Jiang Yanwan was already very good-looking, so frowning and frowning, she looked more like a sickly beauty, which made people feel distressed.

Guo Sheng lost all reason, his mind was full of her sad eyes, and he immediately patted his chest and loudly assured her.

"Don't worry, Chief Jiang, I won't let you down!"

He walked towards Jian Yao's desk with arrogance, rummaged through the pile of documents on it, and mixed in a document from his own desk.

Seeing his movements, the corners of Jiang Yanwan's mouth curled up silently.

What a pity for a man whose brain is dazzled by male hormones.

Huo Jinming took Jian Yao and Xiao Yuchen to Brownie Restaurant for dinner, and Xiao Yuchen happily told them what happened in school.

"Dad, Mommy, our school is going to hold a parent-child activity."

He said enthusiastically, "The teacher said that there are four people running on three legs, and families making dumplings together. They are all competitions. The children who win can get prizes from the school."

"What's the prize?"

Jian Yao answered the question in a timely manner, "If it's a good thing, we can try it when the time comes."

"Of course it's a good thing!"

Xiao Yuchen narrowed his eyes, "It's Optimus Prime's limited edition!"

There are a total of [-] Optimus Prime limited editions issued in China. The prizes this time were ordered by the principal himself from foreign official websites, and they are very valuable.

"That's a good thing."

Jian Yao smiled and said, "Didn't you want this limited edition for a long time?"

"Well, shall we go?"

"it is good!"

The mother and son quickly reached an agreement. Seeing the excitement of the two of them, Huo Jinming shook his head helplessly.

It was just a limited edition toy, and he didn't know what to get excited about.

Xiao Yuchen is a child living in a honeypot. As long as he wants, Huo Jinming will buy it back for him. He even has a palmtop computer, a mobile phone, and his exclusive car.

It's just a limited edition toy, and he doesn't even care about it.

Glancing at Huo Jinming's nonchalant expression next to her, Jian Yao gently rubbed little Yuchen's head, "Yuchen, Mommy wants to eat the ball ice cream here, can you bring it to Mommy?"

These ice creams are served for free in the restaurant and they are delicious.

Xiao Yuchen agreed, took the plate and ran towards the direction of the ice cream, walking quickly with his short legs.

Looking at the back of the child going away, Jian Yao gave Huo Jinming a cold look.


"What he wants is not the limited edition toy, but our company."

Jian Yao spoke earnestly, and whispered to Huo Jinming, "It's not enough for the child to feed him well and dress him well. He is also a human being with his own emotions and needs."

"If he doesn't need to be with you, why do you let me stay in Huo's house?"

A word awakened the dreamer, Huo Jinming pondered for a while, then nodded with some shame.

He really paid too little attention to Xiao Yuchen's psychology.

Parent-child activities were held in the school before, but Huo Jinming didn't take it seriously at all. After having Jian Yao, he followed the child to participate in a mountain climbing activity.

This time he will also participate.

Xiao Yuchen came back with ice cream, smiling innocently, Jian Yao lightly kissed him on the forehead, and took the plate from his hand.

"Yuchen, when will the school's parent-child activities be held?"

Jian Yao asked in a low voice, "Father also agreed to go."


Xiao Yuchen almost jumped up happily, "It will be held next weekend, then I can sign up for three people and four legs!"

He has never participated in this competition!
Looking at the excited smile on his son's face, Huo Jinming's mouth turned up silently.

What Jian Yao said was right.

After dinner, Xiao Yuchen was sent to the piano room, Huo Jinming still went to the office to process documents, Jian Yao did not ask him to send herself to the office, but went back by herself.

It would be too special for him to send himself off all day.

The employees of the Huo Group have a two-hour lunch break. When Jian Yao came back, Jiang Yanwan and Guo Sheng had already eaten and were processing the financial report summary.

Seeing her figure, Guo Sheng greeted her with a smile.

"Sister Jian Yao, do you want to learn the financial reporting format?"

His attitude changed a bit quickly, Jian Yao was quite puzzled, but she still nodded slightly.

Maybe Guo Sheng knew her identity and flattered her.

The format of the financial statement is very simple, and the most important thing is the calculation of the numbers. To put it bluntly, the financial work is the distribution and management of the company's money, which is related to many departments.

If you are careless, it will cause people in the company to distribute money unevenly.

After Guo Sheng taught Jian Yao the basic format, he turned around and went to do his own work. Jiang Yanwan announced that he would summarize a summary in the afternoon and hand it over to Huo Jinming.

That is the salary report that the company will wholesale this month. If it is delayed, it will delay the company's salary payment time.

Everyone in the finance department got busy all of a sudden, all the accountants were crackling and calculating non-stop, but Jian Yao was extraordinarily leisurely, taking the format given to her by Guo Sheng, and slowly studying.

At 03:30 in the afternoon, Dawei came to the finance department.

"Where's the general form that the president wants?"

Dawei asked sullenly, "Wages will be paid soon. If you don't pay them, the bank won't be able to pay your off-duty wages."

The system of the finance department needs to be connected with the bank. With such a large flow of funds, if the bank closes first, wages cannot be paid on time.

Jiang Yanwan stood up immediately, and handed the summary form in her hand to Dawei.

"This is half of what I put together."

She glanced at Guo Sheng who was anxiously rummaging on the table beside her, "The other half is with him."

"Bring it."

"Can't find it."

Guo Sheng raised his head anxiously, frowning tightly, "I put the summary on the table this morning, but now I can't find it no matter how hard I look, assistant, you wait."

After the words fell to the ground, he continued to search hard on the table.

Seeing that Guo Sheng was really anxious, Jiang Yanwan frowned and walked to his side, helped him search the table, but returned in vain.

"Did you just put it somewhere else?"

Jiang Yanwan kindly reminded, "The office is only this big, are you sure you put it on the table?"

"Sure, no one will take this report."

Guo Sheng's forehead was covered with sweat, "How do I know where it is?"

"Could someone else have taken it?"

Jiang Yanwan said hypocritically, her eyes drifted to the side, and she pointed to the report in Jian Yao's hand in surprise.

"Sister Jian Yao, why are you holding the financial report?"

Hearing her words, Jian Yao spread out the report in her hand in amazement, and sure enough, the name of the report she used to learn the format was the company's financial summary report.

Seeing that it was in Jian Yao's hands, Dawei didn't say much, took the report and went back.

However, the atmosphere in the finance department sank strangely.

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