"It's nothing, you can go to work first."

Jian Yao hurried upstairs.

Did he go alone with his son, or with Jiang Yanwan?
The thought suddenly popped into my mind, which made me startled.

All she worries about is her son!


All the air tickets that can go to France as soon as possible today, none of them.

Economy Class, First Class, Deluxe Class.
Not one is left!

Jian Yao's brow was sweating.

The arm holding the phone was shaking uncontrollably.

"Ma'am!" She hurriedly took out her mobile phone inside to check the ticket.

He heard the voice of Uncle Jiang, the old housekeeper outside.

"I'm here, what's wrong?"

Going to open the door, looking at Uncle Jiang, Jian Yao nodded respectfully.

They are all old people in the family, and they are all good to her, especially Uncle Jiang is the old housekeeper of the Huo family. He is conscientious and worthy of their respect.

"I've come to deliver something to you." He handed over an envelope.

Jian Yao took it curiously.

"Sir asked me to send it to you, you can have a look."

After speaking, go down.

Jian Yao curiously opened it, and a ticket to France in half an hour was lying in her hand.

"Huo Jinming! You're really good!"

This kind of man who calculates people down to the hair is the most frightening.

What she will do every step of the way is in his plan.

On the way to France, Jian Yao felt aggrieved all the way.

Six years ago, she had no way to escape Huo Jinming's control, and now, she has no freedom at all.

He can always hit her with a single blow, grabbing her seven inches and making her unable to move.

"Miss Jane?"

She sat there obediently with her eyes closed, and the sweet voice of the flight attendant sounded softly in her ears.

She opened her eyes, a little confused.

"Yes, I'm Jian Yao."

She smiled sweeter, like sugar in a honeypot.

"This thing, Mr. Huo asked me to give it to you."

When mentioning Huo Jinming's title, she brought incomparable reverence. Jian Yao didn't have to think about it, she knew that this airline, this flight, was owned by Huo Jinming.

"Thank you."

She took it, nodded, and fell back on the armchair after thanking her.

"Then you rest and call me again if you have any orders."

Jian Yao hummed and took a deep breath.

In her life, it seemed that there was no way to get rid of Huo Jinming, and every step she took was under his surveillance.

After getting off the plane, holding the hotel map she just got in her hand, Jian Yao gritted her teeth angrily, suppressed the impetuousness in her heart, and told herself over and over again, not to be angry, not to be angry.

Everything was arranged, but there was no one to help her in a place she was not familiar with.

Looking left and right, Jian Yao really thought that there would be someone waiting for her to take her to the hotel.

"What are you thinking about Jian Yao, you really think he has such a good heart?"

Angrily carrying the suitcase, Jian Yao waved her hand to hail a taxi.

"Hello, please take me here."

She took out the hotel introduction drawings and communicated in fluent English.

During the six years in prison, she served any role in it, including the necessary translation.

Some things cannot be forgotten, just like innate cultivation, they are fused into the bones.

Although Jane's family was ruined in the end, it didn't mean that she was a complete useless person.


The other party responded in Chinese, which really shocked Jian Yao. She never thought that Mandarin has gradually become popular all over the world and has become an international language. In six years, she really missed a lot.

I don't know that I am gradually losing touch with society.

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