Xiao Yuchen usually has a mild temper. Although he seems a little stubborn in small matters, Jian Yao never thought that he could be so stubborn.

In the face of what he has to insist on, he never backs down.

When he returned to the villa, Huo Jinming sat at the dining table to eat, and Xiao Yuchen was beside him, obediently eating with his mouth puffed out.

But his complexion is not good-looking, it can be seen that he doesn't want to be here at all.

Xiao Yuchen's body was stiff, and the delicious food was like chewing wax in his mouth.

Jian Yao sighed and sat in front of him.

"Yu Chen, eat this ribs."

As naturally as she used to eat, she put the food that Xiao Yuchen liked on the dinner table into his bowl, so that he could eat delicious food.

But Xiao Yuchen held the plate in front of him and moved it, not letting her touch it.

He didn't want to eat the food she brought!
Mommy is usually nice to him, she can be said to be the best person in the world to him, but what happened just now really made him too embarrassed, and he doesn't like Mommy that much anymore.

What I have promised to do in the first place, but now I just refuse it!
There seemed to be an invisible war between the son and the mother, no matter how Jian Yao tried to find a way to talk to Xiao Yuchen, he stubbornly ignored her.

Dodge her well, turn a blind eye to her.

Jian Yao had no choice but to cast her eyes on Huo Jinming for help.

He has the highest prestige at home. Although Xiao Yuchen is the best friend with her, he still listens to what Huo Jinming says.

"Yu Chen, eat."

Huo Jinming received Jian Yao's gaze asking for help, and immediately said coldly to Xiao Yuchen.

Putting Jian Yao's added dishes in front of Xiao Yuchen, Huo Jinming's voice carried the majesty that could not be resisted in ordinary times.

In this case, it is more biased towards commands.

Being watched by his father and Jian Yao, Xiao Yuchen knew that he could no longer resist, he left the dining table with his mouth pouting angrily, and rushed to his bedroom.

Soon, hysterical crying came from the bedroom.

Seeing Xiao Yuchen crying sadly, Jian Yao felt uncomfortable, sighed softly, and put down the bowls and chopsticks.

"What's wrong with you."

Huo Jinming was already full, put down his rice bowl, and said to Jian Yao seriously, "I've never seen you and your son have such a big fight."

Don't talk about making trouble, the two of them have never been angry at all.

This kind of noise is very surprising, if there were no major incidents, Xiao Yuchen and Jian Yao would not have made such a fuss.

Seeing Huo Jinming's question, Jian Yao didn't care to pay attention to him, but just shook her head lightly.

"Don't worry about it, I'll take care of it."

She refused to say more, but Huo Jinming believed her, so he stopped asking.

For the first time this night, Xiao Yuchen didn't sleep with Jian Yao, nor pestered her to tell bedtime stories.

In the past, he always had to be coaxed by Jian Yao or told a story to fall asleep, but both of them were not used to such a sudden commotion, especially Jian Yao, who couldn't sleep all night.

Do you really want to confront your son?

She tossed and turned on the bed, sighing heavily.

She trusts her instincts.

When Jiang Li heard that she was going to eat at home, the light in her eyes was so dazzling that she felt that something bad would happen.

This is a bad sign.

The next morning, neither Jian Yao nor Xiao Yuchen got up on time. When they woke up, it was already past ten o'clock in the morning, and the sky was bright.

At the dining table, both mother and child did not speak, Xiao Yuchen ate breakfast with her lips pouted, while Jian Yao had no appetite.

"Madam, Mr. Huo said that today he will give you a day off."

Mama Li came over with the milk, and whispered to her, "Mr. Huo reassures you, he won't deduct your full attendance."

This damn man.

The money in the black card he gave her is enough for her to work in Huo's for two lifetimes, and now she is still saying this, obviously using words to anger her.

Glancing at Xiao Yuchen next to her, Jian Yao nodded slightly and put down the bowl in her hand.

"Are you still in school today?"

"not going."

Xiao Yuchen finally opened his mouth, and looked at her stubbornly, "Mummy won't let Mr. Jiang come to eat at home, so I won't go to school."



The child's brows and eyes are green, but with a strange stubbornness, very much like the disgusting face of that man when he didn't show affection, Jian Yao became irritated for no reason.

"Okay, I'll go through the transfer procedures for you."

Jian Yao said firmly, "If you don't go to school, I'll change schools for you. If you still don't want to go to another school, then just stay at home and I'll handle the withdrawal procedures for you."

A simple sentence made Xiao Yuchen stunned on the dining table.

Give him a withdrawal procedure?
This is real?

Seeing that Jian Yao was wearing a coat and going out, he finally came to his senses, wanted to call out to Jian Yao but didn't know what to say, tears kept rolling in his eyes.

In the end, he bit his lip desperately, tears kept falling to the ground.

Li's mother couldn't see Xiao Yuchen's sad appearance, knowing that Jian Yao and him were both stubborn, so she trotted to catch up with Jian Yao who was driving in the garage.

"Madam, do you really want to drop the young master from school?"

Just now Xiao Yuchen cried, Jian Yao naturally saw it, and now that Li Ma is catching up, she knows that she is here for Xiao Yuchen without even thinking about it.

Her face was indifferent, but there was a strong look of pain in her eyes.


She said in a low voice, "The teacher Jiang that Xiao Yuchen said is the eldest lady of the Jiang family. I dare not use such a teacher for him."

Just because Jiang Li can make trouble for her now, there may be more troubles in the future.

Then just quit school.

The teachers at home are no worse than the teachers at school, or even better, just because she doesn't want Xiao Yuchen to have a complete childhood, less contact with other children, and immature personality development.

Humans are social animals, and the stage of children's development is even more important.

Only by putting it in school can his character be better developed.

But now because of Jiang Li, she has changed her mind.

How long has it been since Xiao Yuchen quarreled with her because of Jiang Li's matter, if it comes to the time when Jiang Li and him get along so well that they can't be separated...

Thinking that her position in Xiao Yuchen's heart was replaced by Jiang Li, Jian Yao shuddered Lingling.

Human nature is selfish, and maternal love is even more so.

After driving to the school, Jian Yao knew where the office of the teacher in charge of Xiao Yuchen's class was, so she directly killed her.

The head teacher happened to be out of class and was correcting homework in the office. When she saw Jian Yao pushing the door in, she immediately greeted her with a smile, "Ma'am, why are you free to come to school?"

Although they were saying hello, the head teacher was secretly thinking.

Could it be that Xiao Yuchen was sick, so he didn't come to class today?
Or because she didn't get along well with her classmates and was wronged, Jian Yao came to the school specially to ask for an explanation?
Uneasy in her heart, her smile was a little nervous.

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