "Go, I'll wait here for you to come back."

After just saying a few words, she felt a severe pain in her throat as if it was on fire. Seeing that she was not feeling well, Ren Yujue didn't waste any time and immediately ran to call for a doctor.

The doctor arrived quickly, and was surprised to see Jiang Li lying on the bed awake as usual, so he hurriedly checked her body.

Ren Yujue watched nervously beside him, afraid that Jiang Gracilaria would be bad.

Finally, with his expectant eyes, the doctor turned off all the instruments.

"It's incredible."

He exclaimed in a low voice, "Miss Jiang's body functions have all returned to normal. Although she still has a high fever, it is a normal high fever and it will be cured within two days."

Speaking of this, the doctor praised again, "You don't have to worry about Miss Jiang anymore, she is fine."

This is really good news!

He thanked the doctor very much, asked him to give Jiang Li a medicine, and personally sent the doctor to the door, and Ren Yujue returned to the ward.

Jiang Li is fine, this is the best news he heard after returning to China.

A joyful smile filled his face, looking at his contented expression, a look of pity flashed in Jiang Li's eyes.

"It's been worrying you for the past few days."

She whispered, "Actually, I'm fine. The doctor is scaring you. Look, I'm alive."

While talking, she struggled to support her body and tried to sit up.

But she hadn't eaten and drank properly for several days, and her body had long lost strength, knowing that she was lying in pain, Ren Yujue stepped forward to help her up.

The cool water entered her belly along her lips, and she finally had some strength to speak.

"Sister Jiang Li, why are you suddenly seriously ill?"

Ren Yujue asked suspiciously, "I hurried back when I heard the news of your serious illness abroad. Sister Jiang Li, what's going on with you? Did they treat you badly?"

Speaking of this, there was evil spirit in his eyes.

Patients in mental hospitals are usually not treated well because they are already mentally ill and have lost their normal judgment and physiological functions.

Doctors will not treat them as patiently as normal patients.

Anyway, it's not good for mental patients, and no one believes what they say.

Seeing that Ren Yujue looked like he was going to find trouble with the doctor, Jiang Li hurriedly stopped him, "No, it's because I have something in my heart that caused the illness."

To put it bluntly, it is heart disease.

Her eyes looked out of the window blankly, her expression was in a daze, "I was originally the number one beauty in Haicheng, and I had an extremely glorious life, but I was ruined by two people."

One is the person who kidnapped her back then, and the other is the person who pushed her down the tall building.

She doesn't know who the person who kidnapped her is now, but the person who pushed her down the tall building was Jian Yao, which Jiang Li remembers clearly.

Curious, she stepped forward to ask Jian Yao why she was standing on the roof, but Jian Yao pushed her down!

That was her nightmare of a lifetime!
"I won't make it easy for her."

Jiang Li said harshly, "Yu Jue, can you understand my mood?"

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