Su Muchen staggered a bit before he stabilized his footsteps. When he turned his head, the fingerprints on his face were extremely obvious, but his figure was still firmly in front of Song Yan, looking at Song Liguo.

"Mu Chen, what do you mean?"

Song Liguo came back to his senses, his face turned cold all of a sudden, and he stared at Su Muchen displeasedly, "You must fight against uncle and me today to protect this evil, right?!"

His tone grew colder.

Su Muchen's face turned pale, and even the red and swollen fingerprints could hardly be concealed. He frowned and said sincerely: "Uncle, I just don't want any conflicts between you and Yanyan, she is your daughter after all..."

"I don't have such a shameless daughter!" Song Liguo flatly denied.

"Yanyan didn't do anything wrong today. I kept pestering her and we didn't do anything. Uncle, you really misunderstood!" Su Muchen explained anxiously and helplessly.

He also couldn't figure out why Song Lihui so indiscriminately charged Song Yan with the crime.

Obviously she did nothing wrong...

After much deliberation, he felt that Song Liguo's feelings towards Song Yan might be unresolved because of the past events. In addition, he and Song Yan used to be boyfriend and girlfriend again, so the relationship was really awkward...

It was inevitable that Song Liguo felt a little jealous.

After all, Su Muchen is with Song Xuewei now, and Song Xuewei and Song Yan are half-sisters.

Even if Song Yan broke the relationship with the Song family, the blood connection would still be broken.

Su Muchen was originally Song Yan's boyfriend, but due to various reasons, he and Song Xuewei got together again. The relationship was already awkward enough.Under such circumstances, if Su Muchen continued to entangle with Song Yan, what would outsiders think?The two daughters of the Song family were both planted in the hands of the same man, and they were still confused by this man?

Do you still want Song Liguo's old face?
Probably... It is also because of this reason that Uncle Song is so harsh on Song Yan, right?
One is the biological daughter who has severed the relationship, and the other is the future son-in-law. Both of them have biased hearts, and they both seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.It was difficult for Uncle Song to say some nasty things to him, but he didn't have so many taboos to his own daughter.

In this way, Song Yan can be regarded as being implicated by him...

In the beginning, it was because he refused to let go that Uncle Song bumped into him, and now it was also because of him that Uncle Song pointed at his nose and scolded him with such ugly words...

Su Muchen couldn't help feeling guilty when he thought of this, and felt rather embarrassed in the face of Song Liguo's anger, so he explained again and again: "Uncle, the thing is like this, last time I went to a banquet with Xuewei I met Yanyan by chance. Xuewei was very happy and wanted to invite Yanyan to our wedding..."

When he said this, Su Muchen's tone paused a little.

For some unknown reason, he involuntarily glanced at Song Yan from the corner of his eye, only to see her face was indifferent, standing coldly, even when he heard him mentioning the matter of marriage, those dark eyes There is no fluctuation in the slightest...

As if he didn't care at all, it was impeccable.

Su Muchen's eyes darkened slightly, lowered his eyelids, restrained his thoughts, and continued to explain: "...but due to some accident, Yanyan was taken away, and she couldn't be contacted after that. Don't worry. I didn't expect to meet again in this hotel today. I was a little surprised, so I couldn't help but chat for a while. Then, Uncle, you came..."

"The whole process was like this, we didn't do anything, just stood and said a few words. You really don't need to misunderstand, Yanyan and I... No, it's Song Yan, she and I both know what we can do , what can't be done, so you really don't have to worry too much."

Facing an elder like Song Liguo, who is also his future father-in-law, Su Muchen naturally couldn't speak too bluntly, even the explanations were very euphemistic, but fortunately, the basic meaning was expressed clearly.

After Song Liguo heard the words, Tieqing's gloomy face turned slightly better, and his tone softened, but he said: "Mu Chen, uncle knows that you are a measured person, and also believes that you will treat Xuewei well, and will never do that. Sorry about her thing!
It's not easy for the two of you to walk along the way, and uncle also sees it.

Now, it's hard to come to the end.You must not do anything to disappoint your uncle and Xuewei at this time!Do you understand it? "

Song Liguo spoke earnestly, with a majestic and caring attitude of an elder, but he couldn't hide the warnings and admonitions inside and outside the words, which faintly seemed to be a bit of beating.

Song Yan could naturally tell that the so-called "disappointment of Song Liguo and Song Xuewei" was referring to her.

She sneered inwardly.

Ha ha, said it as if she was happy.

He really regards Su Muchen as something delicious, everyone wants to have a bite.

Su Muchen has always accepted the elder's words seriously, even if he doesn't quite agree in his heart, he will not refute the elder's face on the surface, this is also his etiquette upbringing since he was a child.

So he nodded and said: "I understand, don't worry, uncle!"

After a pause, he added another sentence: "I know that Xuewei is devoted to me, and so am I...she has been by my side, and she has suffered a lot of grievances. What hurts her!"

When he said this, his tone was unusually determined and serious, almost slamming every word, as if it was full of sincerity from the heart, and he didn't look at Song Yan again.

Song Yan stood aside expressionlessly, with a slightly mocking arc on her lips, watching the pair of Weng and son-in-law coldly expressing their opinions back and forth.

If it was the past, no matter what Song Liguo said or what Su Muchen said, after she heard it, no matter how calm her face was, there would inevitably be a tingle in her heart Feel.

However, now it won't...

The more candid and earnest they were, the more irony and sarcasm struck her.

It's like watching a shadow play.Both of them have a layer of skin on their faces, and it's really interesting to act in a scene where it's hard to tell whether they are real or not.

Song Yan watched with great interest, but Song Liguo obviously didn't want to make it too easy for her.

After hearing Su Muchen's statement, he immediately showed a gratified expression, walked over, reached out and patted him on the shoulder, and said with emotion: "Uncle is relieved to hear you say that! Uncle believes that You will never let me down! As for you—”

He looked at Song Yan again, his tone changed coldly, full of disgust.

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