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Chapter 93 Chapter 93 Public Opinion Storm

It is almost unimaginable for ordinary people to imagine how clever and terrifying this method of media reporters digging out the privacy of artists is.

For example, there is such a case in the entertainment industry.

There used to be a very famous actor who had a very good reputation in the industry. He debuted for more than ten years and had almost no black material or scandals. He was called a clean stream in the entertainment industry. Artists do inverse ratios.

However, such a scandal-free actor was suddenly revealed by the media one day with a series of dark histories.

Including mob riots, drunk driving, intentional injury, etc...

There are several criminal records alone.

They were all mistakes made by the film emperor when he was young and reckless before he entered the entertainment industry.

The earliest record of black material even dates back to the film king's school days. When he was 16 years old in high school, he had troubles and fights with people in bars, and was sent to the police station, and was sent to a juvenile detention center for more than a month of education.

Originally, as long as the circumstances of this kind of juvenile crime were not particularly serious, and the family spent some money to find a relationship, it would be easy to erase the case record, leaving almost no traces.

It was the same with the actor back then.

He didn't commit too bad crimes, most of them were just mistakes that boys would make during the rebellious period, such as drinking and making trouble, gathering people to fight and so on.

Because this kind of thing leaves a criminal record and affects the future development of the child, it is really uneconomical.

So the actor's family found some connections with the client, and after private mediation, the case was wiped out.

It turns out that these things have passed for many years, maybe even the actor himself doesn't remember.

After going through the rebellious period, the film king matured a lot, and he stopped doing those youthful and frivolous foolish things, but honestly studied for university entrance examinations, and became a top student, successfully admitted to a prestigious school, Got a pretty nice academic certificate.

Even later, the film king entered the entertainment industry by accident, and he was also a rare entertainer with a high degree of education in the industry. The title of a schoolmaster alone added a lot of aura to him.

It's just that no one thought that so many years of black history had passed, and even the official internal affairs had no criminal record, and they would be dug up by media reporters...

And what was dug up was not just one incident, but almost all the black history, which directly brought a scandal to this extremely famous actor...

The entire entertainment industry was shaken by this, and there was a bloodbath on the Internet, with passers-by and fans fighting everywhere.

Naturally, the fans cried and couldn't believe it. At one time, they thought it was the media deliberately smearing, and they were so noisy.

And the passers-by watched the show happily, lamenting that there is no one clean in the entertainment industry.No matter how well the reputation is maintained, no matter how beautiful the persona is maintained, sooner or later there will be a day of collapse.

In addition, there are also some competitors of the actor in the entertainment circle, as well as their respective fans, how much gloating is it to mention one by one!
Especially those unlucky entertainers who are not well-known and are often compared with the film kings, all of them are as happy as a festival, expressing their sighs openly and secretly.Some not-so-good-natured artists even secretly incited their fans to ridicule the actor who "has collapsed" on the Internet...

As a matter of course, the fans of these artists and the fans of the actor himself were pinched together, and the scolding battle was fierce.

Coupled with some other artists with ulterior motives, whether they want to gain popularity or deliberately hype, dragons, ghosts and snakes surfaced one after another, setting off a vigorous storm of public opinion.

Although every big-name entertainer in the entertainment industry collapses, there is always a bloody public opinion war, but there has never been a time when an artist's collapse can spread the public opinion war to the entire entertainment circle...

I don't know how many bloody storms occurred on the way, and there were more than two or three artists who were dragged into the water just because they were implicated.

Later, some people in the entertainment circle even felt insecure. Artists, big and small, had to restrain themselves due to the situation, and they no longer dared to take the heat at will.

No one expected that what was originally an ordinary media revelation would evolve to such an extent that for a long time, from artists in the circle to entertainment companies, and even irrelevant outsiders, they all dug into the media. The scandal and the ability to break the news are amazing.

The paparazzi, who were already annoying, are now even more respectful, and there is even a sense of awe.

Because the incident was too big and the unlucky actor had so many fans, fan clubs all over the country united to organize protests, making the media company that broke the news almost unable to survive.

In the end, in order to prove that they were not smearing but publishing the facts, the media company simply did nothing, bought the navy studio, and hung a series of iron certificates on the Internet. name.

The evidence was exposed, even if the fans of the unlucky movie star were unwilling to admit it, it was useless.

Other netizen passers-by are not fools either.

Although all kinds of true and false news in the entertainment industry are intricate, and it is not so easy to distinguish clearly, but most netizens can still distinguish the real news with solid evidence.

Seeing that the turmoil of the matter is getting worse and worse, and there is no trend of calming down, the actor himself and his company can hardly bear the pressure of public opinion. After careful consideration, they decided to hold a press conference to let the actor stand up and admit his mistakes.

Anyway, what the actor made back then was not an unforgivable big mistake. The matter was not serious, nor was it serious. .

What's more, the media has already shown the evidence. It's useless for the company to deny it and pretend to be dead. It's better to stand up and admit it and apologize. Maybe it can gain a reputation for being honest and frank.

And the company signed by the actor himself is not small, and it can almost be regarded as one of the industry leaders in the entertainment industry.

Previously, because the media broke the news too suddenly, the company had no time to respond, and public opinion has already stirred up vigorously.

After the company came to its senses, it immediately prepared for the crisis public relations, and after half a year of tossing, it finally managed to downplay the matter.

Because the film king was entangled in scandals in the past half a year, various commercial endorsements that had been negotiated were terminated one after another, and the amount of loss was far beyond ordinary people's imagination, which made people even more awed by the lethality of the media paparazzi.

Isn't this what Song Liguo was worried about when he wanted to stop Song Yan from entering the entertainment industry?

However, for Song Yan who is persistent in pursuing the truth, the dreaded ability of the media paparazzi to dig up scandals is exactly what she needs...

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