The doctor said to Jian Yao solemnly, "Persist a little longer, the blood transfusion is still going on."

Song Guiqin's physical signs have gradually recovered, and the bleeding internal organs have also begun to be stitched up. At least the bleeding speed is gradually decreasing.

Feeling the blood flowing out of her body, Jian Yao's eyes were serious.

She has to keep going.

The blood transfusion was still going on, and Jian Yao's mouth began to dry out due to the loss of a large amount of blood in her body. She knew that this was a symptom of body ischemia.

"You can't lose anymore, and you will go into shock if you lose again."

The doctor walked to Jian Yao's side and prepared to pull out the needle inserted in her arm.

"She hasn't woken up yet."

Jian Yao stopped him with her eyes, "Doctor, you haven't rescued her yet, have you?"


The doctor said bluntly, "If you continue the blood transfusion, you will also be in shock and life-threatening, ma'am, we can't continue."

Pulling out the blood vessel at this time is equivalent to directly killing Song Guiqin.

Jian Yao shook her head with difficulty, and kept the needle under her hand, "Continue saving people, whether I can persevere, I know in my heart."

Seeing her so stubborn, the doctor also sighed, and continued to race against time to treat Song Guiqin.

The feeling of parched mouth became more and more severe, and Jian Yao even saw golden dots and white snowflakes in front of her eyes.

Is this going to coma?
She smiled softly, her face was pale without any color.

Her health was really bad enough. After she was released from prison, she had been fed with Huo Jinming for so long, and she couldn't even persist in blood transfusions.

She can't lose.

The voices around her were still noisy, but Jian Yao couldn't hear clearly, as if tens of thousands of catties of cotton were stuffed into her ears.

There was a voice coming from the side, which seemed to be separated by several mountains, and she couldn't hear it clearly at all.

But soon, she judged the meaning of these words in a haze.

"It's alive, madam is alive!"

"Hurry up, bandage Madam's wound, and send her to the ward after her vital signs stabilize."

"Stop the lady's blood transfusion."

After issuing a series of orders, a haggard smile appeared on Jian Yao's face.

Well, her mission was completed, and Song Guiqin was pulled back from the death line.

The blood transfusion needle was pulled out from her vein, Jian Yao took a deep breath, and turned to look at Song Guiqin next to her.

She was still lying down, with a stable expression on her face, pale without any blood.

Just be safe.

Jian Yao didn't speak any more, and closed her eyes heavily.

The doctor who pulled out the needle for her noticed what was wrong with her, and said in a shrill voice, "Quick, this lady is in shock, continue to rescue her!"

Outside the emergency room, the nurses hurriedly pushed Song Guiqin into the ward that had been prepared earlier, Huo Tianxiong happily surrounded him, watching Song Guiqin who was lying peacefully, weeping non-stop.

As long as people are fine, he doesn't expect anything extravagantly.

Seeing that his mother was fine, Huo Jinming stopped the little nurse who hurried past, "Where's the lady following the blood transfusion, why didn't she come out?"

"The lady went into shock from too much blood transfusion, and the doctor is trying to rescue her."

After the little nurse finished speaking, she turned her head and took the necessary medical equipment, and hurried in the door.

Huo Jinming's heart seemed to have been hit hard, and he looked out the door in disbelief.

Something happened to Jian Yao!

He closed his eyes tightly, took a deep breath, and calmed himself down completely.

Yao, you will be fine.

If she did anything to save his mother, Huo Jinming would never forgive himself in this life!

Time passed by, and three hours later, Jian Yao was pushed out of the emergency room under Huo Jinming's worried eyes.

Her expression was serene, without any change, but her face was terribly pale.

"How is my wife?"

Huo Jinming grabbed her attending doctor and looked at him anxiously.

"Madam had too many blood transfusions. She went into temporary shock in the emergency room just now. Fortunately, Madam is in good health and her blood recovers quickly. Now that the blood transfusion is stopped, she can recover."

The doctor looked at Huo Jinming with a smile, "Sir, there is one more thing to congratulate you."

"Congratulations to me?"

Huo Jinming looked at him suspiciously, not knowing what he meant.

His mother was seriously injured in a car accident and fell into a coma, and Jian Yao almost went into shock in the emergency room for a blood transfusion. These two things overlapped, and he didn't know what to congratulate.

"Yes, congratulations sir."

The doctor smiled and said, "Just now when we were rescuing Madam, we checked her. Madam is already a month pregnant, and she had too much blood transfusion just now, so she needs to take good care of her body."

"Otherwise, the large amount of blood loss will affect the mother's body and cause the fetus to be insufficient."


The simple three words seemed to hit Huo Jinming's heart with a heavy hammer. He stared blankly at the doctor's mouth opening and closing, unable to believe it.

He, is he going to have a baby with her again?

One month pregnant, that was when he and she were in the design competition, and she was with him all the time during those few days, and this child was born at that time.


The doctor shouted softly, "You need to go through the hospitalization procedures for Madam. We just had a large amount of blood transfusion, and we still need to observe and recuperate Madam's body for a few days."

The first three months are the most unstable time, if Jian Yao has any physical problems, the child will easily disappear.

There were a lot of blood transfusions just now, Jian Yao had to stay in the hospital for a while.

"okay, I get it."

Huo Jinming smiled all over his face, "It's up to you to check what to do, but pay attention to the medicine, use the best one, it will not harm the baby or the mother."

"Don't worry, sir."

The doctor respectfully agreed, turned around and left, Huo Jinming couldn't suppress the joy in his heart, returned to the ward and rushed to Jian Yao's side.

She was still lying quietly, and did not wake up. The doctor said that she had lost a lot of blood just now, so she should take a good rest.

Huo Jinming carefully held her hand in his, and kissed it lightly.

"Yao, did you hear what the doctor said?"

His voice was soft, "He said we have another child, you wake up quickly, I will take good care of you, and let you give birth to this child safely."

"What did you say?"

Huo Tianxiong looked at him in shock, "Jian Yao is pregnant again?"


Huo Jinming said with a smile, "This is my second child with her, Dad, do you think it's better to have a boy or a girl?"

"No, I like both boys and girls, as long as it's mine and hers, it's fine."

Seeing Huo Jinming's happy expression, Huo Tianxiong couldn't help blurting out, "No, Jian Yao can't be reborn, there will be no result between her and you!"

Huo Jinming's smile was suddenly restrained by the cold words, and he slowly fell silent.

Turning his head, his deep eyes fixed on Huo Tianxiong.

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